Learning to read and write
Sooner or later, parents begin to worry about your child learn to read and write. Asked about plans for teachers in kindergarten or lead the child to extra classes. It is useful to recall that "everything has its time and the right not to rely on others, and look closely at the child - whether he is ready, there is in his interest to do so. The first signs of interest often arise in 3,5-4 years, when the child "suddenly" recreates in doodles image of individual letters, numbers (along with the image of sun, cephalopod-man, etc.). If you were able to see this phenomenon - and it picks up until the child is interested, act. So, learn to read and write :
Repeat for the child he had written the letter, but write them more clearly, in large, close to the letters written to them, offer to "do well", but do not insist. Show me how to spell "of his letter - the first letter of his name. "Obzhivite" letter with your child - decorate it and hang it in plain view, the blind out of clay, bake the dough, and eat. If you have an interest - will continue, but offer the abbreviated name of the child, that he was easier to learn all the letters (Vladimir - Vova). Together, write on separate cards each letter of his name. If a child copes with this work himself, write his name on the card, the name of other family members. Lay the cards, look, look the same letters, the letters, which are only in his name. Lay the cards with the letters, count how many of them, compare the names on the number of letters. Compose letters of other words - play characters.
Let your child cut words and letters from old newspapers and magazines. Provide a convenient place to store them. However, try to trim pictures of objects that have this letter (the word begins and ends, etc.). Make bingo with the letters and pictures. "Hunt" on letters and numbers on the way to the store in the room - offer to find the letter, call them, think of other words that would have such a letter. Try to find a reason to write short words in capital letters. Encourage your child (if he is interested in that) copy these words.
Images on the wallpaper and the house under the table
Is incredibly annoying to see children's scrawl on the walls and doors of the newly renovated rooms. Especially when it's expensive wallpaper. But adult and children's ideas about aesthetics, to put it mildly, some discord. Certainly, we should build a child's taste and respect for the work of adults, understanding the value of damaged materials and inappropriateness of their use for other purposes. But ... just renovated room is impersonal, and, of course, you should immediately learn, inhabit. To this end, suitable markers and paint.

In addition, the child's life there are periods of active development and application of paint. From one year to three years - a period of self-awareness as a leader: has a marker - left a mark! After three - during the formation of "the symbolic function of consciousness" - the child sees in the lines of the images tends to display real objects, trying to reproduce the letters, numbers. Natural processes of development require a practical way out! If no legitimate method proposed by adults - the child will find him. So if you are, parents want to understand from the baby, take the first step to understanding his logic, his needs and motives. You are wiser, more experienced and better off.
Give your child a sufficient quantity and volume of field work - not one piece of paper "is strictly for extradition, and a roll. For example, the remains of a roll of wallpaper. Attach it to the wall so it was convenient to come and draw. In order to avoid "going beyond the field, you can map out the border. Label the frame places that you consider acceptable to "expose" of work. Let your child chooses the drawings, any number of changes it. Do not skimp on the purchase of paints, markers, pencils and other essential material.
You'll spend more money when the Lead kid in "kindergarten" to someone engaged in the development of fine motor skills, active speech, etc. Painting, sculpture, cut paper (old magazines) will help this time and most natural way. Paint and decorate the room with the child, then both of you just will not be a reason for conflict. Remember that the child needs "a little outrageous and a house under the table from the pillows, tablecloths and shawls - a very important event.
If the child does not wish to engage in "serious business"
It should immediately make a reservation: children and adults are completely different ideas about what a serious and important and what is useless and senseless. If, in the eyes of adults, the child does not want to learn - take it to memorize the letters on the couch under your watchful eye, leave it alone - it's not a kid does not want to do serious things, that you present to him improper demands. Look at how he plays in the sand, with dolls, cars or soldiers. Ask what his puppet kulichikov ... call the number? Believes? You do and want. But if a child does not play, then this is a very serious problem.
Do not impose your child an idea of when and what he should do. • If you want to certainly something to teach him, look what he has to include in the game and the game with him "learn important business." Allow your child plenty to play with other children, peers, older and younger. Cooperative play - a good school. If you are afraid that the older teach bad, remember that anyone yet no one managed to isolate the negative phenomena of life. It is not important that the child never saw the bad from the others, but the fact that he was able to withstand bad. This is possible if you teach a child self-esteem.
Make sure that the child appeared in a timely manner appropriate to his age and interests of the game. It's not about quantity, but their developmental impact. Do not expect your job will be done at the time of purchase. Play together. Want your child to know much, - pick the right book. For preschool children, yet he himself never learned to read, is not so much text as the illustrations that he himself can comprehend, pronounce. This, of course, not about comic books, but about good children's encyclopedias.