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Life giving crystals

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Life-giving crystals

Often doctors, bringing its disappointing verdict, saying: you can only hope for a miracle. And it's a miracle there! And not somewhere for ten seas, and near, in ... tap. Simply amazing: a lifetime a man lives next to the most real miracle, and does not even know about it. Indeed, it is hard to believe that ordinary chlorinated, which took a lot of mechanical and chemical filters, water may be something miraculous. And she can. The fact that water, whatever it was, still water - that is, a vital substance. (If it is, of course, water, and not an aqueous solution of any substance.) As already mentioned, any water is programmed to life, health and welfare. And this program works great: because people consume water, really lives! But plain water is unable to cope with illness or some serious psychological problems - simply because there is no relevant information (about the disease, about the problem and so on.). This information is in the water can be "load", or program - and what do healers and witch.

I hasten to add that in the programming of the water there is nothing supernatural. During this action in the water does not bode no entity (as, for example, in sanctification of waters). When we program the water, its molecules change the crystal lattice. And the fact that water has a crystalline structure, it is proved already by modern science, and people know it for a long time. It is through this structure, water can store any information - and thus its chemical composition remains the same. Scientists were amazed to see how the crystals may be modified during the laying of water in her various data. Water crystals, which stood in the room where quarreling, cursing, slander and curses, took a "ragged" appearance, with a lot of "failures" and "black holes". The crystal lattice of the water is destroyed and the molecules are arranged randomly in it, without any order. But if on the same water was uttered at least one positive word like "love" as the elements began to emerge in the beautiful crystal that resembles a flower or a snowflake. There have been many experiments, and the result will always come out the same: negatively charged water loses its shape, its crystals are transformed into a "nincompoop." The water, charged with positive energy, was amazing in its beauty crystals amazing shapes and colors.
In ancient times, when there were electron microscopes, people were already aware that the crystal water and crystal structure of its property to store information. The Chinese character for water, in exactly the STP repeats crystal drawing water, which she has at the temperature of melting - that is, from 0 ° C to 5 ° C. There are other, less surprising facts. Every Catholic cathedral - an ancient, gothic or modern - always decorated with beautiful rosettes. It is a symbol of the Mother of God. But look at how the church looks like ornament on the crystalline structure of water. But the water - the mother of all living things, like the Virgin - the spiritual mother of all people. Until the emergence of Christianity rosette ornaments designated motherly. Can there be a random coincidence?
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