Magic is very popular in we can change anybody's person's mind or activity.
Its a technique which causes changes by activities and by symbolic means.
The objective of magic is to change a one system or culture to another.
Generally purpose of magic is that to alter your self or sorroundings according to your will.
Some peoples can use it in a right alterate any difficult world into sucessfull help the a right way.But some use this technique in a wrong harm the peoples ..Playing with human's feelings.

Magick is not good or bad. It is a system to achieve something, therefore the outcome rests with the practitioner.
So always use this technique in human favour....

As far as magic is become popular in world ,Tarot card reading is also leaving their fragnance in world.
It bridges the gap between your physical and spiritual world and puts you in touch with your inner self.
It connects you to the spritual world.Tarot card will tell you anything life.By picking up the right...tarot expert will tell you the exact meaning of that..If there is any wrong thing going on..They will tell you the correct things to overcome it.

Some tarot card reader have their globe system.By which they can help us out to predict our future.
So always use this technique in a favour of human beings to connect their life to spritual world.