Love has a female logic
The question of why one man likes a woman, while another does not cause any feelings, too few to analyze as a passion for color, concepts of beauty and harmony. Our subconscious tells us - this is it, and after that we ourselves have come up with justification that decision. There are, of course, the men from whom crazy almost all the women with whom they are familiar. However, there are also women. Perhaps they really can be suitable partners for many, and we feel it. But he wanted to say about the choice - that chooses not only the biological part of our nature, but also spiritual. And the problem of choosing a partner - rather in the choice within yourself - what advice to follow. And what is your general feeling? Product ideas about life, attraction, selection of a friend, father, search for your second half? And half of what?
So first of all, every woman should understand ourselves. What she needs - material support, spiritual unity, the possession of desired partner, the performance of their desires? If it is sufficient that the favorite was near and loved it - this one. If most of all she needs a friend and partner to build her life - is another. If she thinks that he can love a man for his authority, care and assistance (note, love, and not solve the financial problems at the expense of marriage) - this is the third. And do not think that marriages of convenience will never turn into marriage for love. The question is not only a partner, and not so much, and how much you are honest with them when they decide what you need most.

And all the mistakes in the selection come from misunderstanding, and the inability to understand people. And not even from the inability and unwillingness of. Love has a woman's logic. The collective image, which includes the entire set of qualities that a woman would like to see in his chosen one, is hardly possible, and each knows it. In addition to girls who are unreasonably high self-esteem as a result of improper upbringing. Even if such a girl to meet someone who truly meets all these requirements, yet the fact that it seems to him the only possible darling.
On the dangers of waiting prince says a lot. But most importantly - is that when such a meeting, as a rule, most of the qualities simply given imagination, rather than actually exists. The fact that the first experience is often bitter, a direct consequence of such representations. Need to know who liked it. Liked - fine. Now we should consider it carefully, and to correlate your qualities, to assess how you fit each other. Do not think about how he could be - look at him now. Do not think that with the other he is not like you - it's probably time, and you soon will feel it. Love, attraction, of course, change the person, but always right? A friend of mine rightly said: "Of all the humanoid can make a person. When a man in love, he's getting better. But it raises two questions - how long and why you personally. "
So the second conclusion - must understand people. Some women believe that if the street they are not allowed passage, then it was time to make the questionnaire to take part in a beauty contest. Most often it is not. Rather, it should think about the fact that it behaves correctly. Man characterized by shyness and wariness, as well as the stereotype that too much harassment can offend. When the street is a woman worthy of attention, rather it will give way, hold eye, but stick to those on the street just is not quite educated and intelligent people who are normal women are usually ignored.
Meeting on the street or in public transport - it is very interesting from the standpoint of psychology topic. Most of my friends couples living together which turned out well, just so, and met - by chance in a public place, in metro, urban transport, clinic. Many familiar way. On the other hand, it is believed that such dating can be dangerous. So get acquainted or meet on the street? We repeat what was said earlier. To avoid disappointment, no radical prescriptions. We ourselves are also mostly far from ideal. Still, some recommendations are appropriate and even necessary. First and foremost, you should decide about a prince who, after seeing you, immediately drop from the excess of emotion. This is a very dangerous delusion.
If a man sees you, demonstrates an attempt to faint, it means that you have met a psycho, or in front of you an artist who has a dishonest purpose for you. Variant is also possible that you play. Remember, if a man saw something in you, hook it to the quick, only shine in his eyes will tell you that in the near future we can expect attempts to get acquainted. Normal man is unlikely to immediately run for the woman on the edge of the world. Rather, he tries to wait for a chance or would try to get in touch with you, without offending or nastorazhivaya you.
If you like a man, from whom you have noticed an interest in itself, can facilitate his acquaintance. Just look at it carefully and not become a victim of his own shyness. Do not shoot the eyes, namely, try to consider it calmly. If you make a mistake the intentions of a stranger, he looks away and leave you alone. If, however, men often stop you on the street and behave like a prostitute, offering just "go anywhere", one should think that your behavior can be called risky.
Analyze yourself. According to statistics, the vast majority of victims of violence unless provoked him, then at some stage have not used the possibility of psychologically prevented. A case where a woman just swam the river, and wishing to just get emotional and spiritual heat, get a few hackneyed compliments and literally used by men for sexual gratification - they do not fall under the legal definition of rape, although in essence it is even worse. The most contrary, that even myself, in such cases does not want to admit that you have used. If you are confronted with this, the best - to forget and do not worry it. In the end, you do not have a shameful from a human point of view of goal.
But if you're not looking for adventure, and like any normal woman does not want to deprive myself of the attention of the opposite sex and are looking to meet a man who could become your companion, you should not stick to the adventure of conduct. Man, too, would like to find not only an attractive girlfriend, but hoping to meet a reliable partner. Behave naturally. Not zhemannichayte, but do not be too shy and unsure of herself. Constant self-criticism and low self-esteem will lead to a partner and does not appreciate you properly, or think that they want rid of him.
Dignity and must accept as a compliment, do not refute them, but a little thanks to the kind of "thanks, I know." Instead of immediately when meeting lay out all the information about yourself, ask a partner. If you want to get rid of it, express disappointment. If it interests you have shown interest and admiration. Do not be afraid at any time to refer to employment and leave. If something is alerted or your friend took the conversation in the direction of trouble for you, do not assume that you have to spend with him rest of the evening, since I arrived. And one very old, but useful tip: do not go to bed with someone you do not know. Nothing terrible will happen if this wait at least a few hours.
And, of course, follow the well-known rules, which consist in the fact that we should not respond to the courtship of drunk people on the street, not to return late in the provocative attire (when leaving the restaurant on the décolleté dress you can throw a coat or even a shawl). And in general, not behave unreliably. Sometimes just a quiet student opinion will force the catcher to give the victims of bad intentions for you. Nothing stirs excitement of the pursuer as panic victim.