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Love divination

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Love divination

Slav women have often used the Vedic knowledge. There were a number of obligatory rituals of everyday nature. Lingerie husband always washed in the water a spell. Sheets, given that they were linen and linen - a fabric that accumulates in their information, too, were charmed. For example, when Russian women knitted sweaters and scarves for their loved ones, then accompanied the entire process of conspiracies to cute "bound" was the only one for her. Sometimes the wool hairs women to get involved, and we know that hair - one of the major media about the woman. Wool absorbs any odors, and if a woman knits of her own, then, of course, wool saturated with the smell beloved partner. In the old days, before giving the man a removable clothes, the women performed the ritual "obnashivaniya. After washing, any woman for a time wore a linen shirt and her husband was busy with children engaged in household chores. After that, removed his shirt and hutch. As a result, the spouse at all times surrounded by the smell of his partner. Naturally, with the energy plots. Vibration plots on natural clothing stored for some time.

There were plots to intimate rapprochement. Until we reached an interesting recipe, which states that when a spouse is released seminal fluid, a woman tightly pressed him to her and hold with maximum force, mentally, and very hard to pronounce conspiracy:

To me, Colonel,

From me ugomoynikom.
It was believed that the utterance of such conspiracies, power locks employees, a man should always remain with the woman. Do you believe in the transfer of ideas or do not believe, but it is an undeniable fact. With intensive mental ejaculation, the strong orgasmic experiences, auras partners merged and incantation were wavy vibration spectrum into this fusion of the spouses. Love divination was considered a potent recipe. Think about it: in order to raise a family was long, it is necessary not only to sleep and eat together, you must perform a series of targeted activities that will keep this pair together for many years. The modern reader, torn from the roots of antiquity, many people do not know and do not use, dating back to the family and family life too easy. It is possible that energy got stuck, which happened during the wedding, will be weakened and the overall aura of partners in penetrating the energy of curious people, I envy the family and dreaming of your wife or husband. Love fortune-telling was not only a great honor, but also performed as a mandatory part of life, as child care, home improvement, health protection. I recommend you introduce a series of mandatory energy action, so you will always stay together with your favorite (favorite), and were happy.

Toning and stimulating

The group of tonics and stimulants are legendary herbs have long been used and applied in modern scientific medicine in many countries. These herbs have come to us from antiquity, and that is a reason - it from generation to generation, used sorcerers, healers and magicians.


When I was in Tibet, and could in the monastery library to work with the literature on healing, in the Atlas of Tibetan Medicine, I saw a picture of rhododendron. I was surprised that the Tibetan language he called "daligarbo. Sometimes met one of his writing - "Baal" or "Baal". Baal - Scandinavian and Celtic pronunciation of ancient Slavonic God Veles. Amazing fact! But even more curious, the rhododendron grows in abundance in our Soviet Black Sea coast near Sochi. It can be used for steaming in a bath. Rhododendron is not advised to take by mouth, so as to achieve the effect required a minimum dose of dried and beaten into a powder of the leaves and bark of young shoots. But, unfortunately, any man can "waver heart and hand." Increasing the dose, however slight, will result in the accumulation of active substances that will cause shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. If you are still interested in this plant, remember that as a stimulating means may be used only rhododendron with white flowers. With pink and red flowers, this plant is not used.


I've heard from at least a dozen people about ginseng land in the Caucasus, which are transmitted by inheritance healers. So that the ginseng grown in the Caucasus before growing to this day. Not to mention the fact that ginseng is always growing in Altai, Southern Siberia and the Far East. So the Russian land is land rich in this great drug. Unfortunately, in industrial-scale ginseng is grown only in Malaysia or in China. We also learned how to grow ginseng biomass on nutrient broth (so-called "tissue culture"). It was from her and make tincture, which is sold in pharmacies. And it is very difficult to overdose. If you purchased this tincture of ginseng in China shop, it should take two to three times a day 30-40 drops, depending on your sexual weakness. Usually two or three bottles is enough to restore sexual function.


It in the form of a decoction used the indigenous inhabitants of the Far East - Udege and Nanai to improve endurance in hunting transitions in the taiga. Many of Stalin's "public enemies", the survivors, not dead in the camps, a horrible death, survived only because of "creeping" - this is the Chinese magnolia. This is an amazing plant, if taken on schedule, well-formed healer, treats the entire body, gradually penetrating into every organ system. One of the properties is the stimulation of the nervous system, and because sexual function in most cases it depends on the pituitary gland, which controls not only endocrine but also the nervous system.

Leuzea carthamoides

Leuzea also known as "maral root. Hunters have long noticed that the deer - deer, as well as horses, cows, especially the sick, injured or exhausted, seek out this plant and eat it. Siberian old-timers still in the century before opened a beneficial effect maraleva root of the human body. On this plant is popularly said that it raises a person from the fourteen diseases and pours his juice of youth. Very intensively used Leuzea decline in sexual function.

Rhodiola rosea or Golden root

This plant is a powerful adaptogenic agent. Are used as rootstock, and leaves. If you chew the leaves of Rhodiola rosea, then added the nervous energy and mental stamina, and substances that affect the immune system (in fact, immune substances Rhodiola rosea), help never hurts. If the leaves of Rhodiola rosea finely chop and boil the tea, all biologically active substances retain their healing properties. Dig up wild plants, to be honest, I'm sorry. Of course, if your impotence is reached ... then another thing. Keep in mind - now in many regions of the country bred rhodiola on their sites. And it survives well. How do I use it? You can chew washed from the land and peeled rhizomes. You can dry it, pound to a powder and take on half a teaspoon of dry raw materials three to four times a day with a glass of warm milk. You can insist on 70 °-m alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, and drink 15-20 drops 3 times a day.


Do not try to abuse stimulants, because sexual disorders can restore sexual culture and understanding between partners, as well as the implementation of complex respiratory, or Taoist yogic procedures. Our lives - not just the biochemical mechanism, but also a psycho-emotional, sensitive, energy mechanism. Stay in harmony with oneself, with nature, try not to overeat and do not abuse the excesses of civilization. And then your life is normal. Remember: The most important and potent elixir of love - understanding and yasnochuvstvovanie partners.
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