World is full of abundance things,there are many natural resources,plenty of things.We are living in abundance where are free flow of energy.
Your life becomes abundant. Abundance means having plenty. Plenty of whatever you want. This is not to be confused with having just enough, which is a lesser state of being. Having plenty means having a reserve.

MONEY in the world is also a abudance thing..it is not a positive energy..and not an negetive energy.It is always remain neutral.

society will always attracted towards it.Money is every thing or it is nothing for world.In the western society peoples can not survive without it.If you have plenty of money ,There is nothing which going to harm you in life,you can buy anything in life.If you have have money ,you have many option to leave a issue of survival.It helps you to growth your personal devlopement as well as yourself issues.
Money is directly linked to how well you tap into the spiritual energy of the universe.
If you are poor,you are just limited to a particular area ,You can not grow as well.This is releted your self worth and lack of sprituality.
It does not mean that rich people are more superior tahn poor people..and they direct contact with sprituality..But it only means that poorness is always moving away from flow of life.

There is no direct link between money and self worth..means how many dollars you have and your lifestyle.
It is only a issue of abundance vs lack.
Do not think that money does not matter in life rather than self respect...just see the example of those rich peoples in world who have plenty of money,but they use their money in a abetter way..to give their charity for those poor and helpful peoples.
If you think that you should abandon your possessions and money to somehow become better or to find your spiritual side, then let me tell you that's just a complete load of crap. To walk the spiritual path and move towards enlightenment you need to be detached from the emotions that link you to needing money and possessions.