Love Predictions
Witches as a form of magic using a certain type of makeup. Drawing itself is a magical act, and inflicted on body image attracts and reflects light energy, which triggers the magic. You can apply on your skin a standard symbol: a star with the navel in the middle - a symbol of the moon or the sun, a sign of union of male and female, as well as the text of a plot of only one or two or three words. Pattern is then applied ashes, previously dissolved in the collected dew, or melted water. Ash is taken from The Love of burnt incense - juniper and heather. When an image is dry, excess ash osypletsya, but will remain the energy that affects the person you're interested. Short plot you can think for yourself.
In the old days under the navel and closer to the heart of ancient runes written name of God - please. Pleasures - sexual energy The Love nature and attractive sexually active members of the opposite sex. This can be done by men and women. The next makeup is addressed only to women. When you fail your eyes, you imitate the goddess who portrayed stand out with big eyes that can see through space and time and look into the depths of hearts. The Syrian Goddess Marie looked into the human soul. In the old days, the ability to see everything and know everything horrifies, and such mystical piercing eyes became known as the "evil eye", which is ascribed to the witches inquisition. Shade, pull the energy of love, the conviction of the ancient witch should be in two colors - green and terracotta-copper. In such an eye varies shine, the light is refracted differently reflected differently than ordinary people, and sent to others. It promotes erotic contacts and long-term sealing of your image in the memory of men.
The magic of smell
Scientific research confirms that the smell plays a much larger role in sexual attraction than previously believed. Odor has a strong stimulating effect, but recent studies suggest perfume experts: all the people are very rapidly respond to odors. That is the way to the heart of a loved one can lie through your nose. The carefully selected perfumes really work. Woman-witch should not be changed frequently smells, it must differ only its odor, feeling that the man only think of her. You can make your own The Love fragrance. What does it consist of?
Seven drops of patchouli oil,
seven drops of oil of bergamot,
seven drops of oil of juniper,
seven drops of chamomile oil,
seven drops of oil rose,
seven drops of oil orris,
seven drops of oil trapping,
seven drops of geranium oil.
Stir, pour into a bottle and charge through the rolling out of the heart. In this Tune call your partner. If you have a period of loneliness, it just calls in his life to the image of man. Use this The Love smell when walking into a society where men are bound to be. If you go to the company, which amount to only women, then do not use the The Love the smell, because the "ordinary" women that smell influences like a red rag to a bull, they begin to angrily lash out at you, your barbs noting the slightest flaws.
The magic of love call away
In order to meet the two should happen momentous changes in space, which, having heard your call, will pave "the way" for a possible meeting. Happy sex life does not begin with the first bed scene, but with the first call a lonely heart. How is this magic? Stand up in your room so you can see through the window the entire depth of the sky. The back of this should be smooth, but relaxed. This exercise should be done to both men and women. Rub your palms together, until they become hot. One hand on the genitals, as if covering them with his hand.
The other hand, women - left, men - generally perform circular movements around the navel. First, your hand is almost weightless, and then the movement should become more intense. As a result, the skin under his palm should blush and ignite a flame of fire. The second hand remains in place. After a while you will feel that it appeared the pulsating energy flows. It was at this point, joining both hands in the genital area, you should put pressure on the lower abdomen and mentally yell loudly called for his partner (partner). Do this exercise often, and if your connection with a sexual partner will be permanent. You'll always be in an erotic relationship with each other.
The magic of love attraction
Bring to your attention a love ritual with Amber. Retrieve a piece of white or dark amber. Refer to the jeweler or make themselves - gives a piece of amber star shape. It should make a small hole that amber was free to "run" on a chain or woolen thread. If you use a chain, then use the chain of precious metals, silver or gold, but gold is "working" harder. The chain should be long, girth to your waistline. You can use multiple chains with strong locks. But I assure you that after a while you'll want to wear this amulet constantly. Take a few chains in the jewelry workshop, let their alloys together.
Before pronouncing the plot and the magical influence of the amber flush of spring water, which added sea salt, wrap in a white cloth and lay out three nights under the stars. It is clear amber and neutralizes all the unwanted vibration and energy, and he fed the night of stellar energy. After this charge the conspiracy. Take in your hand and ask for Amber Goddess of love to give her lover, who is right for you. Bring Amber, which lies on the palm, as near as possible to his lips and looking at the bright starry sky (ritual perform only when the sky a huge number of stars), as can be hotter than slander personal conspiracy. Put in a conspiracy all his amorous longing, love the whole call. Plot is arbitrary, but is not aimed at disclosure of past events, but only to future events, such as you love your future husband.
When you complete a reprimand, and the time is arbitrary, and thread the golden thread or wool threads through a hole in the amber and put on the waist in such a way that the first time the stone touched directly to the navel. Amber, of course, will move along the chain, but you should not worry. The first touch should be just to the navel. Such a chain can be worn at the waist and a man and a woman. The man, in contrast to women, is amber on a leather strap. The effect of this magic ritual will occur as follows: you start noticing the opposite sex. You will become more sensual person, including you will feel the erotic interest coming from the opposite sex. You can select from a group of persons, which are surrounded by, the best to you man or woman.
Love the magic of breathing
An act of love is an act of breathing, and this is reflected in the Chinese Tao of Love. Chinese believe that energy "Qi" means air, breath. Life is breathing all the vital functions based on the inhalation and exhalation. It is therefore extremely important in the moment of intimacy adapt to the rhythm of breathing loved one. In Chinese philosophy yin is exhaling, "yang" - breath. Only after the "yin" and "yang" have merged, there was harmony, a feeling born of perfect love. Once you have exchanged sexual energy and embraced, you agree breath in the supine position - chest to chest. Ear of one of the partners is located near the nose of another and vice versa. In this position, you can easily feel the breath and assess the person close to you. In an act of love, the cycles of breathing stimulate and harmonize all the vital processes.