Learning nicely put man on the place!
No, your boyfriend is not a complete cad! He does not swear and do not use obscene words. But sometimes the sheer detail is more than enough to start a quarrel. In each family their own notions of comity. Who then decided to show gallantry in the style of the nineteenth century: "Wilt thou not so good if you are not too complicate, if you please pass me some salt." And who is sufficient to say: "Oh, let the salt!". At first glance this might seem a trifle. But in practice the difference in the perception of politeness can cause frequent quarrels.
For example, my girlfriend Olesya, began living with her boyfriend Misha suddenly realized that the ideal of a loving couple, they became forever skandalyaschuyu pair.
"I was terribly annoyed, as he talks to me - says Olesya. - Coming home from work, the first thing he asked:
- Che, dinner is ready? - And no word that he missed me, not the slightest interest in how my day went!
He then seated in front of TV, and I ran a hundred times from the kitchen into the living room, bringing him plates, pots, etc.
Instead of "thank you", I heard only: "moist cakes," and "Again, a bay leaf in the potatoes did not put." His behavior, rude words and impudent tone made me feel servants. "
What to do in this case? First - understand that your boyfriend does not want to hurt you! He just wants you to be the best housekeeper, all around on jealousy. But chooses not the most faithful methods. Output: a frank conversation. Tell him that your uncomfortable its perpetual criticism and that the lack of such simple words like "thank you, dear" and "please, darling, you hurt hurts. Do not expect that it be corrected in one day. After all, his habits were formed over the years! Just try to gently correct him. When he says something like: "Oh, but you Che pepper then normal?", Offered him immediately rephrased his request: "Sunny, can you bring me the pepper? Thank you very much. "
If, despite all your efforts and patience he has not added a courtesy, start little by little stervoznichat. Learning nicely put man on the place! " So, my friend Veronica has managed to throw the unpleasant duty - washing floors on her boyfriend. He sat on the couch and watched football, periodically stopping to criticize Veronica, who at the same time washing the floor.
- No, well, so it is impossible! You see, divorce is still! Damn, you're nothing you can not. I've already said many times that the floor is cleaned from left to right, and you ...
Finally, patience is the girl snapped:
- You're right, dear! I'm terribly my floors! Apparently, it's just not my calling! Maybe it will show how to?
Had domestic criticism tear ass on the couch and make a master class!
Veronica immediately plopped down on the vacant seat on the couch and took possession of the TV remote control:
- Wow! - She cried. - You have excellent work! I'm so in life is not able to! Domoesh here, then change the water and wash the kitchen! - She said, and switched the channel after five minutes she started "House 2" and the release of the home she was very much in the theme!