Real astrology is sometimes called the "science of the stars" and for good reason. The root of the word is translated to mean star study. The study of real astrology is the thought that we as humans are influenced by the positioning of the stars in the sky.

Astrologers believe that the entire universe is connected, and, moreover, that it is like one entity connected in every way. They believe that humans receive signals and frequencies from the pull of the stars, and we react based on these signals. This is why some believe that we can predict our behaviors based on the alignment and position of the stars. Real astrology is based on the planetary energy which creates events in our lives.

The most commonly recognized form of astrology is the zodiac. The zodiac is an imaginary "line" of constellations through which stars and other celestial bodies pass. The zodiac is divided into twelve parts which are further subdivided into twelve constellations. These are so popular that most everyone knows under which that they fall. Which sign you are depends on the placement of the sun during the time of your birth.
The twelve signs are as follows:
Another very popular type of real astrology is that of horoscopes. Everyone has looked in the newspaper or magazine to see what their horoscopes said for them that day at least once. This is a very complicated method of mapping the "heavens", and predicting events and behaviors based on how the stars are aligned during the time of the event. There are a lot of false readings that play into people's beliefs about horoscopes. However, there are a few that have been well researched and are a form of real astrology.
Astrology is not to be confused with astronomy. Astronomy is very different in that it does not try and link the stars and constellations to any particular behavior. Astronomy is a very complicated way of recording the position of the stars using very sophisticated equipment.
Astrology is not a new trend. In fact, for thousands of years people on earth have looked to the stars for guidance. We have taken simple parts of astrology, and entwined them into our daily lives even if we don't know it! This is especially so in the medical field since many of our medical conditions were originally thought to have been created or influenced by the moon and stars.