Learn to look at the world positively
Oh, if we could read the thoughts of our loved ones! No matter how many problems has gone from our lives. Or maybe vice versa, come from? Take, for example, a situation when a couple is just beginning to live together, and they need to know what their partner thinks about them. As it relates to nechischenym teeth in the morning, to the scattered socks and cold supper? While there is a period of love, our half did not pay attention to it, and do not tell about his claim. But in fact he has any thoughts on this. And then would not prevent the ability to read these very thoughts.
But if the situation so that reading the secret desires of our partner, we would have fallen into a state of shock, then it is better not to have such opportunities. Are you familiar with the state when all exhaust oneself at a loss: "What was he thinking? Why he does so? Does he not realize that .... " And if we could know the answers to these questions are precisely those that concern us for a minute, we would not lishis heap of problems, leaving himself, while, calm nerves and sleep?
Why does God when he created us, gave us these opportunities? Why he did not create us perfect, so that did not worry about trifles, and everywhere they see only an optimistic decision? Perhaps to the fact that our mission on earth would be just pointless? What would we do if it did not solve the daily puzzles fate? If it had not languished in the hopes, expectations and experiences? People who have no such "complexity" of seeing the world through the prism of black. Over time, this apathy is, but how hard it is to survive!
In our imperfect world, it is actually calculated and planned. We do not always like this, and we have fun, and often it knocks us out of the way, but it should be. It is a deep philosophical question, and every creature on earth produces their own opinion with respect to the harmony of life.
Positive Psychotherapy recommends everything is positive. But how is this done? If the day in the morning is not set and a string of failures stretches into the evening, as can be found in the fog problems, positive?
It's pretty hard science, but it can be learned, like everything in this world, if you set yourself a target. You should begin, as always, from the beginning. Here, as in the alphabet, not pereprygnesh. And if you try - you will not achieve the result. Start reading words backwards on the front? The only thing you'll get is the smile on my face on what funny words are obtained. The same smile we strive for our Creator, when we try to change things for the better, starting from the tail.
We woke up this morning and from here begins the active work of our brain. And, therefore, work on yourself. If you have children, look at them, what they do when they wake up? Smile. They smile at the world, life and myself. If the child is not healthy or he does not sleep, then instead of smiles, we can observe slightly different behavior. He may cry, or just ask at the handle. He needs our support. So are we. In the morning, we open our eyes, instead of smiling, we are writhing hatred for the alarm clock, and then to the sink and breakfast. While someone may smile a cup of coffee. And it absolutely does not depend on our health. We can be perfectly healthy physically, but not to notice how our soul is sick from this yoke of negativity. Therefore, let us take the example of children. If we are sick, then waking up in the morning, ask for support. Who? If there is someone nearby, he has. It may be in the form of a kiss or a confession of love. Can be a simple notification, as our companion slept, he dreamed of. We love to us is sometimes treated as a child. This helps to relax, temporarily forget about their responsibilities and everyday litigation, and will return to a time when we were the favorite of children, and feel free. Therefore, the person to whom we will treat both, answer us with her smile, which for us will be as support. Then, following that same smile, we can simply say: "I do not feel well today, but I know for sure if you'll embrace (kiss, you say that you love), I just feel better." Imagine what thoughts would have visited you, if you say this phrase? Few pofantaziruya, we can build any complex relationship, only because the right approach. It is important first to bring a smile. And whoever was nearby, spouse, parents, children, neighbors - we can always rely on them.
If you live alone, ask for help himself. Imagine that you're talking to someone inside. In fact, this is you. Talk to a same manner as would have done it in that case, if there was a beloved man. You activate their own positive resources and this will encourage optimism for the day.
Over time, you yourself will notice that only his smile in the morning, the day changing for the better. The key words here are "morning" and "smile". I repeat that you should start from the beginning, but the beginning, almost all people, it is morning. So try to make it as pleasant as possible, and it will make pleasant your entire day. We can consider the other side of the coin. After waking up, you start loading myself with all the negative thoughts, which only can remember. On the failures at work and discord in his personal life. The poor health and relationships with neighbors. On unpaid bills and ... (!) While thinking about it, coffee ran out, and filled tile. Again, wash! Think-think in this vein, and a couple of weeks of stress becomes your second name, and for breakfast, lunch and dinner you will eat only anti-depressants, painkillers and a laxative, well, eventually, will have to refer to a surgeon. You are now at what stage? Immediately change the course of his direction!
What this will lead us? We will look to the positives in everything that happens to us. Why? In order not to miss a very important lesson. All our mistakes, problems and challenges - all of life's lessons. And instead, that would shed tears over them and did not sleep at night, you should first find a benefit, and then, using new knowledge to change the situation.
And when we learn to accept all positive, we can calm and balanced refers to the thoughts and actions of our partner. Sure to read minds, we never learn, though .... There is no limit to perfection. But that's relevant to your loved one as change. We do not want to do more to criticize him, worried about his criticism of our way, to think that somewhere he was not honest with us, and procure a plan of revenge. All this would not be, because we become self-confident. And there where lives confident there is no place empty experience. And agree, they are also usually empty.