Logic wins mind!
In fact, logic often goes against reason and fortunate are those people whose mind is winning. For example, a caring mother, after reading about the need to sleep on the regime, forcing the poor child to bed every day for two hours after lunch, despite the fact that he feels and knows that the child, it is not necessary. She continues to torture himself and a child, because you should not mind, and distracted from the practice of the logical structures described in any book. Another woman, a good weighing all options, is getting married for someone who likes to, but because of whom to correct - and suffer a lifetime because polushalas logic, not his heart. Someone lifetime drinking mineral water, which he dislikes, but he knows about its usefulness. Someone makes his son to choose a career, for which the son does not fit.
Someone lifelong dream of a dog, but does not initiate it himself, because for some reason decided to bring up the dog - it's a big responsibility. A wise man who lived a long and meaningful life, once told me that he knows how to find the right solution to any difficult situation. "First, you need to sit down and calmly ponder, weigh all the pros and cons, without losing detail, and take the most logical solution. And then do the opposite." All the salt in this "contrary". All attempts to create a utopia and society vsobschego schatya and justice were based on some logical structures. And always, with an iron perseverance, they ended with a universal affliction, and a huge injustice. The logic of common sense won.
A world in which we live wisely and beautifully arranged, but illogical, and human life is also illogical, unreasonable and especially the happiness of man - any little thing can make us happy, and great fortune can remain indifferent. I for example, often feel happy on a sunny morning - just because the sun is shining and when the marks that a long-awaited, I have no time to be happy, I immediately switch to the next target. Thus, happiness and life itself is illogical and sometimes it is fine when run counter to logic. Fed up, threw all sat in the train and went into the woods on a random station - and realized that it is still alive and that life is worth. When we try to follow the logic circuits, we first lost the happiness and beauty of life, then life itself.
The logic against reason
A classic example of killing the logic of reasonableness is a dialogue of Plato's "The State". Socrates, a participant in this dialogue, the man himself is deeply honest, and moral stpravedlivy tries to create a theory of an ideal state - one in which all people will be happy. However, logically constructed ideal is obtained from tainted - from him is a totalitarian dictatorship, and sometimes a concentration camp:
"First of all, we probably need to look for the creators of myths: if their product is good, we let him, but if not - reject. We are persuaded educators and mothers tell children only accepted myths." While that "persuaded". But already on the next page - more anxiety "make": "... and therefore we must get to write about it in his work."
It is further assumed "delete" various places from Homer and not because they are bad, but because they are nice and pleasant charm. Further reasoning leads to the fact that boys should not be too ticklish, then there is a limitation on the characters. Then, quite logically come to that in the literature to prohibit the use of direct speech, and to encourage only indirectly. Then he offered some general flaw sizes poetic, musical harmonies and instruments (this is consonant with the way the times of Stalin banned certain "non-socialist" musical intervals), to drive out of state flutists, and keep only those who play the lyre, cithara and organ.
Then there is just a great logical jump:
"Well, really only for the poets have to look and to instruct (!), Or implement them in their works the moral way, or just give up too (!) From creativity? Did not have to look at and for the rest of the masters?" But all this - yet only the flowers. Logic leads to the denial of eroticism:
"As we create the state you set (what a word!) So in love with was a friend of his favorite, with him spend the time (even that needs legislative setting!) And treated him like a son for the sake of beauty, if he would agree. A otherwise he shall so communicate with those who cared for that could never occur, even assuming that between them there is something more. " And again: "... you can not bring, and delight: with him there should be nothing to do with the right loving or loved ones ..." Note the phrase: "the right love." For love and castrated logic. Very similar to SSSRovskoe: "we have no sex."
Next absolutely eerie passage of a judge and a physician:
"Both of them will care about the citizens, full in respect of both body and soul, and who is not the man who fully only physically, so they will give die, that comes to people with flawed soul, and though incurable, they themselves put to death. "
Then describes the life of perfect people: "First of all, nobody should have any private property if that is not absolutely necessary.
Then, no one should be a home or pantry where you do not have access to any interested person. "That is, citizens are prohibited from any private life.
A good citizen should be totally transparent and always visible.
"Quantities of supplies should be enough guards for the year, but without excess."
We note this interesting point: why the year, rather than thirteen months or ten? Year - round is a random number that came to mind legislator - and all residents of the state must now agree on the number of its stores with this figure. Likewise, an ancient State to establish what size of each of the slaves must wear hat - as if the office itself can not solve such a simple question, as if anyone wants to wear the cap is not on the size. And if they wish, then what? Thought that creates the state, goes further:
"First of all, they (those who watches over the state) should protect the state from violating the order of innovations ..." So we have come to the prohibition of innovation, that is, to stop progress. Further proposed to regulate children's play, haircut, clothes, shoes and so on. In the end, participants in the dialogue come to the logical conclusion that a wives and children must be shared. Here they are already very clear sense that goes against reason and common sense, therefore, sounds something like an apology:
"Probably much of what we're talking about will seem ridiculous, because it would be contrary to custom, if you will be executed accordingly said." But still persist: "All the wives of these men should be common, but individually neither let anyone not cohabiting. And the children too should be shared, and the way parents do not know their children, and children - their parents."
"... The rulers need to have often resorted to lies and deceit - for the benefit of those who are subservient to them."
"... The offspring of the best men and women should be nurtured, and the offspring the worst - no ..."
Woman gives birth to let the government (note: the government!) From twenty to forty years and ... "
"Of the same brothers and sisters, the law will allow cohabiting to those who drop out during the drawing ..."