Love your body works wonders
What most concerned about the ladies? Infidelity of a spouse, child disobedience, failure at work, sexual disharmony? Here and there. Most believe that absolutely and totally ugly. And all the other ills - just a consequence of this ... Sometimes the ladies to freshen up the sense of compelling, pays a visit to his barber, buy new jewelry and fashionable clothes. But if the cause of a quarrel with his body lies much deeper, "cosmetic conversion" does not apply. Such women have a grudge against his body, even hate him: they believe that it pushes them to loved ones, friends, good luck. These women have one thing in common - the extinct, without a single spark, look. Although outwardly they may vary: a plump and slender, tall and not very much. Only the face is written the same thing - standing as Cain print: "I am unhappy, and only because it is ugly."
Olga, 24 years old. Contemporaries - had long been a wife and mother, and she has no personal life. Strong completeness by metabolic Ole got a legacy. And from childhood taunts, and butting, laughing behind their backs. And until now the constant feeling of oblique views of the wake. The closest girlfriends, though, are trying to help her and share secrets of seducing men, but their advice is start the same: "you wear a mini skirt ..."
Needless to say, for Oli these tips sound like a mockery. And it seems to escape one - to lose weight. Shaping, diet Herbalife - all behind. Results - zero. And then Olga hated my body. And put on his family and sexual life of the cross: "I urodka, worst of all, and did not change!"
Do not make yourself go hungry. God is with him, losing weight! Problem in the other - to learn to love your body, it is in this shell to live actively and joyfully. To get rid of feelings of inferiority, on the confidence that your body is ugly and you're forced to endure a lifetime of ridicule. Do not feel unattractive, and then you will not be considered ugly others.
Tatiana, 32 years, the exact opposite. Slim pretty woman. Take it on the street in a mini, many men have turned to lust after. But at the mere word "mini" in the eyes of Tatyana breaks fear. She wears a very loose clothing and closed, although it is completely not her style. Drawn into the shoulders of the head, severe gait ... If specially sought similarities with garden scarecrow. Woman seeks to hide her body "from the neck down, push away from him all the men. Let no one sees, and his eyes would not look! With such an attitude to their body weight for Tatiana sexual problems. About them she says: "Of course, I'm so terrible, except such as I can enjoy sex?"
Tanya hatred of her body since childhood. In kindergarten, which she visited in the course was such a Punishment: naughty child placed in a corner in front of other children is absolutely naked. And children who already know that walking naked shame without mercy laughed punished. And Tanya, who is also subjected to this barbaric method, had no idea something to laugh at peers: Is laughter is just her naked body? Is it really so shameful and disgusting that a different attitude to itself does not deserve? .. So she began to think. And thinking for many years, being unable to change their attitude. And the result is obvious.
Love your body works wonders. And no matter how many years a woman and how she had the money to buy clothes. Learn how to truly love their unique (and this beautiful), the body is difficult, but the game is worth it! And in the end it (da-da!) also fall in love with you. And you will be feminine and desirable, regardless of whether you are attending a mini or not.
Do not be afraid of themselves naked. By the way, morning exercises - a very good way to see the beauty of your body, feel its plasticity and grace, to feel his mobility. Let the usual morning exercises turn into a little show for itself. Not bad still experimenting with a good foam bath, nice cream, perfume. Take the pleasant sensations to his naked body - and it will respond to you in return. Such little things do matter.
Models are always desirable?
It is difficult to give a definite answer to such a complicated issue. Therefore, we work together to try to collect a number of various utterances on the subject of representatives, both male and female. Here's what came of it. "I think the main thing - long, slender legs. Growth is not very important, but there were no extremes: very small or very tall, 160-175 cm is optimal in principle, in my view, the chest - size 2-3 and the ratio of waist and hip - waist should be allocated. According to my observations, all of this should be laid at about the 46 th the size of clothes. As for hair color - men are very strange people, most of them genuinely believe that if a woman has blonde hair, it is a natural blonde, it is like.
I think that in fact men like girls are not very high of about 168-174 cm, with brown hair, long and beautifully stacked, or a brunette with thick curls. With regard to breast size, hips and waist - in principle, all this can be visually "enlarge" or "reduce" with the help of many disguises, regardless of style, taste, fashion and, of course, the wishes of a loved one. But if you ask me why I did not crush the hair in light brown color or twist the curls, I would say that I love myself for who is there. I like it ... and, perhaps, not only to me. "
"All models - are welcome. Although I personally do not know what feelings it may cause in the bed that a frozen frame, evenly covered with bluish skin, forever merznuschy. On the other hand, about the fact that only dogs on the dice, like to talk exclusively women-marshmallows . However, cholesterol is bad for the dogs, so cute zefirchiki, male mass objections about fat women. Most men like it did something mean in terms of size. All other preferences are very individual - a woman's type of every man laid in genes. "
"Men, it seems to me like two kinds of women - those who like all the (dyed blonde with unlimited long legs), and those that suit their own tastes. Just to have walked past the long legs and deep cleavage scrag all but deify its a red donuts will be one ... If kratenko, the ideal - it's blonde (and all variations on this theme), not necessarily positive (contrary to the above), the chest - in moderation rather big, the legs - long, even with an increase in 158, and round butt! hands ... as we all like graceful fingers! "It seems to me, so standard, but the truth ..."
"I think any man would prefer to close to him have seen around lady, as close to the following portrait: not too short, but always below it, with not very large breasts (the large is too often turn the other men, and this is an infringement on his private property!), with the hips not really very big, but not boyish, always with shapely legs, though not necessarily very long, strange as it seems, but rather brunette than blonde (they are considered more sensual) better still red, the length of hair has no special meaning. However, all these demands quickly forgotten when a man is looking for a permanent companion or wife. Here, the preferences in the figure fade into the background, and at first appear completely different criteria. "
"I believe that all men like women with classical forms - with full breasts and slim waist, gradually transforming into a hip nehudye. This, of course, not Rubens type of woman. But type" sterlyadki "to taste very, very few. Good looks running close to a solid young gentleman slim girl with thin arms and legs. However, a closer relationship, I think she's too fragile. As for the hair, then they should definitely be long (according to men). And the strange thing, the hair should be long, regardless of quality. And your assurance that it is not very thick hair look like icicles, will not take any effect on man. And the conclusion follows. Love and affection - things are unpredictable. You live, monitor, and continually surprised tastes of men and their choice of companion. "
"I like girls with high neck, which is called the swan. Chest should be fairly large, rounded bottom and forming a triangle at the top - it is seen from the side. Popa is good, too big, sturdy - pop" stool "and tummy - a small and pleasant . The difference between the booty and waist must necessarily be noticeable, do not like pumped his arms and legs. Hands should be slightly rounded, the legs in any case not a model plan, with noticeable but not sculptured calves. In my opinion, it all goes well with long, dark curls and the face opposite a horse that is rounded and with little cheeks. Ideal! "
"The girl that I choose, of medium height and quite similar to the toiler podium. I am attracted to smooth lines, pleasing roundness especially. No sharp corners and blocks" of muscle on my stomach! High rounded breasts with large prominent nipples, big enough to form a seductive furrow, and small enough - to fit in the palm of my hand. I like the narrow waist (no tummy!) and the sharp bend to the hip with him not slide off the man's hand. narrow shoulders and pop "heart", which should be not have shoulders. firm "no" - pen-match-sticks and legs. I'm attracted to fine ankles, knees round with dimples, slender wrists, narrow hands and long fingers. And all this must belong to a brunette with straight hair and a strict penalty, with brown eyes and sensual lips "bow."
Thus, although the speech and was the ideal figure, we could not resist and did not ask the eternal question: men prefer blondes? It was then and we were surprised. Women are mostly confident - yes! Among men, whom we interviewed, blondes do not attract any. Thalia - is sacred! So say the men, and this is clearly realize women. In other words, the waist should clearly emerge, and no "tummies" are unacceptable. About hips and breasts men not so unanimously - someone likes a little more, someone smaller. What is surprising, some men are not averse to "down" slightly outweighs the "top".
Models are always desirable? This is how it turned out, another woman's delusion. As one of the men interviewed rejected the model type - honestly, without any pressure from our side. Of hand-foot-neck with our girls do not talk about it, although we do about it and asked for it. Think it is insignificant details? Hardly - these men are part of the female figures do not lack attention. Men love the dimples: on his knees, the pope or the cheeks. Who would have thought - this can be determined only by experiment. Women are sure: men sometimes are willing to sacrifice their ideals (at least in part). Men do not confirm this, but ... allow ourselves to doubt.