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Love Triangle

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Love Triangle

A family friend - this expression has become a household word. What really happens is, when the "family friend" becomes a "dear friend"? It's a double betrayal. Although they say they let him cast a stone ... But the question always hovers, as it occurs when the best friend takes a wife? Or friend - your husband? Everything happens quite naturally. The love triangle , in which the third ever sees the close relationship the pair, gives him (or her) association of "love - one partner, or girlfriend). Subconscious completing this work, and this is the third begins to feel tender affection for the object of love one another or close friend.

In addition, it is natural to assume that a boyfriend or girlfriend is likely to have similar tastes and outlooks on life. Add, that in itself a sense of close friend - a confirmation that an object worthy of love. And what about the object itself? Why is he responsible for sympathy? Is also fairly simple. With a spouse to his or her associate, except for love and friendship, domestic problems, which are not always conducive to good relations. And then a friend or a girlfriend, who (or which) is always understood, sympathized with and even often help. No obligations, the total of personal space - Broken Idyll and disadvantages partner just become visible ... This is all simple. There is a forbidden feeling, and its highly restricted, and the fact that usually oppose him first.

And then - in different ways. Some deliberately keep away, calling upon the power of will and decency, others can not fight this feeling ... Although this topic is repeatedly described in literature and folklore, that is, in jokes, really funny here is small. Nobody likes to admit such things, but very few actually have avoided such a feeling, if friends are too close to the family. With over twenty years of happy marriage, I can admit that I was not spared. Then the mind is conquered, and in addition, to whom I felt this strange attachment proved to be quite honest, that she did not use, for which many thanks to him. I do not know how to be there was my family life, if it were not so - maybe the family would have disintegrated. Would be a new and better you? But the very feeling was like a haze of reason. So the conclusion to be drawn - one:

Third, even the most loyal friend or a girlfriend - in fact, unnecessary for the spouses. Do not tempt fate! In addition, not all decent friends, and, moreover, could well be - his wife feel unworthy friend, and want to show it to him. So that such advances could be a provocation and cost the woman of the family and good name. It happens that these claims - only the opportunity to put a woman in a bad light or a kind of cruel test "with good intentions," that is "to open the other eye on your inner self."
Of course, there are jealous, which is easy to swallow this bait. Normal women often make the decision, whose essence lies in the fact that children need to give birth to intelligent people. Maybe they are right. At the end of such stories are no winners. Yesterday is still such a happy couple breaks up, and that becomes a friend? Other? Hardly, because friendship usually ends when such stories. Men do not like to talk with witnesses of his humiliation. So the rule for those whose friends or girlfriends are married - not too close, remember that you are now - the third, which is not always, but mostly unnecessary.
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