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Never rummage in the past and do not regret the decision and committed actions. Then you stop worrying about what you can not change and, therefore, translate their attention on the concerns of today. In addition to decisions on the lives of everyone affected by circumstances that you can not argue: the health, appearance and ability, in other words - the potential and heredity. Everyone comes into this world with a certain genetic combinations that change which is not given to anyone. Therefore, it makes no sense to worry about.

Do not be sad about the past. Past troubles are powerless, they can not harm you. You'll stop worrying as soon forget yesterday's hurt and destruction. Do not irritate the wounds do not remember about what has not come back. You should not scare yourself ghosts coming troubles - the future only one thing, but you can imagine an endless number of fatalities, most of which will never happen.

Expectation of trouble does not reduce the frustration of failure when they befall. This conclusion was an American psychologist conducted a series of experiments with students. Most people believe that if a mentally prepare for the worst - for example, failure on the exam or to defeat in the competition - then transfer those in trouble if they do occur, it will be much easier. However, this view is contradicted by an experiment that was conducted by psychologists from Seattle Pacific University and the University of Washington.

Suddenly it became clear that students who from the beginning did not believe in a positive result, feel worse than those who were confident of success, but overestimated their strength. But in cases where the result was good, the degree of positive emotions was approximately equal, reports the journal Nature. Researchers believe that the human response to failure is determined mainly by its general attitude toward life, rather than the degree of readiness for particular circumstances. It turned out that the old advice to "be prepared for the worst" simply does not work, and pessimistic setting makes a person a loser. Those who are confident of success, even if it fails convinced that acted as a whole is not so bad. If you are experiencing a breakdown, if you are facing problems that you feel are intractable, severe, even unfeasible, use the following exercise, which consists of two stages.

Let go of your desires!

The first stage . Choose a time that you will not be required to make haste. If you do find an interval between the cases, do yourself a day off - Forget about the duties or reassign them to someone else. Do not give up the event just because you can not allocate her time, of course, if you need to supplement their own forces. So, pick a time, ask those around you do not disturb, you can turn off the phone and lie down in bed.
Second stage. promised myself to suppress any attempts to start doing something. Lying motionless, holding even eye movement. Keep track of emerging targets, requiring its execution (by the slightest desire to turn in bed, on the other side, to the need to do some urgent business, or consider some of his projects). The maximum relax, immerse yourself in the present, chase any forecasts and watch from the sidelines.

If you wish to take some actions will still appear, but it will definitely happen, "release" their desires to the will of its own, without accompaniment. Stanteravnodushnym witness to their impulses, look at them from the side, with the position of the third, as something you are not interesting and quite far away. If necessary, reinforce the thought that you need to gain strength, and the only way to achieve this - do not spend them. You also should not think that "here I am now otlezhus, rest and'll do that now comes to my mind." You, by contrast, are obliged to let their wishes, let them do what they want, but without your participation.

For today ...

We are constantly going through because of past failures and mistakes as well as worry about the future. In addition, because of laziness, we often defer to the "then" what should I do now. And in doing so, we do not pay attention to what is most important - given time. Fully dive into the hope and anxiety leads to loss of energy and, ultimately, to failure. But the man who, step by step, doing what should be done, he achieves success on their own. Fortuna herself turning to face him. It is important to distinguish whether you plan something for the future, or just worry about it, every moment of this time should only be undertaken with advantage. The more you think about the troubles, the greater the suffering, when you experience them. Better attitude towards possible events impartially.

You can worry only if mentally live in the future, about which you dream, or is afraid of, either in the past where it happened is something about what you are experiencing so far. If you live in the present, you can not worry. For example, if you are worried at the moment? Of course not! This is explained by the fact that you read this book, and your concentration eliminates the worry. Man can not think of two things at once. You overcome the fear and anxiety, if you live day to day, and even better - in the moment. Simply make a statement that soon you'll be ...! "Expressed his positive statement and stick with it for a certain period of time. Do not worry about the future, which will come later, and your troubles will disappear.
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