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Lets start with a clean slate

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Lets start with a clean slate

Women are incredibly easy to refuse to make new acquaintances, when a relationship with a partner last for a long time. Well, how! After all, we value these relationships, we road favorite person with whom a good, comfortable, reliable. We like to feel wanted, loved, to feel cared for and understanding of the partner. Beside me the one the only ... I no longer need ... At such moments, none of us do not think about that, sooner or later, all this can come to an end. No, to me it does not happen, and why should? We're fine, we love each other, but, alas - life teaches us at times very unpleasant surprises, and our strong relationships in an instant become shaky and false. World is crumbling around us, and it seems that the longer nothing ever will be, will not be sincere feelings would not be beloved, will not trust. We're starting to dig into myself that I did wrong, what's wrong? Lowered their self-esteem through the floor, we unrealistically difficult to return to the world of dating and new intriguing dating. Everything is meaningless, do not want anyone to see. We are again very difficult to dissolve entirely in another person ... and all the same - life goes on! You should not drive themselves into a corner, much less to dwell on its shortcomings. Let's try to look at the problem from another angle: you just do not have appreciated, with you next was not the man !

Personals and dating

Women behave differently when it comes to the resumption of relations after the break. One very quickly drawn into a new life to others as we need time to reflect on many things. In no case should not fence itself off from the outside world, even if you absolutely do not want to communicate with anyone else, find the strength to keep their old lifestyle. It is clear that you do not want to let anyone into his soul, but at the same time for you so out of loneliness ... Of course immediately after the break is very difficult to start a new novel, will take time, so you're finally free from the burden of past relationships. But this time will not come soon if you yourself do not apply to this effort!

Let's start with a light flirtation. She must make spend more time in the company of men, it should be done at least in order to realize how important they are in your life. Abandoned relationships we bring irritability and anger, sometimes we even start to hate men. Most important, step over this period, leave it behind. Learn to trust again with the opposite sex, they're so different and there are also your man!

The best means to forget the past relationship - is to start new ones. No, this is not a fleeting affair or a string of new partners, we are talking only about the friendships that are sure to bring your life in the sea of new sensations and emotions. You may ask: What about dating can be a question when I dressed in disheveled feelings? Well, firstly, take dating as a distraction. Do not take everything seriously, if you do not expect that your new friend is sure to become the only thing about which you dream - and the date goes well, and from evil thoughts distracted and not razocharueshsya. Secondly, try to just enjoy spending time in pleasant company, and remember that you are now just relax, have fun, and certainly no one looking for! All these contacts and visits are needed primarily to ensure that you are able to understand myself! With time comes understanding that the world is large enough for your ex, it is not the only man on Earth and in the end, you still deserve the best! Love is a wonderful feeling, but only if it is mutual. Look, what has undergone a metamorphosis with your self-esteem as long as you went? Did you used to doubt his appeal? And the fact that you're smart enough? What to do with you this love? What he did to you? Threw out his life as a useless thing, so is it worth to hold on to these relationships? You're confident in yourself? You know what you want? Are you ready to love and trust? Well - and now act!!

All though the first time

Since the new relationship starts from scratch, and before that was a long pause, women tend to repeat their same old mistakes. They begin to worry over trifles, cheat yourself fussing, etc. Doubts, doubts, and doubt again. Do you think that man will be delighted with the nervous person, but still unsure of herself? Calm down and do not be nervous, give an opportunity for men to bring the situation under control, he tries to let you win in the end, he's a man! You have a first date with a man who really likes you? So enjoy the evening and think positive! You should not overact and bend over, should he do anything to interest you. You should not make-up, you're so beautiful! Importantly do not panic - it will be yours if you do like! If this is your man you will not need to look for ways to charm him, keep, etc. Everything goes by itself. You should not talk too much and even more frank about the fact that pent up! Most importantly do not take a decision on the first date. One visit completely to nothing obliges you're free to choose, meet, rest, and be merry!

And finally ... No way, alone with his thoughts, not comparing a new acquaintance with an old love, remember - you perelistnula another page of his life, began a new chapter and it does not place the old feelings. Find similar character is the main mistake of abandoned women. After trying to find a replacement to their beloved you are, first, came back the same mistake, and eventually find yourself abandoned, and secondly, you're always going to be disappointed - a copy is always worse than the original! Most importantly believe in yourself!

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