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Lecture In Scotland On Reincarnation

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This reincarnation subject is an overworked one. It has a long history of books being written about it; as well as lectures. The 20th century embraced the subject with the inflow of the occult and esoteric.

What good has come out of the study of reincarnation? Is anyone really better off, after they have had the traditional past life reading? To know they were a certain someone in the past, may contribute to their ego being bolstered; in cases of them being a famous person; or they may feel worse off knowing they did some harm to others.

Furthermore, what bearing does this have on the present? There is the stock answer that they are what they are today, because of what they were in the past. And the good or suffering they are going through is a result of their past actions. In the East this is karma, in the West it is known as cause and effect.

So we are stuck in the same bad life today as we were in the past; and we cannot seem to break out of it. Our life has a different face or mask but the story is the same. Now what is the reason to even know the hell we have just escaped from; only to find out we have made a complete circle, and are chasing our tail? Getting any past life reading would seem to be redundant. So how do we break these patterns and evolve?

I do not know if you saw the late program on TV about a month ago that showed the life of a 5 year old girl who reincarnated at the exact time of her death into a new body. She had died of burns and suffocation; being trapped in a burning car. In her new life she suffered nightmares that she could not remember on awaking. Finally it got to the point, that her previous father, from the last life found her; and with the reluctant cooperation of her new parents, got her to drop her terrible burning memory, and move on into still a further incarnation. It was an interesting movie but most have no concept about this sort of phenomena. A lot of the information we get on reincarnation is from very biased religions or religious organizations, cults or esoteric paths; in the worst case scenario. On the other hand these paths may secure legitimate information from bona fide sources.

In Tibet Lamas have a system where they know exactly who a dying person will be next when they are reborn. They can actually go to the house in the region of the subject being born and tell the parent who the baby was in their last life. This system is based on universal vibrations and frequencies. Astrology is an outcome on this physical plane of this understanding that the Tibetan Lamas have. They are not the only ones who can predict these rebirth phenomena with 100% accuracy.

Write this down on your paper. In natal astrology if you read a chart with the l2th House as the Ascendant the patterns of the previous life can be determined and we can know the energies that brought us back and dominate our current existence.

In experiments with time travel and altered states in North America our research group found that the vibrational frequency that a person exhibits at the time of their physical death will be carried across as they inhabit a new life form and they will exhibit these same characteristics as the new born child.

The study of reincarnation and it's principles; must be understood from the scientific, in order for us to utilize this information to help us; to move on, and overcome patterns, that are blocking our ability to get what we want out of life.

As we come across from one life into the next we take with us certain behavior patterns which vibrationally place themselves into our bodies and vital organs to symbolically and outright alert us as to our history and development in past lives and what is getting us stuck or causing us to return over and over to work out patterns we just cannot seem to overcome.

From a purely scientific standpoint when we neutralize the patterns which cause an attraction of ourselves to experiences, objects and people; we no longer are drawn back into this physical arena.

As long as we exhibit an attraction vibration this frequency will cause us to polarize to its counter part and again the same interaction of variable potentials inherent in that reality will engage again.

This is like a chemical reaction. As long as the two counter parts agitate reactionary patterns they will continue to meet or be attracted to their scenario parts. Like dark and light meeting. A reaction is caused in a higher vibration frequency. Variables meet as physical circumstances on a lower vibration.

When there exists no opposite or attractor only a singular field of energy the vibrational reality as a life entity is polarized to the next field known as a plane or dimension. These dimensions correspond to a refining of the life field reality which is polarized there to go through further processes of refinement. On and on it goes throughout eternity. There is no end to it.

We have found in our experiments that what are termed rays or vibrational frequency fields corresponding to various spiritual and psychic realities extend into the hundreds of thousands. These fields historically have been exhibited by holy men.

Nikola Tesla, Doctor Binkley and some of the modem parapsychology scientists have all experimented with these vibrational realities and found that not only do they exist they have a very strong effect on the world in which we live.

Traditionally the way we have been taught to view reality by parents, society, religion and the world in general is that what happens to us and all that we are involved in as our lives comes from the world and our experience interacting with the world around us.

Individually not realizing that what makes this world and us interacting in this world as events, experiences and Human interaction is caused by vibrational interplays as frequencies interacting, joining and neutralizing each other.

We are taught to view and address the world and those in it as originating before our eyes and not from CAUSE vibration or a gradual stepping down and out of frequency vibration as it evolves as Human world interaction.

This cause vibration as it spreads from center or CAUSE out into the Human arena develops an awareness of itself as an identity through a mind, subconscious and history of itself emotionally as a Human being . As this interplay take place patterns are formed which registers a life history of all the experiences the entity has ever experienced in the various life fields starting from Cause all the way out from CORE to physical effect.

As you may guess from the concept of reincarnation if a person lives over and over as a Human or maybe animal, mineral and plant life there can be a large storage of patterns within and without the entity.

These are stored vibrationally as pictures within the vital organs of the body and the body itself as well as in the vibrational fields around and inside out of the spiritual reality of the Human psyche or soul entity.

These pictures and the vibrations they stimulate through imagination, feeling and becoming creates the world we experience which is the physicalized as a counterpart of these cause states.

If the cause pictures are of a healthy variety our life or lives can be quite wholesome indeed. If they are of the negative variety we can bring ourselves closer to the experience of Hell if you pardon the expression; in our lives.

When it gets to the point that we out create ourselves; totally out of control of our lives like our lives are on automatic toward total self destruction we have to do something. We have the option to turn things around by rooting out the CAUSE of our suffering and get on with evolution and live up to our full potential if we choose to.

Notice I said choose? Choice involves freedom to do whatever we will. Being effect narrows down our options to live a full life. Rooting out the cause of our dysfunction is the coming back to basics. Coming back to cause center where the whole IDEATION began.

This is not even a religious or spiritual concept it is a truth based on the way natural laws operate. Dogma is not the way. Ideas are not the way is not the way. Personal provable experience is the only way. Because in the end result each person comes into this world alone and we leave this world alone. Nobody comes across with us. Each person has to be sure of their convictions as to the nature of Life and eternity and ground ourselves in this. So as to be able to utilize this as we would tools to get us to wherever we choose to go and not be forcefully polarized or pulled to where we do not want to go.

The Path of Courage is to neutralize all that holds us from a TOTAL state of ALIGNMENT or the realization of ourselves as a self perpetuating free life form operating in an individuated manner to frequency fields of our own choosing while serving what gives us this life in order to evolve further. This is a noble courageous path.

All has to be based on the generic and provable. MY way of communicating with you is still not valid for you personally. You have to come up with your own validation. Validation implies personal experience.

When all of the fields within and around the person are cleared of all reactionary patterns or even nearly cleared one is not attracted to experiences related to those fields anymore so they step out or ex-incarnate.

This means they drop all fields corresponding to emotions, a history, mental states and the physical reality as well as themselves as a unit of raw cause reality sometimes referred to as a soul.

As a unit of neutralized cause they will continue to spread out or leave behind (drop) former fields. They of course can reenter these fields down to whatever fields have not been permanently dropped in their involution-evolution to final physicalization as a Human entity.

In more developed stages of this one is not able to re-enter lower frequencies or fields as they have neutralized permanent contact with them. Historically there have been cases where certain evolved entities have due to various reasons created a physical body to get across certain information to Humans?

So where is all of this leading. So what. What can I gain from this information? , In your own experience you can gain insight and choose to be whatever you want to be without any resistances stopping you from getting what you want out of life.

Dogma, books, information, the words of holy men, what others tell you; this is all secondary information.

Personal experience and validation will allow you to be totally independent from any so called person in the know who may act as a middle man between you and your ultimate goals of what some call spiritual liberation?

Spiritual liberation is a concept. It is words and ideas that are supposed to give us all some sense of security. The real experience itself will not come from any ideas, concepts or beliefs.

It will not involve any dogma, or Master standing in your way of achieving this. It will be ours and stay ours as long as we do not hold on to it but continually become it-becoming it.

This freedom and our light will act as a beacon to draw others to the liberation which is theirs, ours and every ones if only there is the acceptance of the gift.

What I do in my work is to show you the significant past life patterns that have made you what you are today. Neutralize these cause-effect vibrations and then draw their control out of your vital organs and body. This is done all the way from the cause to the effect. What this then does is to stop you from repeating self defeating patterns and gives you insight as to how  to generate new healthy patterns of living.

Traditional Akashic readings cover up to the Akashic or Causal plane. The Tibetan method I use covers up to the core frequency and higher.

I have enjoyed this talk with you and am now open to any questions. Good night. Copyright © 2010, Dr. Kevin Wilson,  PsyD PhD

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