Learn to see
Yes! Strange, but this is what we do not know how ... and the most important thing in our lives!
Each of us at least occasionally comes to mind, that life goes by. And it's true! Life goes on, and we do not see. Every day we perform the ritual "works", without thinking, and joyless. We all are busy, that we always find an excuse yourself and everything, what we want to believe. And we close our eyes to reality, we do not see, putting aside their desires and dreams, their future and their happiness later. And then again and again ...
And we want to break out of this routine , but we are looking for the causes of their troubles in a noisy metropolis, a boring boss, hypocritical girlfriends, and unbelieving partner ancestral curses ... in bad weather - yes around anything except a favorite! And this is our biggest mistake women, which is destroying fragile happiness. We want to be successful and loved, and we know how to love yourself? Do we see ourselves? Such a see us around?

We rarely think about it, and then, as a rule, after realizing the grave error and insurmountable difficulties. In every life there comes a point when you realize that you need to look at life differently when you want to change, something new. And this is precisely the time when we recklessly make very many serious mistakes, and it's time to start seeing life, not watch it from outside. Many books and experts in the field of psychology is far expensive ready to describe in detail how "to become masters of their destiny," "achieve their dreams," "be ..." ... and why, despite the attention-grabbing headlines, we do not inspire to action, even if you agree with the author. Why? The reasons are many.
Naturally, the desire to change their lives for the better is not always so compelling. As a rule, we want life to change ... herself! At what exactly as we want. But that does not happen! Psychologists have long proven that success is becoming the most positive, active ... and it seems all positive personality. And most of us are often made of this information wrong conclusions!
Which is understandable. Perhaps the main reason why it is so difficult to begin to do something and achieve goals, realize their dreams, lies in the lack of understanding described by psychologists processes of our consciousness and subconsciousness. As a consequence, we choose the wrong way of thinking logically. Reading about the "secrets" of success, we unconsciously perceive the "I" and "them" as full and in reality, unattainable opposite.
Oddly enough, the wisdom does not always come from the revaluation of values, but it does not happen when we are happy and we have nothing else. And here it is important to stay on track, and properly rebuild their world view. It is important to realize how much of our lives in a world of our ideas about it, mean those same unconscious views on life. And if you think about and understand why, in fact, we have formed a particular opinion? Most of us come to the conclusion that they live on the pattern of the scheme ... which appeared in childhood, and has developed under the influence of many factors that generally can be called education. Much has been written about it in sociology, but "a lot" we do not!
The main thing to understand the essence, and it lies in the fact that each person creates its own society, he wants it or not, and, of course, he inevitably appear relevant habits. And though their appearance is predetermined, only depends on us what we will be how to assess yourself, what framework will create for their children in general, infinite possibilities. All people are different and similar in many ways ... no "lucky" and not "bad luck", not "succeed."
There is work, work is the development and as a result - an award that is getting the desired, more well-deserved, whether it's success with the opposite sex, career, health or family well-being. All in all cases depends on our own efforts. Our success and our failures - our choice. And nothing else.
Now tell me why the metropolis is so annoying, why you meet around a gloomy face? Maybe it's the reciprocity? They also live in the schemes of habit go to work, seeing around the same as they are, and not knowing any other life-style, burn it, not thinking about what they are doing it ... But! It is they, and you are you ... so how do you want! Do not want to see the gloomy faces around - smile! From the smile will truly be brighter than all, especially you! " A smile makes a person more pleasant, attractive ... and it would seem a minor detail, but how much of it transforms the atmosphere around you! Above and inside, psychologists have shown that mood can really pick just smiling, even without a special reason to celebrate. It should be noted, this is very positive in all senses of the word, and effective way to look younger and to create a "successful" image. After all, he was so attractive.
Image - the lifestyle, worldview ... it is YOU. Useless to lament his fate, regret for what he did - generally a waste of time, much more useful to understand the lesson to prevent future similar errors. After all life depends on your decisions, even if it has a lot of accidents and fatal. So if you are not satisfied with your job, your man, or his absence, or the same friends, does not justify your expectations, or that - or else ... believe me, the best reason in the search yourself! After all, you chose them, why should they? After all, people have something different ... And you think, by accident, "all alike" around? Very true saying: "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell anyone - you are." Those who are around you may also not like I think it your submission. In any case it depends on your behavior, to what kind of relationship you are building a society which image in their eyes, you create what is considered acceptable what you want. In any case, your choice - your life.
She does not stand still, and we want to keep pace with the times, all have time, to change lives for the better , achieving success in the task, and for this you just have to work on their image, to develop. We must learn not only to see the most realistic, but also to understand how they see around them. The only way you learn to understand people who see the world through their eyes, stand in their place, to establish the necessary relationships, and thus learn to get what you want to achieve deserved success, to live in harmony with the world and with itself.
We must learn to see that our lives in our hands!