Lets live together
So, you love each other, you feel good together, you want as much time to spend with your loved one. So you decide to live together! As a rule, came to this decision, the young do not think that going to live under one roof with the man, who can be mass habits, which subsequently will annoy someone of the partners.
So you do not regret that you came - all the details you should negotiate in advance. Of course, to predict everything - impossible. But the negotiating table to the network before, not after. To many, this approach will seem wrong. What we must agree, if we love each other? Loving heart, and so find a common language. If it were so! That's it, that loving hearts are broken into small fragments of banal questions of everyday life!
This happens because as long as you live apart, a woman, for example, can absolutely not touch the fact that her man throws his socks around the apartment, and dressing gowns family prefers briefs. In turn, a man met a woman who did not even realize that she can not bake pies and on weekends likes to wander around the apartment before lunch in her nightgown.
And the saddest thing is that in the first days of living together, all these nuances are evident. Between loving people there is a huge number of differences that reduce their ardent love for each other is not. Search in this situation, the perpetrators do not make sense, both are right, as accustomed to live by their rules, but both are guilty, because I do not want to take into account the opinions and habits of the partner.
The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that the partners for some time trying to keep quiet about what annoys them, hoping that each one has to guess about it himself. For example, a man in the mornings like to cook scrambled eggs with bacon and onions, and his beloved gates from one smell of this culinary masterpiece.
And so, instead share with him the breakfast woman with a sour face quickly grabs a cup of coffee and is removed from the kitchen. As a result, both razobizheny - man puzzled by such ingratitude, he's cooked breakfast! A woman wonders, how did he nedogadliv, surely he can not see that she did not eat breakfast in the morning?
The situation is commonplace and not worth a damn, it just had to negotiate in advance. After all, there is nothing wrong in that if you warn the partner that does not eat breakfast in the morning! Most importantly, when you sit at the negotiating table to build a dialogue so as to assert their rights, but at the same time does not pique partner. In addition, as a rule, men feel like talking nonsense, saying that for bullshit? Here let us live together, and will gradually get accustomed to the habits of each other.
Usually this happens only in words, and started living with a woman, a man not only gets used to its habits, but eventually start to literally poke his nose. Your task is to convince a partner yet to sit down and discuss some of the nuances. For example, how will you spend your free time, how to distribute responsibilities around the house, talk about eating habits, etc.
If you're going to live with their parents partner, or he's going to settle down to you and live with your parents, tell them the mutual desires in a relationship with them. Do not think that discussing the nuances, it is necessary to pay attention only to something very significant, on the contrary, the big fights happen in pairs just yet because of the small things. Therefore it is better to discuss these details and to dot the "J" in advance.
Of course, agree on everything you do not succeed, some nuances of the "float" just when you begin to live together. But sitting down at the negotiating table before the start of living together, you make an important and very significant step in the relationship - you learn to speak aloud about their shortcomings and more importantly - start your life together is based on complete trust in each other!