Let your child be independent
You are sincerely trying to kid growing up honest, brave and kind and had a strong character, a lot of friends, was able to achieve their life goals. You put it everything you have - love, warmth, kindness. You hope that the child is to realize your plans and dreams, and he has on this subject, perhaps, just another opinion. He does not consider itself obliged to you, and you find that care will come back good! You think: "I must help him, he is still weak, does not know how hard life and cruel world." And you will be happy to keep feeding it with a spoon, although he is long time to be able to eat himself, put on shoes, although it is he must do himself. The result may not be very pleasant. Why strain yourself when mom so quickly and neatly tying shoelaces, cleans the bed and toys.
Allow your child to be independent ! Otherwise, the age you will have a stronger neck ache ... Put her child easy to throw it to her is almost impossible. Do not argue, to put into practice such advice is difficult. You take your time, and the kid is not in a hurry going nowhere. And you will inevitably make him his job. But do not forget that it all depends on you. And then there will be no one to blame. Pour tea, bring, bring, on, off. Leave me alone! A good mother is not one that will follow the child throws himself at every whim, and one that all teach.

Deception - a special theme. Many parents enjoy the hard ways of deception in their own interests, but our advice is - never lie to my child, and when the child matures, you will not have to wonder why he is so blatantly lying. Even the little white lies erode his confidence in you. Kinder promised to go tomorrow to the zoo - hurt himself, but do! Set aside their work and care, make up anything to fulfill his promise. It is better to deceive colleagues than their own child! After all, you do not have anyone more dear, beloved, and needs your love than he is! All others will wait and cope well without you, no irreplaceable people. A mother can not be replaced!
Whether to intervene in the conflicts of children?
Perhaps among the readers there are those who can not even imagine the prejudice the interests of their kids. Sure, the child must always feel your support and know that you are willing to help if needed. But this does not mean that you like a hawk, to rush to his defense if he chose a shovel in the sandbox. All children fight, hurt each other, share the dolls and cars. This is normal, but the boys! Your task is to teach children appropriate behavior and not take away from everybody favorite trinket. Teach your child to fight back, stand up for themselves and not run to mom for any reason, let your child be independent! And let it even gives the date, if it hurt! This is also normal, but the boys! If you solve all questions for him, you can not then he was left alone for a minute.
Here everything is clear: children are mostly good and excellent, to understand their arguments, if desired you can always. But the parents of those children most often are not quite balanced, and give no one wants, and scream, and stamp their feet a lot louder than you can imagine. In defending the interest of their child, they come in "armed" conflict even with small children. Once we were walking with my son (he was then about three years) in the playground. Spring is warm, many children, Mothers and Old ladies nezhilis in the sun, sitting on benches, watching rebyatney. With shrieks and cries of joy riding kids from the hill. But here's one kid balked at the descent, he is not traveling and the other does not. A ride like everyone is going to turn. And children who can both try to get through to move down from the hill.
Stubborn toddler keeps the defense for about ten minutes, but his mom or grandmother did not appear. It is difficult to imagine that he walked one or to during this time none of his parents did not pay any attention to him. Issued: see, but do not intend to interfere. And then someone from the children broke down and chased him away. What was heard howling! Direct steamship whistle! Immediately there was an angry mom little stubborn, and what do you think she did? She began revolting loudly and yell at stupid ... the child who dared to move her headstrong boy from the place! Grown-up, a decent-looking woman bursting like mad, threatening to kick wretch ears and calling him in every way. Rascal was on the force for three years. I will not continue to retell this unpleasant scene, I just wanted to show you how you should not behave.