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Lessons from past eras to modern spouses

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Lessons from past eras to modern spouses

The laws of marital happiness formulated in 1799 by the Moscow magazine "Ippokrena or joy lyubosloviya. Here they are:

"Fidelity, unanimity in the council and efforts to successfully spospeshestvovaniya total family benefits; unbreakable agreement, love, esteem, condescension, assistance, openness, the same will, the same benefits, pleasing, attention to, so as not to overstep the limits of the inheritance, which assigns very nature each of the spouses, and especially the practical implementation of virtue. From the mutual observation posts still derives a significant good for the spouses for their children and for the whole society. A young husband from the very beginning of their union rather should try to distance any cause for controversy. never he should complain to another real or imaginary grievances to him half of his. A wise man still hides and sweetness and bitterness of marriage, for misconduct wife always falls on the husband, and in this case the slightest reproach him is that he made the worst choice. Married secrets emphasizes the magazine, I must keep with the utmost diligence.'s husband, who wants to be loved, to make yourself worthy addition, and after twenty years of the same wary of grievances, many shunned at a time when I was searching for his girlfriend's hand. "
Grooms! - Exclaimed in conclusion magazine .- You are preparing to combine their fate with the fate of persons dear to you, but being like most people think only of the amenities of marriage, not being engaged means to perpetuate the enjoyment onymi. These things small, so the argument will guide you and to all husbands who wish to live happily ever after!
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