Loosestrife ivolistny from the evil eye, damage
Not for nothing is popularly called loosestrife Plakun-grass. Indeed devil is very much afraid of this plant. From the root of loosestrife did cross, and wore on itself for protection against witches and sorcerers. Plakun need to collect only his hands. It applies for practically all types of spoilage.
• If your family, children do not sleep, you should put a pillow under the child a few sprigs of dried herbs.
• Decoction of herbs good help to those who are subject to convulsions different parts of the body. Okay so ill take 2 3 times a week, a warm bath in the decoction of the herb.
• To make a crucial moment did not allow weapons malfunction, our ancestors were fumigated it with dry leaves of grass.
• When building a house, under every corner poured a bit of dried herbs Plakun.
• If the house was got the Evil One, the dry grass fumigate the premises.
• When you have messed up the cattle, the decoction of this herb should drink a sick animal. Who cattle begins to swirl, it is necessary to pour into the ear decoction of grass or grass tied to the head of the animal.
• Decoction of flowers and grass roots are used for bloody diarrhea, dysentery, gastritis, chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane.
• Decoction of herbs and roots is taken orally as a sedative for insomnia.
• The strong decoction of grass bathed children in various contortions.
• Roots are the means of male and female infertility. 3st. l. roots set in an enamel pan and pour 3stakanami cold water, put on a slow fire and let simmer 30 minutes under the lid closed. Remove from heat, strain, divided into 3priema and drink for 30 minutes before meals.
• Chopped fresh roots are used for hernia and panaritiums.
• Napara roots administered orally at irregular and heavy menstruation.
• Powder herbs sprinkled on non-healing ulcers.
• Decoction of root taken for colic, and internal bleeding.
• Poultices made from fresh herbs well help with festering wounds, and lichen.
• Decoction of herb used as an analgesic in rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases and hemorrhoids.
• When the flux, stomatitis, aftah and wounds in the mouth must be 4-factor of 5 per day to rinse the mouth strong decoction of grass.
• When belyah women need to douche the night warm decoction of herbs loosestrife.
• Decoction of herb drink cough, chest pain, and as a diaphoretic for colds.
• Decoction of roots is useful in a rage.
• The general weakness of the body should take warm baths to the decoction of grass and herb broth with honey taken inside.
• Decoction of herbs with flowers are used in nervous diseases.