Living Business
Advanced companies are paying more attention to personnel. Effectiveness of financial incentives as a major tool to improve the efficiency of labor is declining. Therefore, many turn to the most powerful motivator - love, love, man to himself. Every person has their own destiny. Therefore, the most striking manifestation of self-love is understanding its purpose, the maximum realization of existing potential, the disclosure of more and more facets of his personality. And of course, the person shall be put to an organization that provides him an opportunity of maximum disclosure of his individual abilities, the opportunity to express his love for yourself through personal growth.
Modern business trends indicate the need for revision of the conceptual framework of entrepreneurial activity. Well-established pattern, with statutes of most commercial organizations - "the activity for profit" - is outdated. In the new situation he came into conflict with the vector of evolution and become destructive nature. For many of our words are a revelation, but they are valid. People who seek to profit, be sure to run into problems.
Outdated business models
To clarify this important statement. Economic theory teaches that in order to start a commercial activity is required starting capital. Then, using this economic resource, it is necessary to carry out some action - to produce goods or services. All this is done in order to make a profit, which will allow the owner to realize his dream. Abbreviated this paradigm can be described as OWN - OPERATE - BE.
In the activity of a particular company, this paradigm is reflected in the fact that the owner of capital is not interested in anything other than "squeezing" out of business money. His subordinates, copying the model of the behavior of the owner, showed no other desire but to arrive at salary. And so on down, from executives to janitors. What performance can we expect from such a business organization? But even those who turned out to be the most clever and able on occasion to "grab" a king's ransom for some reason do not feel satisfied. Live they are bored and afraid to die.
"Live" business model - a way to communal harmony
The new paradigm involves reverse: BE - ACT - HAVE! Maybe he is new to the business, but not for nature. In line with this paradigm for the efficient organization of business owner must be interested in the action, not only in obtaining monetary compensation. The action should be constructive, that it is not turned into the destruction of personality.
The higher degree of awareness and scope of thought, the more resources should be involved for translating them into concrete business projects. Activities should be aimed at the development of the human person and all participants in the process. That would be the main strategy of the business. It is in this direction is the evolution. Adhering to this vector the company will float like a boat on the river of life quickly and easily. And do not paddle against the current, as is done today.
Business activities in accordance with the paradigm BE - ACT - have built up on the same principles as the home life, ie, on the principles of existence and development of living organisms. The main purpose of this "live" business is a manifestation of love of its owner (parent) with myself, with people involved in business processes, to society and the world at large. In this case there is no contradiction between work and family and the rest of life.
Lively business and its advantages
Benefits business, built on the paradigm BE - ACT - HAVE:
• In this business, knowingly uses the most powerful in nature resource - the energy of love;
• the use of the most powerful resource of new business has significantly higher efficiency, in particular by reducing the costs of implementation of monitoring and improving the income from awakening initiative and creativity of each employee;
• a business is alive and self-organizing system;
• business more zhizneustoychiv and durable;
• enterprises that operate like a living organism, not participate in the competition, as each of them becomes an essential part of the universe and harmony with the flow of life.
New business ideas are implemented in many business projects and give an excellent result. Those who are interested in a new approach to business, may find more information in the book, which will soon be published by Prime-EVROZNAK. Plan and the creation of business schools, which will train a new approach to business, and assist in implementing these ideas into concrete projects.