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Learn to take care of emotions

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Learn to take care of emotions
You'd never have been, when on a background in general, successful life, having an interesting job, good friends, beautiful appearance you do not feel happy. On the contrary the state was as if the world around you is about to collapse, did not like and you feel completely devastated ... Why is this happening?

Is all the energy drained away? Well, from where it come from? Head you do not appreciate, the child solid problems in school, my husband stopped to give flowers and compliment ... My God, do you perceive as if this was the end of the world! You know how many women had husbands stopped making compliments, and the children began to bring deuce? And yet, most of them have enough strength and energy to move through life with your head held high and feel quite happy!

And this is not because they ignore their problems, they can control their emotions and not to waste their energy on baseless and no unnecessary emotions! They solve their problems as they come. Unfortunately, our lives are structured in such a way that is very difficult to live without the problematic situations. But then, how we approach these problems as far as emotionally, with a philosophy of life - determines whether we lose as a result of interest in life or not.

We are endowed with power from birth, throughout her life, we accumulate and spend. Sometimes because of circumstances we have to spend more than we can get, and then a period of depression and apathy. Can this be avoided? Of course you can, because in most situations in life, we too actively expend their energy, not because that we have brought down a flurry of serious problems, but because many small things we attach too much importance. Too many emotions and experiences we are putting in quite trifling situation. It was on such a situation, we talk, how to deal with them and how to wean yourself to spend on them their precious life force.

Bad memories

I think all faced with this situation, when the quarrel, scandal or unpleasant conversation long over, placed all the points, but you just can not calm down. In memory of float charge, insults, arguments, which you fought against the attacks of the opponent. You start to think about, but as it was necessary to answer why you did not say it, why say it, etc. You come home and begin to share emotionally lived through a home, then begin to ring up her friends, and reliving that scene over and over again to tell them what had happened. As a result, within a few days, even weeks and you have a bad mood, life seems dull and unfairly and involuntarily no desire at all to do anything. And then you still ask why you exhausted and you do anything not strong enough?
Now let's come to solve this problem a little differently. After a bad call, receive a portion of the negative, you can cry, to break the dishes, to complain about someone, in general, to let off steam, to speak out - no you do not forbid it. When you can control your emotions, consider the situation, draw conclusions and ... FORGET! No need to go back into the vortex of negative events again and again. Surviving a quarrel or a scandal over again, you have nothing to change, this event is in the past, but you need to move on. Try in minutes when you are plagued by unpleasant memories to switch to the pressing problems and challenges.

Vain experiences

Our imagination sometimes brings us to the disruption, and we can literally on level ground so exaggerate the situation, and that is not worth a damn, we will look disastrous! Before some important event, we can not sleep the night and the scroll in my head all sorts of trouble. If we are preparing a report, then we must attend a premonition of failure, discontent with our heads, if we have an important meeting, we present as late at it, if we are prepared for responsible lecture, make sure you afraid to forget the text, etc. All these thoughts and horrors, fascinating harassed no worse than the real scandal or stressful situation. It turns out that we are creating for themselves uncomfortable conditions, wasting emotion on the empty feelings that are based only on our imagination.

In situations like that fight is quite simple. Instead of programming yourself to fail, it is better to hold a dress rehearsal of the same lecture or report, to think that you will speak to important meetings, interviews, etc. And to be absolutely sure that none of the series, leaving out not to happen you need to provide the output of unforeseen circumstances. For example, if you're afraid of being late to just get up a little earlier and take a taxi. If you are assailed by doubts, like if your boss a report, consider what will you do if you do not like it? In any case, for you it will not end the world! You just analyze the situation, check all of their shortcomings and promise to promptly correct all my mistakes. The next time you are sure to be on top! Instead of wasting your emotions on the horror-play your mind, convince themselves of their forces and that any situation can extract useful information and any problem can be solved.

The past is like a broken mirror. Trying to assemble the fragments together, you can cut yourself ...

The most thankless job - it's regret about the past ... Do you think if there were such people, who all manage to right the first time? Whose life was going exactly as they want? I can assure you these people do not. There is a certain percentage of Winnings, but they make mistakes and face setbacks and disappointments. But among people successful and losers, there is one major difference. Successful people never looks back and remembers a loser ever missed opportunities, and believes that his life could emerge quite differently .. If .... and in the course are memories of the lost job, plucked meetings and partings with loved ones, etc. To have strength and energy to overcome obstacles and do not lose interest in life, we must learn, first, do not make mountains out of molehills, and secondly, be able to switch from unpleasant thoughts to pleasant, and, thirdly, do not live on memories past!
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