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Love addiction

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Love addiction

Another special kind of non-reciprocal love - the so-called love-relationship . What are the symptoms and the prospects for this type of relationship? Love addiction - not an easy thing. It starts out as a dizzying storm, and reminds infectious disease. Fever and dengue flew in a moment, and here you are already carries the waves of fate. You can not imagine life without this person.

He literally becomes your drug. When you are together, you are the happiest on Earth, is to leave, and you're inconsolable. Your emotions fluctuate between heavenly delight and universal despair. Over time you'll have to see him more often. You want to be with him every minute. You ask him to call you several times a day, and then she nazvanivaesh him every half hour. You're insanely jealous, it is worth it just to look after a strange beauty. And you seriously think that if you're parted, your life will end.

Stop! Passionate love - that's fine. But the expression: "I live without you I can not - you should not be taken literally. This love is very harmful to the nervous system of both halves of the pair. Yes, it can not be called true love. True love is respect for another's right to personal space. True love means that you accept the person as he is, and not required of him to be like you want. In this love given to another person without expecting or demanding anything in return.
You should not fall into dependence, even from the closest person to you. He will feel the burden of responsibility and choke on your excess attention. And it hardly takes you to something separately. In order to have your relationship appeared promising, you must first recognize their fears. Yes, maybe now you're afraid of losing a loved one, why cling to it for dear life.

 But not for nothing they say wise women: if you want to keep - let go. Try to focus more on themselves, their feelings, their desires and priorities in life. Believe me, if you stop to strangle the man of her burdensome love, If you become more independent from it's your female appeal will only grow.
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