Love the accessories - the main thing is not to overdo it!
In preparation for the rendezvous, the woman not only wants to look perfect, but to prepare for this day all that is necessary, and in this aspiration often overdo it. At the meeting must not forget to take with him and makeup, and phone and a notebook with a pencil, handkerchief, umbrella and even God knows what. You should also not forget about good posture, beautiful gait and, in fact, the purpose of the meeting. Agree, you are the most difficult to manage all this, as you'll constantly be distracted by that one, then another, eventually you can miss the point.
Distracting yourself, you will distract attention and your companion, and he already looks at the picture on your purse, your rattling at every movement of bulky earrings, as well as intricate designs on your nails. During that turn your date: a fashion show or demonstration of advanced methods of applied art, together with the art of makeup? How should dress for the first meeting that was elegant, and festive, but that did not cause any problems?
Nice - it does not mean a lot of everything: earrings and necklaces, and chains, and bracelets and a ring on every finger, and eye-catching wide belt and a dress with lots of rhinestones and various inserts, and elegant shiny handbag and sunglasses, and hat ... We must look in the mirror and decide what to remove and what to leave in your entourage, because there are parts that leave too, but otherwise you'll look tasteless.
Nice - it does not mean a little more brightness and shine: not aspire to be upon you from head to toe all the shouting and shining. Some portion of the toilet (top, bottom or center) highlight brighter, and the rest shall keep in brightness. And another thing: Do not let all things your toilet will be a masterpiece of art and not on every detail of your costume will be the patterns and designs, and if a few patterns or pictures, do not let them they will all be multi, but only one or two. Love the accessories - important not to overdo it! Otherwise, you risk the possibility that the whole evening a young man will hear and examine a picture or pattern on your blouse, skirt or purse, and attention to you will be irretrievably lost.
The result - a date already long gone, but he was not able to recall the distinctive features of your character, and you - to understand his true feelings for you. To conquer it with your skill to model clothes and artfully decorate it you will later, but now the main thing - to get his attention to your personality and see whether you fit each other.
You should not wear on a first date or too simple, no polysyllabic and pretentious. And in both cases you do not succeed on a date. It is necessary that integral part of your toilet helped you hold his attention on you, but do not interfere with your process, thus dating.
With the help of accessories, details of your outfit can be manipulated man's attention when you need it. For example, at the right moment you draw his attention to you, before putting a hand on the table with painted designs on nails, just to keep a hand in front of him should not permanently. Tinted glasses to lift and drop from time to time to show your beautiful makeup. Numerous accessories and parts for your toilet, multi-in structure and in color, not only distract the attention of your buddy, but can be inconvenient, and just look ugly in general. Only that is not redundant, which blends harmoniously into the overall image, and comfortable, and beautifully, and does not distract attention from the principal. Be moderate, going on a first date, and do not go overboard in their desire to please.