Lull in the love life
Lull in the love life - not a sentence and not a diagnosis. This is a wonderful state of mental relaxation, which you must arrange a sama! As soon vacate the apartment of the things the previous boyfriend, rush to find a new kind of stupid, if not dangerous. A lot of quick novels that girls plant "for rehabilitation," concludes with these problems that the previous "ex" was beginning to seem just a pussycat.
Such a mistake committed Alina, calculating, bitchiness and successful marketologinya. After parting with Leonid, creative kind, incredibly talented, but, unfortunately, not recognized by the artist, does not bring the family any money, Aline decided to get together with the complete opposite of her ex. All carefully calculated, it is twisted romance with Vadim, a wealthy businessman. At first everything went smoothly. Vadim she was not too fond, but it provided her and acted as the very "strong arm", which lacked the girl. But less than a month, as their "paradise on the calculation of" come to an end. Vadim began complexity. He took Alina to borrow money to "support the business."
Unfortunately, the support was meager, and the business went bankrupt all the same. Alina left not only without the notorious "strong arm", but without their honestly earned savings. Leonid, do not bring money into the house (but do not offer a contrast to Vadim and debts), seemed quite enviable groom. In addition to Leonid them at least tied feelings, good sex, common interests. Vadim was clearly a losing option. Need I explain that to survive two break + loss of money is much harder than a break ...

So, be circumspect. The rule of "like cures like" until you are not covered - yet too fresh memories and feelings. Wait at least a month. And it's better not look for a new lover herself. Trust life. As soon as she sees that you're ready for new happy relationship, a lull on the love front, a self-evaporate, and life will throw you a true love. After all, even when you're choosing new clothes, you're never in a hurry! You enjoy the process, trying one thing and then another. You're not in a hurry: dresses from you do not run away. You buy them when sochtesh fit. Try to apply this same strategy when choosing a favorite. Remember: in a hurry you can choose someone not that! And if defective clothing or shoes you will exchange in-store, with a defective lover you'll have to mess itself!
Contact with another civilization
"I do not want to talk to anyone! Nobody can understand me! "- You scream and slam the door. In vain! Most importantly, you realize you yourself. And here is something to talk with someone you are very much helpful. It is clear that married girlfriend you now seem to be aliens from other planets, which is simply impossible to find a common language. And still try. You need to see firsthand that people in the pair may also be happy and unhappy, as well as singles. Try to look at the relationship of your acquaintances couples without rose-colored glasses and without the silly contrasts: there they have some love, and I have that? Small salary, the wrinkles on the forehead and unmade apartment!
Be objective, family life - not the solid sugar and chocolate (I'll bet that not long ago you yourself readily confirmed to this simple truth). After the break some unpleasant moments (like the need to wash the dishes for him and all his free time in the kitchen) are erased and the memory are only pluses of living together. You suddenly remember how you watched the movie in the evening, as he put out the trash, like getting up at six in the morning to walk the dog! "What we have, do not keep, losing, crying," - do you think and you let a tear, looking like your married friend pours a favorite soup. But if we ignore sentiment and look at things in a sober, unless her life is better than yours? Does she have no problems and experiences associated with the beloved? You've got something, at least, the difficulty is only one: the temporary absence of a loved one. But it could be a whole heap of complexities: maybe he unfaithful? Or is it him? Maybe he earns a little? Or drink? Or rude to her? Or do not want to register a relationship? Or too much time to spend with friends on a fishing trip?
Are you jealous of her. Why? Envy totally counterproductive! After all, when you're jealous of your thoughts look like this: "Well, why Katka have a favorite, but I do not have?" So you could not help drive it into her head very poor installation - "I have no favorite, I have no favorite, the I have no ... no ... no! ". As such thoughts can affect your personal life? Yes, about the same as fertilizer, which mistakenly poured noxious plants and weeds, and then wonder: and why is it my flowers did not germinate?
Also, do not try to "keep the brand" in front of married friends. Do not be arrogant to say: "I myself gave up the goat and not a bit sorry! One of me is much better than vegetate in a marriage like some. Good thing the marriage will not be called! "It is unlikely that such speech you'll get something that good. Can and do quarrel with all your friends. In this situation, was my former classmate Rita. It is long and enthusiastically told my friends, husband and wife, "how good it is now one, what scum all men ... and even feminism forever!». After that, the husband scratched his head and said:
- It is clear ... sorry ... and then I'll like to introduce my friend. He has a bachelor banker. But since you are so like the freedom ...
Couples are happy and unhappy, just as single people. And therefore, your happiness does not depend on the presence or absence of a partner. It depends on you!
I want to speak out
It would seem, with whom you can share your feelings and thoughts, but with the closest friends? Surely you used to tell them everything and think that to have secrets from each other - is a crime against women's solidarity. And yet no hurry to spread them than the last series ended your relationship with her boyfriend. There is a small, but the probability that you still make it up. And you meanwhile has managed to describe the colors of your girlfriends, how he was selfish and scum.
As once my classmate, a beautiful Greek girl Melina, came to me "on a glass of tea." During the Summit, she spoke about Constantine, the young man who just a few days ago moved from the category of "one love" in the category of "former". Melina in the colors described what words he had her called names, readily showed a bruise on his forearm - also "his job". By the end of her monologue, I was totally shared her view that these goats, as Constantine, another search is necessary. I sincerely congratulate Melina with a break. Imagine my embarrassment when, a week, Melina came to me with the news about the upcoming wedding with the most "goat". Find a suitable occasion the words I did not succeed. We both felt very uncomfortable and since then especially did not communicate. Meline, apparently did not want to be friends with a girl counting her fiance scum. I, in turn, does not relish the company masochist.
Another place where better to hold his tongue - it's office! Corporate gossip has never benefited anyone's career! They are unlikely to help you! Every time in the smoking girl from the marketing department with sympathetic views of interest, how are you, ask yourself: Can I trust these people? And what is the guarantee that your emotional outpouring would not be made public? Of course, everyone has different relationships with colleagues, and yet there are themes that should not affect a range of corporate sharks. Who knows, but not far-fetched if they use that information against you. The Sisterhood of the working group - this is fine, and still compete and office intrigue still has not been canceled. So remember: the first time after breaking up with a favorite chew you really better than talking ...