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Life Lessons

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Life Lessons

Most people are somehow familiar with the Bible, this book several major religions. It is a commandment, which is translated into everyday language is: "do not judge, and thou shalt not judge." It turns out that this is not just words. In our life, constantly and quietly for us, there are processes for which we do not pay attention. This process of our spiritual education, we are learning is not judging, it's life lessons . This process affects all people, regardless of their age, education, religion, position, abilities and any other factors. This is indicated by the priests in his sermons, but who listens to them! Once, you need very quickly to arrange a personal life, to raise children, accumulate wealth, to correct health and deal with other important current affairs.

But there are things more serious, about which we know little. For example, the processes of our learning "not to judge," to dodge is almost impossible. Accordingly, if faced by our conscious interests in achieving a goal and an educational process that needs to lock this goal, the latter always wins (dominant, occurs implemented). Spiritual education is always better than our household aspirations, which are also constantly changing. It's like a mystic, but it is. And you can easily find traces of such education in their lives, if you know how it is manifested in everyday life.

We proceed from the neateisticheskih positions, suggesting the possibility of multiple birth of the human soul in different bodies. This phenomenon in the eastern religious teachings is called the "reincarnation" and it means that some people - namely, his immortal soul - after death may move to another body. And so many times, until the soul of this will be a need or desire. And that's what it may be because, let's look a little more. In principle, we believe, a man in his highest substance - an immortal soul - could not incarnate on Earth, and remain an infinite time in the world who can be called "unmanifest" (in Heaven or Hell in Christianity). But many prefer to come to Earth, where they will by no means the sweet life.
 The ancient teachings of the East

The term "karma" is very old. In Sanskrit it means "action". Even in the distant past, people understood that it was his own actions (actions) of people determine their present and future. On the problems of karma written many books, beginning with the Theosophists and mystics past and ending with the numerous editions of modern authors, and approaches to this question varied. One looks from the standpoint of karma yoga, and even appeared her new variant - the Karma yoga. Others see karma through the prism of religion, bioenergy, physiognomy, and any other areas of esoteric and other knowledge.

At the same time as the karma that is primarily considered a burden or disease with which the human soul comes into this world. In esoteric, this is called "mature" or "generic" karma. Accordingly, the reader of these theories can give the impression of complete determinism and despair of our lives. Fortunately, the situation is not so. Our experience shows that most problems in life is due to the mistakes that they make even in conscious age. People violate certain simple requirements, they should observe in this life, and eventually they have all kinds of trouble arise, problems, illness and even death ahead of time.

But all this is not the result of some events that have occurred in past lives, not at all! The man himself creates a problem and illness when he incorrectly refers to our world, when it attaches to the excess value of any single aspects of life and considers it inadmissible other options. Life is diverse, but the man does not accept its diversity. He has some ideals, and expectations of reality, and he finds it unacceptable when these expectations are being destroyed. In our method, such excess significant ideas have been called "idealization."

The notion of idealization

Idealize - means to attach excessive, exaggerated, over-value what something important for you to aspects of life. Redundancy is manifested in the fact that you are experiencing long-term negative emotions when real life does not match your expectations. For example, the idealization arises when you have in mind, there is some ideal model of how to behave as husband (or wife), child, friend, boss, employee, representative government, etc. You know how he should behave in. And it behaves a little (or completely) wrong, that is, it is not correspond to the ideal that exists in your imagination.

His behavior or actions do not meet your expectations. Therefore, you become aggressive and try to get him to do as you see fit. Either you fall into sadness or despair that it behaves correctly. In both cases, you do not take this man (and through him the whole world) for what it is, in reality, because this man does not correspond to the ideal that exists in your imagination. Idealize can not only individuals but also the situation of the world as a whole. For example, politicians only think about themselves and do not care about the people. Religious extremists are mad and do not spare the life in the struggle for their absurd ideas. Life is unfair, many innocent people suffer in wars or disasters, etc.

The object of idealization can be and you - if you're a long time unhappy with their appearance, abilities, actions, or something else. You know what you should be, but the reality does not match those expectations - is not an occasion for suffering! And this idealization that poisoned our lives, there is a huge amount.

 We control the "caretaker"

In the Creator is likely enough of their cases and no time to constantly monitor his thoughts, emotions and actions of billions of people. Therefore, wise nature right into the soul of man has provided a mechanism that constantly monitors his thoughts and actions and in accordance with them regulates the level of income "liquid" in the drive experience. How does this mechanism, and who keeps a record of our sins, we will consider later, but now denoted by the word "caretaker". As time he watches the thoughts and actions of man, calculates the level of completion "drive experience" and decide what to do with a man, what lessons it should teach.

 A man can do anything earth

Man comes to Earth to try everything that is there. Therefore, everyone can engage in business and politics, love and sex, to improve their welfare and to express themselves in art. Can and must do all this with passion and pleasure. It is only important not to cross that fine line when a person ceases to treat everything as a game and starts to seriously despise, resent or hate. This is the mistake that leads to the "educational" process. But how can calculate this very thin line beyond which comes the "educative" process? It seems to us, everyone should experience it yourself, although we will continue some of the recommendations. For example, if you are fishing at the last moment slipped big fish, you probably will be very sharp and emotionally survive this blunder. But later you will accept this situation and forgive yourself, fish, and the whole world. Likewise, should apply to the rest of the failures - in his personal life, work, business, art, etc. There was, what happened, what can you do. Then you'll easily follow the flow of life, and all your plans will be executed simply and quickly.

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