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Love and love these are different concepts

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Love and love - these are different concepts

Once there was the myth of the androgyne, who told his son Theseus Effra - Queen of Argolis. In a distant primary source of it reads as follows. "Once upon a time lived on Earth Gods and androgynous - it was strange creatures that have both feminine and masculine, they were androgynous. This quality makes them so harmonious and self-sufficient, that his power they could be compared only with the Gods. And then, seeing this, angered by Zeus lightning androgynous cut in half and scattered around the world. So there were men and women. Since then, each of us is looking for its mate, and when it finds and the two halves up on time one, then comes happiness as a memory of happiness deep divine the past. " Beautiful legend, is not it?

Plato pereinachil its own way. According to his data, common people and the many-armed multilegged be obtained from the meetings of men and women and have three sexes: female, male, female, feminine and masculine, male, consisting of two men. At the site of Plato as a free paraphrase of the myth of the androgyne is not surprising, because he liked young boys. We return to the essence of the primary myth. Single Man consists of two halves of male and female, in exactly the same as a single woman. In this form, they are beings of middle floor, they are in some sense, asexual, self-sufficient, but frail. The strength of divine beings can become, if it doubles, that is, acquire a pair. Create a pair can be in if there is a middle floor will redouble their half and get rid of the second, ie, will double the most powerful and lighter part of his and I will get rid of the second, darker side of his personality. And then this creature must be the middle floor of this full-fledged woman, and the second - twice the man. And at a meeting of such perfect people will merge energy androgynous.

Pairing does not depend on sex organs, but depends on the activation energy centers, of which every human being two - male and female. The injustice of the world lies in the fact that men's centers in the beings of both sexes are in the physical body, and female - in the thin. Become a man, that is the source of love, can a man and a woman, is only to excite sexual energy centers. Become a full woman, that is the seat of love, which is more difficult. Arousal male center is a woman in her passion. A man can have fun and be proud of the passion women, but the center of the female energy is asleep, and therefore he can not take a single drop of energy, pouring a woman. The woman, whose passion is not accepted, can feel the anger and calm down for a while - this is the best option. Far more often a woman finds the correct forms of behavior in relationships with men.
When the couple met, a man and woman find each other, they feel that there was love at first sight: insight, an explosive firework of feelings, the world is illumined with happiness. Unfortunately, all this only about passion, but not the heart feelings. Stormy novels often reflect the love, not love, and love, and love - these are different concepts. Love always passionate, her goal - possession of an object. In love always slightly nervosa. Romances and marriages based on a stormy passions quickly disintegrate. Between Love is not perfect sense. People have not improved in prochuvstvovanii each other, they're just saturated with each other, their intellectual activity is absent, the mind is asleep. They take such a partner as he is in a halo of passion, in a sea of adoration. After the sexual saturation of such couples are prone to decay.

Such behavior is known as romantic love, which is responsible for ruling over us obsessive thoughts about sex and sexual relationships. People are well aware that the climate in which a person develops, influences the formation of his worldview. As they say now about the relationship between the sexes, it is strongly influenced a generation of young people, forming their inappropriate attitudes to sexual issues. Falling in love is also apparent when the former sex object completely exhausted itself, and a new sexual object of lust. This is typical male behavior: a man is obsessed with another girlfriend, but once it achieves its reciprocity, he immediately loses interest in it. She lost the component that attracted him - the novelty.

Too many women too have a similar type of male behavior. Satiated with one sexual partner who did not answer her material needs, it changes the partner, as it seems more promising. Feeling of love is fundamentally different from love. It is perhaps not so passionate, but eventually nurtured his strength and attraction. Quite often, the feeling of love is very similar to the respect and great friendship, a sense of security and relatedness, but as a loving man for a long time does not see his partner, he begins to suffer. Loving person absolutely can not understand what was happening to him, like and not for that love him, but he can not do anything. NP spondylitis says that love is akin to the disease and is independent of human will.
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