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Love Astrology Predictions for Science

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Love Astrology Predictions for Science
What is the reason that some couples break up after several months of dating, while others live happily until golden wedding? Why do some people manage to enjoy a few marriages, while others live life alone? Is it true the saying "can endure - slyubitsya? Is there an everlasting love? Can you explain your love failures "crown of celibacy? Science of astrology can provide answers to these questions and tell about what you are "destined to". Galina Bondarenko astrologer reveals the astrological secrets of love.

Read love the stars.

You can calculate love compatibility of men and women with synastry - special astrological chart. Synastry shows all the features of the relationship partners.

How to map compatibility?

Require accurate data from one of the partners: year, month, date and exact time of birth, as well as place of birth. The second partner also has to provide accurate information about yourself. However, if it fails to specify the exact time of his birth, it is not strongly reflected in synastry.

How is the card compatible?

Necessary to construct a horoscope of one of the partners in his accurate data. In this horoscope fit the data of the second partner. The final card is called horoscope and compatibility.

How to interpret the card compatibility?

Below we describe the main aspects of the compatibility of male and female. Once the card compatibility will be drawn up, the astrologer thoroughly examine all the details and parameters of the planets in the horoscope of the couple together. After a detailed analysis of the astrologer concluded that, as far as the relationship the pair will be favorable and durable. Likewise, the map will show the compatibility of what the partners are compatible and which aspects of life can cause problems. Ways to address these issues as suggested by, but whether to follow the advice - it's a personal decision of each. Synastry shows how much time each partner will be married. Map of compatibility can be found and married a man, if it is available, it is a Russian or a foreigner. Map tells you where the most likely to meet the most compatible partner: on vacation, at home or abroad, etc.

Aspects of the compatibility of partners.

There are four main aspects of the compatibility of partners who can be identified in the horoscope.


This aspect shows how the partners are similar views on life, passions, reactions to certain situations. This is an important aspect of compatibility of couples, especially for women. If the psychology of the partners perfectly compatible, then a man and a woman can be wonderful friends, get a close "friendship - love."
Sexual relations.

This aspect reflects the compatibility of partners in sexual terms. As far as their temperaments are similar, as far as partners are liberated and are willing to discuss intimate so ready whether to something new in the sexual sphere. The most common problems in the sexual sphere are no novelty for the men and the lack of affection and attention - for women. Just "brake" in an intimate relationship for both sexes is the fear that the partner has the "other" or "other." Answers to questions of sexual compatibility is easy to find in a horoscope.

This aspect of compatibility shows how much each partner is independent and free in life and in everyday life, as well as how he can be free and independent to his partner. Women often make a big mistake in this sphere. After all, most of them after the wedding start to restrict the freedom of her husband, perceiving it as their property. However, men need men-only pastime: spending time with friends, trips to the fishing or hunting, hiking a football, etc. Representatives of water signs (Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios) often try to influence her husband with tantrums and tears. But this only leads to irritation of the men, and later to divorce. Please note that these and other problems of this aspect becomes apparent only after 3 - 5 years of marriage.

Extremely important aspect of compatibility. He shows how partners are ready to consider the opinion of each other, whether they accepted their partner as a full-fledged self-sufficient person. Are they willing to allow each other to develop independently in any area and listen to the wishes of the partner. If a woman sees her man as the source of the money, and a man treats his woman as the cook and the cleaner, they should ponder the fact that they have serious problems in this aspect.

What is most important in the aspects of compatibility?

Themselves important are the personal preferences of each. Even if the good compatibility of the partners just for sex, and other aspects are not particularly compatible, but for sex partners is a very important element of the relationship, then this alliance has a future. Conversely, if in terms of sex partners are not very compatible, but they converge perfectly understanding, that a couple can live happily ever after. Most-perfect compatibility in sex ratio predicts short, but long-term alliances inherent to couples who have excellent performance on the psychology of compatibility, respect and independence.

Is eternal love?

Yes, probably. However, the longstanding practice allowed to watch only a few such ideal unions. They say that the marriage is given more than what these two men - two halves of the whole, then split and miraculously reunited in a pair. These are happy people who have put together a bright, eternal love. Unfortunately, such an ideal pair of extremely rare, but they do exist!

Is there a crown of celibacy?

In astrology, there is no such thing as a "crown of celibacy." Forming the horoscope for every woman, the astrologer sees the probability of the conclusion of her marriage and the possibility of meeting future partner. It is possible that a desired meeting will take place over many years, when a woman reaches old age. Possible and no position of marriage in the horoscope of a woman because of the lack of activity on her part. However, on its way for sure to meet a man whose strengths of the planet will be in her home of marriage. In this case, a man attract a woman, and they probably will make a wonderful alliance. All these and many other situations very well are calculated on a horoscope compatibility.

Is it true the saying "can endure - slyubitsya?

Such a situation usually occurs in two main scenarios. People can get married without love, because of certain circumstances, but the desire to preserve the marriage will make them fall in love.

There are up the opposite case, when a couple marries for love, but over time their feelings for each other fade away. The woman, who by their very nature can be flexible, may slightly change yourself, saving bulge at the seams marriage. Due to this, such an alliance can flourish feelings for a second time.

A very common question: how to behave partners, whose degree of compatibility quite low. The answer is simple: if people are willing to change for the sake of his love, if they have enough patience and strength, so as not to lose his true love, they just need to ... be together. After all, true love is stronger than all the sciences of the world!

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