Live Easy!
You've probably heard more than once: "This man I love because he is easy." Who is easy? With those who are not steamed myself and not care of others. We think that this "steam" - the central concept in the relationship. So the signs of "floating" rights:
-He was always dissatisfied with himself and others so unhappy;
-All the time he seeks out flaws in yourself or others;
-He tries to get rid of the shortcomings, rather than to enjoy its advantages;
Is its self - it's a constant struggle with each other;
-He fights with his flaws and shortcomings of others, condemning himself and others;
-He is constantly preoccupied with the impression he makes on others;
-It does not allow itself to be imperfect and not allow others to be imperfect.
With such a person will never be easy. He does not rest, he kept working, "modifying themselves and others with a file." Quite often, outraged customers such statements: "Why, if I'm not displeased them and will not strive to be perfect, because if I sleep on the couch and I will spit on the floor!" This is - misleading. Probably you are used to adjust himself and other critics. This - the eternal run from the pain instead of a nice trip on the river of life. Good news is that the development - it is a biological human need, it can not be free from it as not in need of special violence in order to evolve. Development can only slow down by fear or shame, violence, or criticism.

Please note: to get your nails and hair grow, they do not need no motivation or hastening - they grow up. They do not need to be customized! Because the increase, update and develop - is a natural need of every living organism. If you stop wasting time on it to please others, you begin to love life, follow that what you really need, and from it - will become happy. The most delicious and attractive - it's cheerful and happy!
Those people who need to excite, as a rule, implement some sort of their need: the desire to get attention, love, commitment, caring. This happens unconsciously, a person often does not know about that needs warmth and tenderness. But something makes it all the time to compete with others, to prove that it is better to stand out and compete. In fact, so he can get the necessary portion of attention, which will boost his self-esteem and give confidence that it is good because its all love.
This engine enables a person to cultivate, grow, but does not help to feel happier, since the true, latent demand can be completely different. The desire to prove and receive love - from childhood, which may have been deprived of parental love, affection, attention. Or, conversely, the child too pampered, he used to always be in first place for their parents, and now no one myself with him does not lead, and that he is sorely missed. We can assert itself at the expense of a rich husband, a beautiful wife, a high status, but at the same time feel a void, which we will try to fill the impressions of the new achievements and acquisitions.
If you do not want to receive a second degree, but know that we should do it, the great joy of this experience you will not bring, and is likely to prove futile. But if you, for example, take the time, to rethink your values and needs, you may find that you are happy to go to learn, but to another faculty. Or you will have a great job to help purchase a great experience. In any case, it is not necessary to force yourself to do something by force, enough to give your body a choice, and he will lead you to happiness.
Happy man - it's the one who lives as he wants. Live easy! to us to accept those who come want to change the habitual way of life, abandoning what does not suit them. By working together we were able to develop a strategy to achieve its goals. Many of those who come to us, we managed to make my life brighter and happier. They are admired, as were able to overcome all barriers and obstacles have changed a lot in my life, have found harmony.
So, in order to make people admire you, do not try to please and adjust to them. Look for yourself, your profession, his business, vocation. Your own style and way of life that suits you, and you call the admiration that is absolutely happy and multifaceted. Each person is born with the abilities and talents. It is important to find something that will be interesting, and that will bear fruit. Do not be afraid if you understand that for many years spent on the establishment of himself as a professional, accustomed to their work and receive dividends from it. You can begin to develop what you love to do as a hobby, a hobby. Maybe it will change your life, and perhaps will just vent. In any case, always makes sense to enrich their lives.
Currently you can find hundreds of courses that can help you develop your hobby or start to learn a new profession at any age. You love to sing - well, in a karaoke bar, you can fully express themselves, demonstrating their mastery over the vocal performance. You love to swim - go on diving courses, get certified, and you will be able to get immense pleasure from exploring the underwater kingdom. Do you like the height, you are often watching paratroopers - you now have the chance to experience all the delights of flight in a specially equipped for this place, where you first try to fly in zero gravity.
We often hear that people think is extremely difficult to change their habits, their lives. In practice, it turns out that every man complicates his life, drawing in his head incredible hardships. We offer you not writing difficulties, and deal with their needs and real possibilities: your talents, skills, qualities and abilities. To do this exercise.
To others admire you, it is important to learn to admire each other and enjoy themselves. People who love to criticize ourselves, looking at his flaws, cause extreme irritation if placed next to them a long time. Therefore, train yourself to recognize its value, its uniqueness, its excellence - and you'll get attraction. Every time you encounter a difficulty that you were not able to overcome, to sustain itself. For example, as we propose in the next exercise.
If we say that you - well, it will be untrue. If we say that you are ugly - this will also be true. Because you - perfect. Admire him, his victories, successes, good mood, the nature around you, people and events! Know yourself, listen, feel. Just trying something, you can see how well it turns out you. Life - is not the result but a process: have fun with what you are doing. Important, not only the result but the movement itself to him.