Love Letters
This is a very touchy subject, because I find it hard to give advice for the eyes, not seeing your faces and hearing your stories and life circumstances vary widely, and that is suitable for one woman is totally unacceptable to the other, and that's okay! I therefore urge you to be more careful, watch the life around you and draw their own conclusions based on their observations. The only way you can make yourself and your loved ones happy. This is true, oddly enough, and to the letters. I know one woman who seems bent on violating all the unwritten rules of seduction and sent her lover is extremely candid letters, filled to capacity calculations sentimental, tender and passionate reproaches with reproaches, hopes for the future and even painted on the fields of hearts, and yet everything She has developed excellent - her favorite soul in it denotes not many years!
So I will not categorically say that here is this, they say, do not, and it must do, and you must decide what course of action and tactics of the letters you prefer. Maybe you do not want anything to do enough, if your messages will breathe sincerity, and if you're lucky the same way as my friend. But frankly, I would not call this case the rule rather the exception, for the most part men hate sentimentality and childhood innocence, and, besides, there are many, at first glance, the little things that can ever deter them from women. That is precisely these "little things" I'm going to talk to you.

Let's start with the most important - to appeal to men. Know that most strongly irritates the stronger sex in the women's letters? Tenderly sentimental phrases such as "dear", "favorite", "my darling" or even "the light of my eyes" and "my beloved." Still, it only seems to you that a man would be happy to know about your him passionate and lofty sentiments; analysis actually a man does not want such a clear manifestation of affection from your side, it seems to him that his ostentatious affection you seek to bind him hand and legs. And as you probably guessed themselves, for their freedom man will fight to the last, even if its independence is really nothing threatening - just in case! Knowing this, you certainly will try to keep my sincere impulse and do not overload their affectionate letter word, right?
Virtually all men secretly dream about a woman that you want to win for which have much to accomplish, a woman of your dreams is a man, should involve everyone, but no one except himself, the one and only, not to give a hand. But what do we have? You're sending love letters , which tell the man that so badly miss him, you can not take a case, it appears that you are not a separate and independent personality, and being entirely dependent on her man! It is not normal. Of course, I realize that my attitude towards this issue is too sharp, and yet I repeat once again: Men do not care about women who can not take themselves an interesting case! But if you are always surrounded by people who are always aware of everything going on and rotates in the heart of the action - oh, that's when you will be coveted prey for any hunter! And in the soul of all men are, even the most timid, quiet and tame. I advise you not to forget about it.
But do not think that the gentle and tender words should be completely thrown out of a love letter. No, you can easily write your loved one how you miss him and how did you miss it, you just have to do it carefully, so that reading your letter the men did not feel like you're boring and closed person. Again, compare two passages: "Lord, if you knew how I miss you! Nights not sleeping, not eating, do not go! ".." And "I miss you terribly. Was here yesterday Ivanov at a party, and is - a few times playing our favorite music with you, and you next to me was not! I had to dance with Petrov and Sidorov, "" As you can see, in the first passage you appear in the image of a lonely lady, biting his elbows in splendid isolation. The second passage gives a man to understand that while you are on it and miss, but there will never moan and suffer, you're not one of those women! In addition, do not sin once again to remind your loved one that you are attractive and sexy woman and that his absence near you - first of all is his problem, not yours. Only, for God's sake, do not overdo it!
Make it a rule never to write about the other one man in a serious tone, but can joke as much as you want, it's your right. What's the difference? In the first case, your lover will be jealous for real, doubting your love and faithfulness, angry at you hard, and it is, you know, not the effect you would like to achieve. Humor also removes all the tension and show your loved one that you love him and treat him seriously, and all the other men cause you to smile (even if reading between the lines: "Where are they to you, my dear!"). And yet, laugh laugh, but jealousy will certainly arise in the soul of your lover ... He will fight it, because you also wrote him a nice, nice letter, and you gave him to understand that long-term relationship you have with him only one, but as jealousy - a feeling is irrational, then from it just does not get off! And that's fine - if the reaction of your loved one on your letter will be precisely this, then you can be congratulated on the victory!
Be as beautiful as Malvina ...
Incidentally, the verses, sayings, proverbs and inscriptions-empowerment. Better to do without them. That's how to take and forget about it all at once - leave Yard poetry schoolgirls, you've come (hope!) From the age when these poems makes you excited. I remember the girls gladly donated their photos at each other with solemn inscriptions on the reverse side: "My gift to you one, though not I, but my shadow," "Be beautiful, as Malvina, fun, like Pinocchio, to Piero wrote poems Artemon gave flowers "or" Love me like I love you, your faithful friend! "Perhaps in childhood unpretentious rhymes and simple rhyme seemed to you the very concise, which is known to be a close relative of talent, but now something I hope you understand that all of this - the purest kitsch?
However, even if you still love sentimental poems of this kind and fun to read a girl's albums (complete works of school-yard poetry), then at least take my word - the men to endure all of this creation of new words can not! They are shaken by the first rows of uncomfortable even thinking about what all this nonsense you have dedicated to them ... Do not expose the same men as a serious test, do not put in their letters eternal "Waiting for an answer, like a nightingale of summer" and "What wish you, I do not know ..." Who can say for sure whether the man put up your banality for the happiness and love you be your favorite, or their patience will soon burst with a bang and you're left with nothing? In my opinion, would be better if you do not check so strength of your relationship in practice!
The remaining questions are not so important - for example, the length of the letter depends on your literary abilities, the number of events that you wish to present the man, and the time spent on writing letters. The main criterion here - entertaining letters, written by you, but if it is interesting to read, it means that everything is in order. If you are over three pages repeated in different variations, in general, the same thing, you better not be lazy and write your letter - let it be short, but the man did not bother to read it! You're probably not want your loved one yawned over your love letter? Hence, to work on it (over a love letter, of course!) As follows, make it readable and informative (yes, the latter is important too: sad, when the letter alone emotions and complete lack of facts!). In general, do not forget that the letter - is not just a paper shaped as letters, it is - another way of seduction, seduction and Charming man, so treat him with respect!