Live their feelings .. today ..
Have you watched the film "Sweet November"? The main heroine of this film was terminally ill. She knew that every day, for it may be the last, and continuing to drink tablets, which she helped to prolong life, enjoy every moment of life. She had a new lover every month, but in the last month of her life she met that she is not waiting for the man of her dreams. They had a very beautiful romance. What kind of awe and affection, they treated each other as they were saving a relationship! From the life of the protagonist had disappeared all unimportant things for her, no matter for her people, she took his head vain thoughts. Leaving only those moments that were endowed with sense and love for Him. Fantastically beautiful!
Of course, the only live one love to the man of your dreams is not helpful for you and for him. Such love, in which people do not notice anything in the world except each other, quickly leads to boredom in a relationship. However, some girls, meeting with him, a man's dream start to wonder does not love questions: "Who are his parents? On what he drives? Where does he live? Whether these relations for the wedding? "Or" Will this man promising tomorrow? ". They can discuss these issues with your family, friends or by their elected representative. Of course, in order to build a serious relationship with someone important to know these things. But is it important in a relationship? These questions - questions arrangement of co-existence, are important, but do not replace if they are for you and your chosen depth of your relationship? Often at the arrangement of life dies, life itself.

This girl is not in a relationship with her man, and in the future, and it is not possible to live with him my feelings today, here and now. She does not live the relationship with your beloved, but is prepared to "live". Men in this situation, it seems that girls only need material goods and money. live their feelings .. today .. Here's a little story.
"My friend opened the drawer of his wife and took a bag of clothes, wrapped in silk paper. He looked at the silk and lace: "I bought her this when we were the first time in New York, 8 or 9 years ago. She had never worn, tried to save for a special occasion. And now, I think the time has come. " He approached the bed and put clothes on to other things, taken from the funeral home. His wife died.
When he turned to me, he said: "Nothing is saved for special cases: every day that you live - is a special case." Those words changed my life. Today I'm reading more and less navozhu order. I settle myself on the veranda and enjoy the view without paying attention to weed the garden. I spend more time with his family and friends and less at work. I realized that life - a collection of experiences, which is valued ...
And now nothing more I retain: every day I use my crystal glasses, I wear my new jacket to go to the supermarket, my favorite perfume I use when I want instead to put them only on holidays. The words "once" or "One day," banished from my vocabulary.
I want to see, hear and do things here and now. I do not know what would make my friend's wife, if she knew that she was not going to happen tomorrow ... "