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Learn to defend your opinion

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Learn to defend your opinion

Well, if you respect their opinion, leaving behind him the right to choose, know how to listen to the interlocutor, not suppress it and do not like to argue, but his point of view, too, must have for everyone. If you want to appeal to your interlocutor, then it does not mean that you need more, and all agree with him all the time yes, and in any case does not contradict him. Communication must take place on an equal: you too can express your opinion and your opinion should be respected. Otherwise, you will be considered spineless and shapeless, a shadow, all repeating the owner, not the laughing voice their opinions. Learn to defend your opinion !

Show interlocutor that you are the same as him, man, and you have your own experience, which may not have the others. However, it is not necessary as, if you do not want to hear, "climb into his eyes" to your friend on the first date and ensure that you will certainly have heard. It would be very ugly and incorrect on your part. If your opinion of the source does not agree (on what he has every right to), then, proving his point, try not to lose your temper, do not argue before the complete victory, not humiliate his companion, who may become your destiny. Give him a chance, time to think, because to change their views at a time is difficult, but if your challenger is also proud man, he will be doubly difficult.
So do not insist that he immediately abandoned his view of things, events, people and took your point of view, the more so that you too can be wrong. Always hear the arguments of all of your contact, and if mind, be sure to bring their compelling arguments. If it turns out that right is not you, admit your mistake and not be ashamed to apologize. Modesty modesty, but if you meekly agree in everything, then you will simply not interested in talking to all - predictable. And remember that the person pleasant to communicate with confidence, self-reliant people.

Show him that you understand different issues that you have all your point of view and that you just can not express my point of view, but also to explain their position. Do not have an opinion is to be faceless, pale creature. Defend every time their convictions should not, especially the girl, but to understand things and be able to explain their position is desirable to all the girls. The views and opinions of the girls help her and pay and hold on the attention, and teach a man to reckon with it.

Do not hide if you do not like

Must say to your friend, if you something do not like. Should not be tolerated and procrastinate, no this does not become easier, more enjoyable. There are certain norms of behavior in every situation, which if not talking about bad manners buddy. For the first time must be short and to tactfully make a companion note. Do not focus attention on its shortcomings, because on the first date, many are worried experience and on this ground a lot missing, forget even natural things.

Remember that not making a remark to your friend, you did not do better than either him or myself. The man did not know what you are so sorry, but you do not receive adequate attention and treatment to you. Do not be shy, tell him what I do not like, inconvenienced or annoyed. Explain that if you do not allow yourself to chew gum at him, look at the conversation with the TV, then the same need from him. On account of bad habits and make an upfront once at the beginning of relationships, then it will be difficult to change something. On the first date consist of the basic concepts of man, composed attitude.

There is also something personal, that is unacceptable for you. You may ask, but does not require anything from the interlocutor, but not necessarily you have to explain the reason for your inconvenience, annoyance. The main thing that should be among you on your first date, and on other dates - is respect for each other. All the more unacceptable for a First Date upbringing of his companion, who may become your destiny. Decide immediately what you do, and he'll always talk to each other (but very tactfully) that you dislike. Only on the basis of trust and mutual respect can build strong, cohesive union, and silence, you will only aggravate the resentment and does not correct the situation.
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