Lilith astropsychology
Posted Duhosin - June 7th, 2012. Under the heading Astropsychology .
At the moment there is still no universally accepted set of characteristics that can be compared Lilith in the horoscope. Here I will try to describe it from the perspective of action astropsychology. Astronomically Lilith or the Dark Moon is the apogee of the Moon's orbit. Therefore, its value is in the horoscope can somehow be related to the Moon, respectively, the subject and the subconscious mind, since it is this information load Moon is in the horoscope.
Astronomically Lilith or the Dark Moon is the apogee of the Moon's orbit. Therefore, its value is in the horoscope can somehow be related to the Moon, respectively, the subject and the subconscious mind, since it is this information load Moon is in the horoscope.
Figure 1 The orbit of the moon around the earth and the position of Lilith
Figure 1 shows the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. The land is located in one of the foci of the ellipse, the furthest point from Earth, the Moon's orbit (apogee of the lunar orbit) is Lilith.
It should be noted that many authors tend to see Lilith through the prism of religion and in this case, Lilith is associated with the concepts of sin, various problems with karmic in nature and nothing positive in this model can not bear. I do not support this approach (religious discourse), so in this article sought to be not only logically, but also build on impiriki, examples of specific horoscopes of famous personalities - the pillars of the psychology of the last century.
So the push is to understand the role of Lilith in the horoscope of the fact that it is part of the lunar orbit, so psychologically it can be associated with the moon, and thus somehow closer to understanding its impact. You can start from the consideration of the elements of the orbit of the moon, because Lilith - the farthest point in the orbit of the moon, that is, as would be the most difficult to achieve, and the angular velocity of the moon at this point is minimal (this follows from Kepler's second law).
If the moon astrologically associated with the psyche, the Lilith this approach will describe the most inert structure of the psyche . In addition, the Moon is associated with the subconscious mind, so Lilith in this world can be attributed to the most inert structures subconscious. And if a pair of planets, describing the opposition, in this case it will be the opposite of Lilith is not Selena or Arta, as could the astrologer with a religious mindset, and Mercury and the Sun, and the Sun, to a lesser extent, as long as it can be called an antipode Moon, so I'm more inclined to Mercury. So, Mercury is associated with consciousness and logic, Lilith - with hard to reach elements of the psyche or the subconscious.
In order to more fully in this world to understand the impact of Lilith, should consider the horoscope of two known psychotherapist Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.
Fig.2 Horoscope Freud, 6.05.1856 7:59 GMT, Fraydburg, Austria.
Figure 2 shows the horoscope of Freud, for his horoscope data are taken from Dana Radyara "individually oriented astrology," CAI Publishing, 1994, p 153. The data Radyara credible precisely because he was personally familiar with Jung, and Jung, as we know, studied astrology and according to him resorted to the analysis of the horoscope, if any of the mental state of the patient remained obscure. It is natural to assume that Jung analyzed his horoscope (if I may call it that) teachers of Sigmund Freud and the data could be obtained from the original source, that is, Freud himself. I mean, first of all, the time of birth, for I have come across different versions horoscope Freud's various provisions of ASC and MC.
The third figure shows the horoscope KG Jung, the data are taken from the book by Bruno Huber "Astrological psychosynthesis", Moscow, 1993, page 18.
Fig. 3. Horoscope of CG Jung, 26.07.1875 18:33 GMT, Kessvil, Switzerland
Even a cursory examination of the two horoscopes striking location opposite Lilith: Freud Lilith conjunct Mars in the horoscope of the lowest point on the IC, Jung on the top chart, near MS. This should be reflected in the approaches to psychoanalysis, the two giants of psychology. If the tenth house - is that the most manifest and evident in the character of the person (you can say is that a person openly shows the world), then he is put in contrast to the fourth house of horoscope and, of course, it can be related to the cusp of the repressed hidden elements of the psyche, with the subconscious.
In this case, figuratively horoscope man can be seen as a model of the psyche, what is on the horizon, it relates more to the mind, well, what is below the horizon can be associated with the subconscious. Freudian psychology is based on the displacement of sexuality, because the position of Mars (and Mars - a man's sexuality) in his horoscope near IC describes it perfectly. "His sexual theory is extremely important to him and in a personal and general philosophical sense" - Jung wrote in his book "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" (Kiev: AirLand, 1994). Jung is near the lowest point of Pluto, so that Jung introduced a concept of the collective unconscious , because Pluto is associated with the collective nature of manifestation. But one of the early achievements of the Young was the notion of a psychological complex, this was introduced by Young in 1903. At this time the young Jung held a so-called association test with their patients. This test consisted of the following: the patient is offered any term of a long list, as required for the patient to get close to a synonym for the term, with a fixed time required for such selection.
If the patient had difficulty to find the right synonym or not able to do this, it could be assumed that the proposed physician associated words (hence the name of the test) with something of concern in the mind, just because it meets a resistance or a full stop in the selection of a synonym. Thus Jung was groping in the psyche of the whole structure, which somehow is painful for the person (something like sonar boats). For example, if a child is difficult were the relations with the mother, the words associated with childhood or specifically with the mother finds the corresponding response of the patient.
Conducting this work, in 1903, Jung came to the concept of "psychological complex" and describes it as a structure that is in the subconscious of the person leading a completely independent "life", sometimes interacting with other similar structures, and undoubtedly has an impact on human behavior. Now notice that Lilith in the horoscope of the Young at the top chart, so if the link psychological role of Lilith, not only with inert structures of the psyche or the subconscious, but specifically with the psychological complexes, it becomes clear in the work of Jung's astrological refraction. He seemed to be lifted to the surface (the top of the horoscope) and described the problem of unconscious, with which is Lilith in the horoscope. Therefore, in terms astropsychology Lilith can be attributed to psychological complexes . It is interesting to consider from this point of view horoscope Freud, namely, if Jung, with Lilith in the 10th house, he brought the concept of the complex, Freud had Lilith on IC and can say that it is here and buried his problems. Here is what it says about Jung (Carl Gustav Jung "Memories, Dreams, Reflections." Kiev: AirLand, 1994.)
"Freud himself suffered from neurosis, it was easy to install, and its symptoms are extremely unpleasant ... Obviously neither Freud nor his disciples could not understand what it means for the theory and practice of psychoanalysis that the teacher is unable to cope with their own neurosis. Freud's analysis of the horoscope can not establish his neurosis, if not taken care of Lilith. Indeed, if Jung, having IC Pluto, introduces the concept of the collective unconscious, Freud, having at the same point horoscope Mars, created the theory of repressed sexuality, and it would seem there is no pathology, position on the IC Pluto and Mars, Jung Freud's most only explains the interest in the relevant structures of the psyche. But Freud Mars in conjunction with Lilith and in this case it really could indicate complex which Freud kept coming back and could not get rid of it.
In the same book, Jung wrote: "Everywhere is manifested spirituality - be it a person or a work of art - Freud immediately suspected repressed sexuality ... I still remember vividly how Freud said to me:" My dear Jung, promise me that you will never give up the sexual theory. It is above all. You see, we must make it a dogma, an impregnable bastion "... In a daze, I asked him:" Bastion - against whom? '. "Against the flow of black mud - a moment he hesitated, then added, - the occult ..." By "occult" Freud seems to mean everything that philosophy, religion, and emerged in our time parapsychology know about the human psyche. "
To better understand the above quotes, consideration should aspectation Lilith in the horoscope of Freud. Opposition to Jupiter (religion), and the square to Saturn in the 12th house (unconscious fears) may explain the above stated and the following quote Jung, "I got the impression that he was going in a direction directly opposite to his own goal and worked against himself - a man has no bitterness sharper than the knowledge that he worst enemy. Using his own words, he always felt that he faced a "stream of black mud" - to him, which is more than anyone, was immersed in the darkest of its depth. ... From conversations with Freud, I learned of his fear, he was afraid that the numinous light of his teachings can be extinguished by a "stream of black mud." (Jupiter on the MC - 180 ° - Lilith on IC, my comments - AC) So there was quite mythological situation: the struggle between light and darkness. This explains his numinous complexes and why in a moment of danger, he resorted to a purely religious protections - a dogma "(T-square to Saturn in the 12th house / dogma / avoiding confrontation study Jupiter - Lilith, my comments - AS). He had not realized that such a "monotony of interpretation" means an escape from himself, or, perhaps, from one another, perhaps mystical, part of his "I".
Freud actually running from one side of the "I" and I could not accept this part of myself, apparently fear knowing of his impotence before certain mental structures (Saturn in the 12th house, Lilith and Mars on IC) was not allowed to give up the claim to be global (ie is the ability to account for all cases) of his theory and somehow extend it. Jupiter on the MC - is that what Freud resorted, in particular to religious methods, in light of such terms as "the flow of black mud" (the religious aspect is not Lilith) and the dogma.
As we know, Freud and Jung in 1913, went the way of his studies in psychology. Jung clearly understood the limitations of the theories of Freud, Freud did not even want to hear about any other approaches in the description of the causes of disease. In this connection it is interesting to take advantage of some of the methods of analysis and see Synastry composite horoscopes Jung and Freud.
Fig. 4. Average (over time) map of Freud and Jung.
As is known in astrology there are two ways to do this, we can construct the average horoscope time regarding horoscopes Jung and Freud (the so-called "moderate" card), or by the method of points, this so-called "composite" horoscope, or simply "the composite ". In Fig. 4 shows the average time horoscope. This kind of horoscopes describe the relationship between people, the strengths and weaknesses of these relationships. In Fig. 4 Mercury and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 9th house - (theory, doctrine, common intellectual interests) - this is something that could combine Freud and Jung at the beginning of their relationship, but the connection in a square to Neptune in the 12th house - and this is a difference in understanding the causes of certain psychological abnormalities in patients.
Sun and Vesta (Vesta in this case can be associated also with the repressed sexuality) in the 8th house brought them together in the knowledge of the human psyche (psyche, sexuality - 8th house), so Vesta in the 8th house emphasizes the common interests in the field theory of repressed sexuality. Mars square Chiron can describe reproach from Jung that Freud did not see or did not want to see any alternative sexual theory (Mars on the cusp of the 8th house), denied another description causes certain diseases, when they would occur. While Mars has issues with Lilith in the 6th house (the house of diseases), it is the subject of studies of Jung and Freud, so the configuration of Mars and Lilith, Chiron may well describe the differences (Chiron) for replacement theory of sexuality (Mars on the cusp of 8 House in aspect with Lilith in the 6th house).
Moon in the horoscope manages 4 home and is in the 7th house - it is a psychological projection, probably from Freud and Jung to the side is an indication that the issue of understanding the structure of the unconscious (Moon as the ruler of the 4th house), they could break up badly (the Moon in the 7th house, which is the cause of disagreement and mismatch positions). Square Ceres in the 4th house (the mother) and Saturn (father) in the 6th house (the house of diseases) and trine to Ceres (the archetype of the mother) to Neptune in the 12th house could certainly describe the common interests of Freud and Jung at the beginning, especially in terms of research " Oedipus' complex and the general influence of parents on the child's mind. However, the same aspect suggestive of parental projections Freud toward Jung and Freud to unfounded suspicions and even a subconscious fear of it (Neptune and Pluto in the 12th house), Freud, Jung allegedly sought his harm, quote Jung on this below . The fact that the relationship of Freud and Jung attended parent projection is pretty obvious, since, on the one hand, the Moon in the 7th house, and this is a clear projection of the parent, on the other hand, the square of Ceres and Saturn in the 6th house, I would describe this projection at pathology. In addition, Saturn could indicate a certain fear or a sense of danger in Freud against Jung.
Here is a typical example of the memories of Jung (Carl Gustav Jung "Memories, Dreams, Reflections." Kiev: AirLand, 1994.) "In Bremen, the incident occurred, many of whom later said Freud fainted. The reason was my interest in the "bog corpses." I know that in some parts of northern Germany were the so-called "Bog bodies." These were preserved from prehistoric remains of people who either drowned in the swamps, or were buried there. Swamp water contained putrefactive acid, which dissolves the bone, but vydublivaet skin, so the skin, and with her hair and perfectly preserved. At its core, this is a natural mummification, in which the bodies flattened under the pressure of peat. They are found from time to time in the peat development in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. Then he told me that he was convinced that all this talk of corpses was ventured by me, since I seemed to wish him dead. I was stunned. ...
I have witnessed more than one of his fainting in this situation. It was at the congress of psychoanalysts in Munich in 1912. It was about the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. They said that out of hatred for his father, he destroyed cartouches on Stella, and that for all his creatures great religious wings father complex. I was outraged and I started to argue, arguing that Amenhotep was a creative and deeply religious person. Whose actions can not be explained only by personal hostility to his father. ... At this point Freud fainted and fell from his chair. All the fuss about him helplessly. I picked it up and carried her into the next room and laid on the couch. While I was carrying him, he half came around, and I'll never forget the look he gave me. In his weakness and helplessness, he looked at me as if I was his father. It was an obsession ... patricide. "
To the idea that the relationship of Jung and Freud had painted parental projections, and said the position of Saturn in the composite (Fig. 5). On the other hand, the position of Saturn (control 10 of the house) for ASC can describe the unity of methods and research purposes in the initial phase of their relationship (especially since in both cases in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 Neptune and one of the nodes in the 12th house, which describe the unconscious), but the day on Saturn ASC creates differences in their joint research, and subsequently the conflict on the causes of psychological diseases.
Fig. 5. Composite horoscope Freud and Jung.
From the point of view of karmic Moon describes the family, family, family tree (along with Saturn), may indicate the qualities that a person inherits. Lilith in this case could indicate a whole clan structures that are passed on from generation to generation , in describing certain hereditary psychological symptoms or physical illness. Particularly problematic position of Lilith in the 4th house, especially near its cusp. However, this state of Lilith does not mean that a person will have a problem with the real estate, for Mr and material level Lilith often work more constructively than not psychological . Why is that, easy to understand.
Often what a man wants in his life is his psychological weaknesses. For example, an inferiority complex, evident in childhood, could not allow the child to have a normal pattern of relationships with peers, who could not even make fun of such a child, for every team, and in children and in adults is as a leader or a leader, so and the "scapegoat." Therefore, such a child can set a target of his adult life to achieve a high position in life, which would allow to be able to control the destinies of many people (often in such a place is bureaucratic chair). Thus he gets a psychological compensation for their "painful childhood." If you look horoscopes of people striving for power, you can often see serious psychological problems, such as high ambitions, inadequate (often high) self-esteem, strong psychological dependence on their parents. A good example can be a male horoscope, shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Horoscope men - a senior official.
If we understand with the above positions this horoscope, you should pay attention to the completed seventh house, and here is the moon, which could indicate a strong dependence on the opinions of other people. The heavy reliance on women, expressed through the conjunction of the Moon, Ceres and Pluto, and the mother of the man described as mentally strong type, with pronounced rationality (Ceres and Moon in Virgo). Generally, in this horoscope can trace a strong parental influence, as both the manager "parent" homes (4 and 10 houses) aspect the Ascendant (Mercury, managing four house in trine to the Ascendant., Jupiter, operates 10 house in sextile Asc.), that is, have a significant influence on the model of interpersonal relationships.
Saturn in the first house in opposition to Mars in the seventh and eighth of the square Lilith house (8th house has a direct relationship to the mind) to the Ascendant may indicate a lack of confidence of the man in the relationship with others, especially with men (opposition to Mars), so it often ironic situation, and his behavior reminds clowning, in addition, Chiron in the first house in opposition to Pluto and Juno (Juno in this case describes the nature of the relationship between humans and the environment) and the Ascendant in Aquarius can induce precisely such a defensive reaction, hiding personal insecurity position. Not to say that he has an obvious problem with communication, for Mercury (contact, chat) in trine to the Ascendant., And Jupiter, describing the social environment, in sextile to the Ascendant.
On relationships with the opposite sex has a strong influence mother complex (psychological dependence on the mother as a strong personality). As a wife, he has chosen an independent woman, a leader by nature. In addition, Mars rules the second house (house self-esteem), so the opposition with Saturn gives an inadequate self-esteem is likely to be underestimated, and the understanding of it. Almost on the cusp of the second house is Venus, so it is easy to trace the strong influence of the feminine (mother or wife) on the nature of the human self. In addition to Venus in the second house Sun in opposition to Neptune and square to Mars, opposition may increase inadequate self-esteem, and the square to Mars explicitly allows to accept this state of affairs. Therefore, the question arises - how to assert themselves? The professional field of activity was still associated with medicine, this is indicated by the filled and Virgo and Node in the sixth house. Jupiter sextile to the Ascendant can pull people into power, and Lilith in the square to the Ascendant only reinforce this tendency. This man, with his business and good material wealth still left to bureaucratic post.
So, in the above examples it is clear that the role of Lilith in astropsychology can be described as an indication of psychological complexes, with Lilith associated with the structure of the human psyche as the subconscious or unconscious, in the terminology of psychoanalysis, or "shadow" of a person. If we stay within the framework of Freudian psychoanalysis, then Lilith can be associated with repressed sexuality, but this is a special case of its occurrence. The shadow side of the psyche with sufficient religious approach may be associated with the devil, here, by the way, and these characteristics are taken Lilith, however, it is too superficial approach, greatly limiting the researcher in understanding the nature and character of Lilith its manifestation in the horoscope.