Love and family lore
These amulets will help you and get rid of loneliness, and her husband of adultery and care to keep the love, keep it. But only charms - charms, and even if you yourself from the peasants running around like the devil from holy water, no charms will not save you from loneliness.
-If a woman does not want to stay - said Maria Semyonovna - her men must love, not fear and despise them. Love - it is always only one side. Will not love the man, who does not love them, even though she and three beauty. Beauty-it - beautiful, but the ring does not like men, it means that either the purpose in her life is different, or just living in it. And who weakly looking for?
-What about unrequited love, Maria Semyonovna? - Then I remembered how dried up on his fellow students, as helped me Pechora slanders, but confusing still did not work.
Well, so downright and unhappy! So that guy did not notice the woman he wants - so this can not be! Or not a man he did, but only pretends to be. Sometimes, though, and such that the woman imagined supernatural passion, books, for example, read, come up with an ideal - and lo and behold, here it is, that ideal is. So there is no love, only dream about love. Oh yeah, head and share the people themselves all, and then mayutsya! - Maria Semyonovna just waved his hand .- Yes, you remember yourself .- His youthful love, I remembered, and remembered how soon this love has passed without a trace.
Maria Semyonovna, and yet it happens that the husband is changing, even if the likes.
-It happens, why can not happen. If you like, it's when my guardian in handy, will keep the man from the spree. Yes, the women themselves would be nice to head to think. Or she did not know who to marry was going? Fornicator can not be undone. He is something of course, loves, but who does he hurt at this time someone else to love?
So-so pointless all?
-Oh you, Irina, why is pointless! You can keep the love, if it exists, and the rival can be eliminated. If you yourself love your husband, then all you can.
Maria Semyonovna told me to warn you: all the charms are effective only if you really like! If you want to keep the family out of fear of destitution, for the sake of social status, etc. - charms are not for you. Even the children - not a cause for violence against his own heart. If you and your husband hate each other can not, children will be worse to live in families where parents do not get along.
Conspiracies-lore of loneliness
1.Etot amulet will protect you from loneliness. Keep it always with you and read a piece of paper once a month at dawn.
I'll become the servant of God (name), on the mountains of Zion, bowed to the east side, on the east side flows festoon River, in festoons so-river grows the garden of Eden, in the Garden of Eden is the kingdom of God in that kingdom of God walks Mother Mother of God . Holy Mother of God bowed imploring: My mother, Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Light Mary, Mother of God, the sun was red, most pure dove, first assistant, warm Defender, Help us, save and have mercy upon me, God's servant (name), and as Adam in paradise one is not stayed, Eva was awarded, so do not leave me alone, gave me a spouse, beloved of God the data fiance fiance. I pray and worship you, Immaculate Mother, and to help your prayerful hope. Amen.
2.Molitva-guardian of, to find your soul mate.
I'll get up the servant of God (name), to bless, I'll go, crossed out the door in the door of the gate in the gate, go along the wide streets in the end, the church holy. Light a candle wax ardent, stand in front of images of saints, will pray, ask Christ our God: "O all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I loved you with all the soul and with all my heart, and to perform all over the holy Thy will. Manage the same myself, my God, my soul and filled my heart: I want to please you alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Keep me from pride and vanity: intelligence, modesty and chastity, let me decorate. Idleness is contrary to you and generates flaws, give mi the same desire for hard work, and bless my labors. Inasmuch as thy law enjoins people to live in honest wedlock, then bring me, Holy Father, for these things, sanctified thee, rank, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Thy purpose, as you said yourself: bad man to be alone, and by creating his wife to an assistant, he blessed them to grow, and mnozhitisya naselyati ground. Hear my humble prayer from the depths of a girl's heart to Thee do we ascribe, give me a spouse blagochestivago honorable and that we're in love with him, and in harmony praised thee, miloserdnago God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Leaf with a talisman to keep his naked body. To do this, take the rope out of natural material, tie her amulet and wear it under his clothing as a belt.
Amulets, preserving the love of the husband
1.Molitva-Ward martyrs Adrian and Natalia.
Wealth neizhdivuschee counted hast faith salvation treblazhenne, paternal leave, and the wickedness of the Lord marching feet, the Divine gift enriched esi, Adriana nice, the Christ of God pray for our souls to be saved. Wife bogomudryya divine words of the heart resting, Adriana, mucheniche Christ. By assiduously sought to torment thou. With spouses receive a crown.
About Sacred Dyad, the holy martyr of Christ Adrian and Natalia, happy supruzi and Doble sufferers! Hear us praying to you with tears, and nizposlite upon us all blagopotrebnaya souls and bodies to ours, and pray to Christ God to have mercy on us and deal with us in His mercy, let us not perish in our greseh. She, the holy martyrs! Take the voice of our prayers, and deliver your prayers Ny from smooth, gubitelstva, coward, flood, fire, hail, the sword, the invasion of foreigners and mezhdousobnyya battle, vnezapnyya from death and from all the troubles, sorrows and illnesses, but ever, your prayers, and strengthened by predstatelstvom , glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, Emuzhe due all glory, honor and worship, with His Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Take a church candle, light it and read it, looking at the flames, preserving a piece of paper. Then extinguish the candle, oplavok wrap in a piece of paper with a talisman and keep it next to the conjugal bed.
2.Obereg invisible hem of her husband's clothes on the inside.
I'll become the servant of God (name), to bless, I'll go, crossed out of the hut door, the gate of the gate on Broad Street, in the open field, under the eastern side. In the eastern side stands the Church of God and the church of God is the Holy See, on this holy throne sits Mother Mother of God, sryazhena and armed, to dress a bushy, pitched in pearls, semiprecious stones in, the precious enamels. Bow to the saints, pray the Blessed Virgin Mary: Mother of the Mother of God! As you sit on the throne of the holy sryazhena and armed, to dress a bushy, pitched in pearls, semiprecious stones in, the precious enamels, but the whole world baptized looks at you, all you bow, young and old, and you admire, and eye can not take, so to me point-and-such a heavenly beauty that I was not sryazhena not obryazhena and servant of God (name) for me to POI saw it, and bowed down to and admired, and his eyes could not take, and ever say that the servant of God (name), christened as the world esteems you, Mother of God. " I'll be the servant of God (name), for the servant of God (name) of pure silver cleaner, more beautiful red-gold. Amen.
Conspiracies-amulets of treachery husband
1.Molitva-Ward and Peter Fevronia about marital fidelity.
About ugodnitsy Thy great God, and most admirable miracle workers, pious prince and princess Fevronia Petra, the city of Murom predstatelie and keepers, and all of us earnestly to the Lord molitvennitsy! To have recourse to you and you with the hope of a strong prayer: lift up for us sinners, holy prayers to the Lord your God, and implore his goodness all blagopotrebnaya souls and bodies of our: faith right good hope, love, hypocrisy, piety, firmly, in good deleh prosperity , the world umirenie, fruits of the earth, air, seasonable, corporeal health and salvation of souls. Ishodataystvuyte from the King of Heaven Church of the Holy and the whole power Rossiystey peace, quiet and good order, and all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your motherland and the whole Russian grads from every evil; ivsya pravovernyya people Coming to you and your worship the holy moschem, autumn gracious action property bogopriyatnyh your prayers and petitions of all the good comply. It, workers of miracles saint! Do not despise our prayers with you this day unto the emotion, but the wake of us ever predstatelie to the Lord, And grant us Help uluchiti yours everlasting salvation and the kingdom of heaven unasledovati: Yes glorify ineffable kindness Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity poklanyaemago God, in forever and ever. Amen.
Hem unnoticed piece of paper with a talisman to dress your husband on the inside.
2.B Friday sostrigite fingernails and wrap them in a piece of paper with a talisman. Convolutions unnoticed Put things in your husband.
The dead lie, they do not hurt the heart, white body does not burn, ache, they lie, nobody will remember any of the components are not tuzhat, never serve. So would you, a servant of God (name), nor about anyone but me, my heart no pain, no burning the body white, not aching, and nobody would you okromya I do not remember, do not tuzhil and nobody would have served. Amen.
Ward moloduhi from all ills
I get up, young servant married (name) early in the morning, go out into the open field, in an open field is a sacred tree of the cypress, cypress tree on the hang three images of saints. And one way of the holy - Nicole Gracious, and the other holy image - United Trinity Church, and a third image of the saint - Blessed Virgin Mary. A Nicolet Gracious in bowed legs, and before the One Trinity upadana on his knees, and the Mother of God pray. If ye holy Mother of God will not give its support, can not nothing on earth to be born Givet nor beast, nor bird, nor a man byst. Help me, Blessed Lady, for fear the Protection of me every day and hour of my husband's coldness, from svekrovney Ferocity from someone else's anger, envy, Down and Out of every superficial, frivolous and foretold, and the sinful thoughts Affairs and liberate me. Amen.
Leaf with a guardian keep the house in your bedroom.