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Lodging men tell about his character

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Lodging men tell about his character

Naturally, like every woman, you are not indifferent to the details, but not always aspire to immediately draw conclusions from what he saw. However, still something to which elements of the interior is worth a closer look to protect themselves from possible mistakes and disappointments. Lodging men tell about his character! " So, you went to him for the first time, and what do you see there? The main element of the decor - posters with pictures of kittens. Well, okay. This does not necessarily talking about lack of taste. Just a man loves kittens. Generally speaking, all cute and small. Children. And so on and so forth.

Everything is filled with a giant collection of plush, ceramic, cotton, and any other animals - elephants, Hippo, horses. It is logical to think that he just likes elephants or horses. But all is not so simple. Such collecting can talk about a pleasant young man's persistence selected subject. However, practice shows that such a commendable sense of purpose can have quite unexpected applications - for example, the propensity for collecting a large number of brunettes with a pretty face.

Many crystal vases, porcelain figurines, plates, painted or wall compositions of straw with slogans such as "Hello from Pärnu!". He's too good-natured, to throw any rubbish, which he presented with numerous friends.

On the door of the toilet - a portrait of Madonna.

He likes Madonna.

On the door of the toilet - a portrait assembled.
He hates Sabrina.

Upholstered furniture with cloth upholstery.

The woman in the house - a rare visitor.

Leather furniture.

He thinks that the sexually liberated, but actually it is not true (otherwise he knew how uncomfortable touching naked body to the cold, quickly becoming moist skin).

Pull-out sofa, which for some fifteen minutes can turn into a giant clamshell.

He does not recognize the random connections.

Large double bed.

He admits the random connection, but almost certainly kicks in his sleep.

Many houseplants.

Nightmare. Although as you like. Maybe he is well-developed paternal instinct.

On the kitchen window - the sad number of dead cacti.

Be careful. He is prone to some sentimental impulses, but that's responsible for their loved ones will not be able to bear. Intentions, then it is always very good, but they just also paved the road to hell ... A lot of candles. One of two things - either it is romantic and sexy, or he is wrong wiring, but it's electricity - no boom-boom. If the candlesticks in the apartment for more than five, he probably enjoys spiritualism. The collection of LPs, cassettes and CDs is dominated by jazz.

Consider yourself lucky. The official statistics says that jazz fans have a sexuality, 30% exceeding the average level, and they have a very high degree of sexual activity. He had on the shelves (and on the most prominent places!) Abstruse books of authors with no less recondite names. It's okay. He is just trying to impress you. In fact, he has not read these books. They are generally very few people read. Bed littered with stuffed toys. Or he is not the orientation, or he has not said goodbye to childhood. However, it may well be that he is affectionate and kindness. (R.S. In any case, toys that could have removed.)


In the refrigerator - ice arctic void.

I hope you know how to reheat a pizza purchase?

Fridge scored dried slices of sausage, cheese, other legacy products, which long ago it's time to throw.

Gap with a woman going for it an ordeal. He can not part with the past.

Bathroom - the most habitable and comfortable place in the apartment.

Of course, you need to care for themselves. But the exaggerated care of your body is always considered a sign of selfishness.

At the heart in the bathroom was retracted extender jet.

I do not know how to tell you ... In general, the sexual side of life he is not indifferent.

On the nightstand beside the bed - a portrait of his ex-girlfriend.

Do you think he is trying to arouse your jealousy? Not at all! Simply forgot to remove it.

The rich collection of porn.

There are two options. Or - he really likes to watch porn. Or - is it for you some overdone.

Antlers in the hallway.

Well, at least, he certainly is not vegetarian.

In the cabinet - a large box of condoms.

Let's hope that this box has presented a prudent mother, when the grown-up son moved to a separate apartment.

In a portrait of his dog bed in a gold frame with a pattern.

If the dog has died - this is the usual commemorative photograph. But if the dog alive and well, you know: in this house without you already have someone much bigger than your persona.

Well, everything considered? Nothing is missed? Then you can say with certainty that figured in his character and habits. But perhaps not yet realized that by and large, this young man, you're not interested. Otherwise, you will not be snooping around now for refrigerators and bathrooms, and spent time with a much greater benefit ...

Get to know him over ice cream

If you do not know well his chosen one, offer him ice cream. Which will he choose? Check the results from our table. Studies show that adherence to a particular taste associated with certain character traits.

1. A lover of classic vanilla ice cream - a real adventurer. Always ready to take risks, he would never give up once again flirting.

2. Who prefer chocolate ice cream used to dominate. He feels himself a king and also can not stand the monotony - will have to surround it with puzzles and mysteries.

3. Those who choose color juice ice, an idealist and a devoted lover. Unfortunately, it is very traditional in their sexual predilections and not configured for the experiments in this area.

4. Amateur soft fruity taste shy and extremely sensitive. Be prepared to support it everywhere and in everything, as he often did not believe in their abilities.

His clothes

Bed linen striped. The owner of a bed is very ponyatliv and performers. You can rely on him, but do not expect the initiative. Your word - the law.

Linen white. A man who prefer this color linen, - a real disciplinarian. He never settles into bed without taking a shower and brush your teeth. And most importantly, by nature extremely picky, he will constantly monitor your every move. Red underwear. Means increased sensuality men. He is ready for adventure, and without thinking twice can even be absent from work, pretending to be ill, for a whole day with you. Bed linen, dotted, or with any other merry pattern. It is filled with energy and desire, as well as his underwear - pictures. Always in need of female society, which receives recharge from a regular basis. This type do not like the long-term relationship with a girl. Council - quickly forget it.

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