Conspiracy of grief for the dead
To plot this would be good to find a spring, which goes a lot of people take water from it. From the spring to take a "molchalnoy water" - to fill in the spring of the bottle, so close the lid tightly, and yet to carry it home - not a word to anyone not exchange a.
At home it must be a broad, flat bowl pour so cherished words over her whisper.
Let God arise. Denounce his hand to heaven. Simon, saith the Lord:
- He denied the three doors, from the four corners, from the accursed Satan.
- Do you, damn you Satan, for God's servant (name) stay there. To him arrive Mother Mother of God in Jesus Christ, Matveev and Ivan Zheltoustom. Matthew and Ivan Zheltoust sit on the iron gate with three iron bars, with three iron bunatami Bute, banish sadness and longing in a fiery cave-smoronu.
Thrice have read such a plot, three times the water of the cross, but drink three times in three sips. The remaining water to pour into the street, and go to sleep - with no one to talk no more.