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Learn to live in a world of speed

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Learn to live in a world of speed

Once seated near the window, and watching somewhere fleeing people, I asked myself the question: where do we run it all the time? What we are afraid not to have time? We all want fast breakfast, get dressed faster, faster, jump on the subway, very quickly. We strive to live quickly. This often catch myself thinking that die somehow did not feel like it. And you want to prolong its existence as long as possible. But we do not stop for a second that you could enjoy this life itself.

Somewhere I heard this phrase: "Only the truly frightened of death, you start to appreciate life." It's true. Ask people who visited the complex disasters, or after a dangerous operations, whether changed their attitude towards life. I think that 90% answered "Yes". And all 100% will be based on his life - to another. Not like before. Someone will think: "And what I want, really? I am general manager for a large construction firm, I have a good salary that allows me to have fun weekend. But every time I come to work, I stopped my heart. I hate it I can not. I am experiencing the death of his desires every day. My true dream is gone so far from me that I no longer remember what he dreamed of. In my program the day, week, month, only the duties and goals. But here, after I touched both hands to death, I realized life is necessary not for the money. Not for prestige. Not for the image. To live for yourself. I've always wanted to travel around the world, just only in your old car. And here I sit on it and Pokachi, wherever my eyes look. No money, no prestige, no image. And when my time comes, I will not be sorry to leave this world. I did everything I wanted. My soul is calm. "

And what we want? We ourselves do not know this already. We know that we need. We need to make a lot of money. In order to secure housing and food, then - in order to clothe and feed his family. Then, to pay a prestigious university for their children, and to proudly meet their old age. But it's too remote. After all, in old age we will not sit on the porch, and we will not waste their seeds. As well as in youth, we want the motion. Somewhere, just not to stand still. After all, the "movement - that's life." Life that every day we spent on trifles. On those little things which we regret. If not for them, we would have spent his days as like our heart. This is the heart does not understand. It sometimes throws these desires, it was terrible to predict consequences. It can fall in love with a man we do not quite suitable. Other status, other views and principles, and other purposes. But the heart requires this particular person. And do not it ridiculous that we can buy a dog breed Caucasian Shepherd, living in a rented room at the ninety-grandmother. And it is absolutely not planned. Thus here, came home from work, saw a woman in a basket in her "little" puppy. And our heart says "I want!". And we take the puppy to him. And what's interesting and strange love for a completely different person, and the puppy will end up a source of love and happiness for us. They will warm us into the frosty night my love and warm-heartedness. And if we fall in love before the mind, think about how much money from my future half, or on what account it is the boss, but a pocket dog, would be more prestigious .... I'm so friends said. And surrounded himself with such "joy". Will we be happy with them? Maybe. But be honest with themselves.

Naturally, the desire to bring his son on his 18 years of a good car - it's great. But not because so did our friend or co-worker. And because we can afford it. And far more important to our son to see a number of their parents. Know that they love him, always will support, help in word and deed. And, as a disappointed look on life those children whose parents are working round the clock. These kids do not want a Harvard education, they do not want a prestigious family name, they do not need expensive and exclusive things. They need Mom and Dad. Next. At least in the evenings. What would my mother this morning picking them to school, and at night before bed, kissed and wished a good night. What would dad for the weekend playing with them in football, or all together walking their beloved dog, Nick.
So, what is more important? Run-run, in an unknown direction, in order to earn all the money, everything in the world have seen everywhere else to go? Is relevant here is the phrase "fifth point on the two chairs do not sit down." It may be worthwhile to stop and look around. Midst of this turmoil, somewhere roam our true desires. And if we see them and be able to catch, then and dignity of themselves and earn the pleasure to receive.

Just look in person people passing by. They mostly overshadowed. Overshadowed by its present day. And waiting for tomorrow. They know that tomorrow, as today, they can not do something that genuinely want to. They are all deeply poets, philosophers, architects, biologists and mathematicians, but not in their places. God created us with certain gifts and talents. And we are in the race for "something more and more" do not notice how our natural setting, has given us at birth is lost. Irrevocably.

When a child is born, parents look at him and ask the question: Who will you be when you grow up? And if they will be able to teach his heir to go on the trail of their fated desires, their child would be a great man. And if they fail to teach this, then the answer is known at once: it is all a little bit, and nowhere as good. A child can be taught only by example. Since our parents taught us, so we teach our children, our children will teach our grandchildren. We can stop the flow of missteps, and to show future generations that everything should be done with the soul. A good place to start with themselves and, moreover, now. If you postpone all on then everything will remain hanging in the air. If you wait for the right moment, or when someone takes the hand and help, then forget everything written here. Among the gray mass, we meet every day on the street, the units are able to stop and change the course of his life. And they do not. All waiting for something. Everyone else does not believe in "this nonsense". They calmly continue to ruin themselves, while confident that their actions are correct. And that is why gray mass prevails.

In order not to end the monologue on a sad note, I want to reiterate: in all people, without exception, is hidden an enormous potential. All we Freud, Einstein, Soller and Nietzsche. But each of us has his own domain of genius. And it needs to know. And read it in our desires.
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