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Life situation: your partner has been married several times

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Life situation: your partner has been married several times

Pauline was married to a great love - a twice-divorced man. And argues that, despite the "dark past" her husband, their marriage could be called happy. Only with some reservations.

Pauline still plague remembers how as a teenager with a mixture of horror and curiosity of staring at her aunt, married to divorced. Adults are not something to condemn her - rather, sympathy: so many issues: child support, children from a previous marriage, the former mother-in-law ... About myself Pauline firmly decided: she would never tie its fate to a man who has been under the crown!

However, true say: never say never! Met Vladimir, Pauline knew immediately: this is he the only one! Kind, intelligent, reliable - simply a treasure, and not man. Only in the ointment was a tiny spoonful of tar: Volodya was already married, twice.

"I do not understand what these wives do not like - Pauline shared with a girlfriend - he was not a despot, not playboy, no miser." Selecting a suitable moment, she asked her future husband: "Volodya, why are you divorced twice?" He hesitated, then replied: "I think that just looking for you!".

Was done on the wedding - all as it should, with guests and noisy feast. And the next day in their apartment the phone rang. After talking, Volodya hung up and sheepishly said: "Call my daughter, she is very bored, asks me to take it on the weekend. Olja used to that every Sunday we had a walk ... Pauline has decided not to take offense, and not to remind her husband about what did they have a honeymoon. It is understood that relationships with children - it is very important, even tried to convince himself: if he took his daughter, hence, to their common children will be treated well.

Olga was a cute 6-year old girl, however, Oksana, she accepted the caution: the questions are not answered, all the while clinging to my father's knee. "It's okay, still have time friends" - optimistically thought Pauline. glancing at his watch: when Vladimir finally will take her daughter home, and can be left alone. But Volodya decided otherwise: "Call my ex. She is leaving on a business trip and asks to take Olyushka us for a fortnight. " "Those two weeks seemed to Oksana nightmare. Olya defiantly not peagirovala the comments, and eventually posted: "I told my mother that you shifts wife's dad. He is with you divorce and marry her again! ".

When the deadline passed, with his second of the former had a repair - and Vladimir evenings lost it: put the tiles and plastered walls in a pair with her new husband. Then it became clear that the former wife's mother (the first on the account) must be taken to the sanatorium at Volodina car ... "Nothing, - Paulina calmed himself - that will have the baby and change all at once!". And indeed, with the birth of daughter Volodya began to pay more attention to his family. But when Nastya turned six months, there has been such an incident. Once Volodya came home among the working day and opened the bedside table where he kept their savings and began hurriedly to recalculate the bill. "Something happened?" - Not a little frightened Paulina. "Call the former, asking for money. She's going to Olyushka go on holiday to Egypt. " Paulina could not stand it: "Volodya, why do you let them yourself to use? After all, you have a family! And the money we set aside to buy a new wheelchair for Nastya! ". Vladimir hesitated: "You know, I feel sorry for them." "Why?" - Pauline was surprised. - As far as I know, they threw you! ". Volodya did not answer, but the money put back into the cabinet. Of course, the evening was an unpleasant telephone conversation with his first wife ...

Polina and Vladimir have been together for 7 years. They call their marriage a success. "The only relationship with Olga does not add up - admits 35-year-old woman. - The girl still does not want me to communicate, and recognize the sister is not in a hurry. Maybe it will grow and change, but maybe not ... "from time to time the bell rings for someone of his former family, and they are always treated with any request. And then in the house flash heated debate. Volodya is eager to spend their money and time to solve endless problems of the former, and Pauline is trying to prove to him that they should get used to living without a regular care.

Need to specify in advance all!

Commented psychologist Natalya Kukhtin: "The old wives Volodya relate to it consumer-- perhaps this was the cause of separation. In alliance with Oksana, he seems happy. And the forecast of marriage depends primarily on the most Oksana. Her problem is that it feels like a victim: on the one hand, it periodically tries to defend itself from ex-husband's family, on the other, make friends with his daughter, who did not want to. Both ways - are wrong. No girl wants to be friends - and do not, in fact, based on the stories, mom adjusts her that my father's new marriage - temporary. Oksana task - to keep his own family and competently to build relationships within it. One can not quarrel with her husband's daughter, because children can not get a divorce. But let a little of the aggressor to its territory should not be. So, this pair should be very clearly specified financial and moral relationships with previous families. How much money is given monthly, how often meets Vladimir and Olga, etc. - all this must be a set of rules that will strictly abide by both sides. Ex-husband should not serve old women! "

Is there any chance for happiness?

What if life has brought you a man who was married several times? Can you create a happy family? Completely, if you listened to some advice, and you will believe in your love.

Before you marry, every woman should know what kind of relationships were with her future husband with his mother. This - the matrix and the foundation of his relationship with replacing. And if they are unacceptable to you, you realize that you can not exist in this model - you should not entertain the illusion that everything will be different. "You also have to accept and experience of his previous marriages.

To back her husband did not become a threat to your present, clearly stipulate the rules of his relationship with ex-wives and children. So you both feel good. Psychological comfort zone in the family depends precisely on the women: create these rules so that maximum protection to its territory.

You should not marry out of pity, compassion, fear of loneliness. Only driving force of marriage - love. However, this is a gift, over who need to work. Develop relationships 24 hours a day: in a marriage is always "steers" the woman, and loving man follows her. It does not matter how many wives he had before you, if you love one another!
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