Love - can not live on the plains of life
Starting at the age of nineteen while a student at Kiev University, to study the theory of scientific socialism, passing the prison and exile (in Vologda, he was with Lunacharsky, Bogdanov and Savinkov), Nikolai Berdyaev during the first revolution was adopted at the thought of the impossibility to reconcile the materialist view of history with idealistic view of the world of the human soul ...
Berdyaev adopted revolution as the fate of Russia and Europe, it did not prevent him to debate with theorists of scientific communism - in the end he had twice been arrested, and in autumn 1922 was expelled from the country among dozens of scientists, writers and publicists.
The most accurate description of creativity Berdyaev, this one of the Western philosophers, you can read in the foreword to the just released our one-volume edition of his: "He was very Russian, a Russian aristocrat ... but a lot of non-Russians discovered that his books have opened to them new horizons thought ... "
Love is tragic in this world and does not admit of improvement, not subject to any rules. Love promises a loving death in this world, not the dispensation of life. And the greatest of love that keeps her mysterious sanctity, it is - the renunciation of all life perspective, the victim lives. The victim requires any creativity, requires sacrifice and creative love. Life-improvement, family accomplishment - the tomb of love. Sacrificial death in life and puts the love of print forever. Love is closer, intimate, deeply connected with death than with birth, and this connection is, guesses poet of love, a pledge of eternity ... It is known that strong love is sometimes the opposite of specific sexual attraction does not need it. And a strong attraction to sexual intercourse too often not associated with any love, sometimes even suggests disgust. Love craves absolute connection and absolute fusion of the spiritual and corporal. Glamour same act to dissociate at the bottom of it is revulsion and murder. Love - the act of creativity, creating a new life, wins the world, "transcending race and natural necessity. In love, adopted person, a unique, unrepeatable. All the impersonal, generic, all obey the individually natural and social hostility love it unique and ineffable mystery. No, and there can be no law to love, love knows no law. Creativity knows no love, obedience to the will of a tie, it is absolutely boldly. Love - not obedience, like a family, and confidence, free flight ... Freedom of love - the truth of Heaven. But the freedom to make love and truly vulgar. Vulgar is the freedom of love, which primarily wants to meet, which is most interested in the sexual act. This is not the freedom of love and slavery of love ...
In the creative act of love is revealed the mystery of the creative person's favorite. The lover begins to see through the shell of a loved the natural world, through the cortex, which lies on every face. Love is the way to reveal the secrets of a person to perceive faces in the depths of his being. The lover knows about the person's favorite is what the whole world knows and loves is always more right than the whole world. Only a truly loving person perceives, unravels her genius. All of us - unloving, we know only the surface of a person does not know his last secret. Mortal anguish of the sexual act that in its impersonality crushed and torn to pieces by the mystery of the person loved and loving. Sexual act introduces into the maelstrom of an impersonal nature, between a person becomes a loving and beloved, and closes the mystery person. Not in kind, not in a sexual act committed by the connection of love, creating a different, new life, eternal life person. In loving God meets her beloved in God sees the beloved face ...
What is corruption in the deepest sense of the word? Debauchery is directly opposite to every connection. The Mystery of debauchery - the mystery of separation, disintegration, discord, enmity in the field. Mystery compound can not be depraved. Where the connection is achieved, there is no vice. In the sexual act is ineradicable element of corruption because it does not connect and disconnect, that it is the reaction that it is fraught with hostility. The family does not protect against this depraved sex act, on this surface, the exterior contact of one substance to another, merge impotence of all the cells of the husband and wife. Debauchery is a disconnect, and he always makes the object of sexual desire in the medium, not a target. All of physiology and psychology of depravity based on this transformation means to the target by substituting craving for its object an attraction to the very sexual act or to the very art of love. Love for love instead of love to a person - in this psychology of debauchery. In the psychology of no connection with anyone, no thirst and connections - is disconnected, alienated psychology, it never made a secret marriage. Love to have a sexual intercourse, instead of love to merge in one flesh - in the physiology of debauchery. In this physiology have no connection with anyone, no lust connection, it is the natural physiology of hostility and estrangement. In the elements of depravity sex life the most is separated from the whole person's life. In the depravity personality is not linked to sex any of its hopes. Paul, as it were separated from the man and the cosmos, is closed, introverted. Every opening in floor space directly opposite debauchery. That solitude, concealment of sex, otdifferentsirovanie him from the whole essence of life that we see in the natural world, there's always been corruption. Only the return of the floor of the universal value of his reunion with the meaning of life wins debauchery. Everyday "mundane," "bourgeois" notions of depravity are often directly opposite the truth, superficial, conventional, utilitarian, they do not know metaphysics debauchery * Conditional moralism and social traditionalism with their bourgeois spirit can not solve the terrible mystery of debauchery, the secrets of nothingness. The so-called marriage debauchery just find shelter, as well as in places that have no justification. Corruption is everywhere the case, where the goal is not a love connection, the penetration through the love of the mystery person. The problem of corruption is not a moral, and metaphysical. All biological and sociological criteria of debauchery are conditional, they said the voice of the bourgeois world. On everyday notions, debauchery called unlawful form of the compound floor, whilst lecherously it there is no connection. Dissolute sexual act, because not enough deep links.
Rights are absolute and unconditional love. No life of the victim, which would not be justified in the name of true love. And above all justified victim safety and beautification in the name of the absolute rights of love. In love there is no arbitrariness of identity, no personal will, personal desires, knows no restraint. In love - the highest fate and destiny, the will of higher than human. The family is obedience in the name of human accomplishment. In love - daring sacrifice in the name of the Higher Will. For a truly divine will connect loving, intends to each other. Love is a creative act, not an act of tyranny, not an act of personal greed. The right to love is a duty, is the highest commandment of love of obedience. Obedience of love higher, spiritual obedience to the family.
It is the duty of love overcomes the love of the suffering inflicted on people. Love always is cosmic, need for world harmony, the divine purpose. Therefore, love should not be afraid of the challenges it suffering. Of the cosmic nature of love is inevitable conclusion that love undivided, one-sided can not and should not be, for love above people. Unrequited love - wine, a sin against the cosmos, against a world of harmony, charted against the divine world order androgynous image. And all the terrible tragedy of love - in this painful quest gical androgynous image of cosmic harmony. Through sexual love by a man in the fullness of each half. Connection floors - four-term rather than dvuhchlenno, it is always a complex compound of masculinity with a feminine female and the other the beginning of this - with the male that. Mysterious life androgyne not carried out in a bisexual being, but in the four-term combination of two things. For many the path to a single androgynous image through a plurality of compounds. Cosmic nature of love makes jealousy guilt, sin. Jealousy denied the cosmic nature of her love relationship with the world's harmony in the name of the individualistic bourgeois property. Jealousy - a sense of owner-bourgeois, not knowing the highest, the global meaning of love. Jealous of people think that they belong to the objects of their love, while they belong to God and the world. In the sacrament of love there is no owner and no private property. Love requires sacrifice of any private property of every bourgeois pretensions have loved only for herself. The personality of love is revealed only through the sacrifice of personal greed. Space in its meaning love can not deprive a person from outer space. It is a mystical and cosmic meaning of love, namely the belief in divine destiny, and the election of love implies a free fight for love and survival of the fittest in the free love, for the mystical mission does not require protection.
There is a profound and tragic mismatch between the love of women's and men's love, there is a strange and terrible misunderstanding of alienation. The woman - a creature of a different order than man. It is much less man, more nature. It is pre-eminently - the bearer of the sexual element. In the men meant less than a woman. Woman all - sex, her sex life - her whole life, fascinating in its entirety, because she is a woman, not man. In the male sex is much more differentiated. A woman is by nature always lives alone, has no room for a lot. Woman badly understands that men's ability to contain within itself the fullness of life. Women are much more given to one, the fact that it now possesses, one experiences, displacing all the rest of his life, the whole world. Woman suffering from unrequited love, a question that is being, always say: Being is unrequited love. With this feature of female nature is connected relatively weak sense of identity, and heavy dependence on the time of changing over time experiences. In the men's nature, a strong sense of identity and greater independence from successive time states, great ability to combine at all times, full of spiritual being. In the men's nature is the ability to experience in themselves at all times, ie, regardless of the time, the fullness of spiritual life of his personality, always feel themselves in the fullness of his powers. Man is not inclined to be given exclusively and undivided joy of love or suffering from some adversity, he always has is his creativity, his business, all the fullness of his powers. In the men's consciousness of something in the foreground, the other retreats, but did not disappear, does not lose its force. The woman is given the sole and undivided love, joy or suffering from misfortune, it is all dissolved in this one, all of myself into this one invests. Personality of women ever exposed to danger of disintegration of the individual experience and a sacrifice himself for the sake of the experience. Therefore, the female nature is so prone to hypnosis. Female hysteria is connected with this feature of female nature, and its roots metaphysical. Related to this are all high in women and the poor in it, terrible strangeness of nature, man. Another woman is going through eternity, than a man. The man puts the fullness of spiritual strength of his personality in the independence of the time change, from the power of temporary feelings of fullness of personality. The woman is powerless to resist the power of temporary conditions, but it is a temporary state invests the fullness of his nature, his eternity. And profoundly different masculine and feminine attitudes toward love. A woman is often brilliant in love, her attitude toward love universal, it invests in the fullness of his love of nature and all hopes of his associates with love. The man is rather talented than a genius in love, his attitude to love is not universal, and differentiated, it is not just putting yourself in love and not entirely dependent upon it. And in the element of a woman's love, there is something terribly scary for men, something terrible and absorbing as the ocean. Claims woman's love so immense that can never be satisfied man. On this soil grows hopeless tragedy of love. Separateness of masculine and feminine - the sign of man's fall makes the tragedy of hopeless love. Man looking at woman beauty, beauty in her love, beauty yearns to adore, because lost its Virgin. But the beauty of this is foreign to men outside of it, it does not take it inside yourself, do not it attaches to its nature. Woman because it so hard to love everlasting love, that love a man wants to bow before the beauty out of his lying. Bogotvorenie inherent in the cult of male love. A woman seldom represents the image of beauty, to which you can bow, which you can worship. Therefore, love is a burning man brings disappointment, so the discrepancy hurts the image of women with the beauty of the eternal feminine. But the supreme, mystic meaning of love is not in worship and bogotvorenii women like beauty, is lying, and to be attached to femininity, in the merging of male and female nature in the image and likeness of God, in the androgyne. In the creative act of supreme love for men and women cease to be nature alien and hostile. And it must be the final release and purification of the deification of erotic sex and femininity that is brought into the divine life itself.
Sexual love is associated with the very essence of personality, with the loss of human image and likeness of God, with the fall of the androgyne, in which femininity was not an alien element that looks attractive, but an internal origin in man in him virgin. And the religious meaning of love, sexuality, eroticism, that it is a source of upward movement of the personality, creativity of its ascent. The meaning of love is not static dispensation of life, and in the dynamics of the movement of life, work life is different. Every victory over the statics dynamics of love is necrosis, calcification of love, its transformation of art in obedience to the fixture, turn the mountain into the plain. Love - a mountain, not flat, it has nothing to do in order to arrange an adaptation to the plain life. Love can not keep on the plain, she mertveet and turns into another. Love - not long for the plain life. In love there is nothing statistical, nothing would suit. Love - a flight that destroys any dispensation.