Magic brooms and brooms
I think few people thought that the usual cleaning of the apartment can be a magical effect, and, picking up an ordinary broom, you can attract to your life success and wealth, but can also bring on his family illnesses and misfortunes. If we look to Slavic mythology, the broom and the broom were considered unclean, dangerous items, witches used these objects in magical rites, but at the same time, everyone knew that the broom or broom can be a talisman of evil forces.
In Russia since time immemorial have used the protective properties of a broom, his ability to resist the dark force. For example, to the house did not demons entered a broom or a broom placed in front of the house knob down. Glazlivomu and an evil man after throwing a broom, so he could not harm the owners of the house when the house all valilos with hands, domestic scandals and disappearing things considered, it is the machinations of someone else's homes and to expel him from the house with a broom to beat the threshold.
But not only in Russia and broom broom attributed magical properties. In ancient China, the revered lady with a broom - the goddess of the broom Hsiao Chin Nian. This goddess commanded the weather, and lived at Star Brooms Xiao Chou. If a very long time it rained, farmers cut a broom made of paper and hung it on the fence, thus encouraging the goddess of the broom to take pity and send the sunny weather. The Aztecs also there was a goddess, which is depicted with a broom - the goddess Tlasolteotl. It is a broom sweeping the goddess of all evils and sins.
Magical properties of a broom
Magical properties of the broom are honored to this day by many people. For example, the British did not sweep after sunset, because the evening is most easily sweep away the happiness and good fortune of the house. In general, the floors swept strictly at a certain time, tried to make it before sunset, and not swept throughout May and New Year's Eve. It was believed that breaking this habit can be deprived of good luck. None of the others do not let the cover in your home - cleaning, can pick up your own luck. In general, to not sweep the house all the good things need a place on the threshold in the middle of the room. The house can not sweep the different brooms, in this case, all your wealth will disperse to the corners.
Never bring an old broom into a new apartment, it bodes misfortune owners. If you purchased a new broom to start something vmetite them into the house, and only then proceed with cleaning. Generally very helpful make a wish when you first sweeps new broom or a broom. If the broom suddenly fell out of your hands - too boldly make a wish, it will certainly come true! Girls who dream of marrying useful to jump over a broom 9 times, this ritual will attract your life suitors. If you want to have in your house always had the money, put the broom sticks up, or better yet, perform the following magic ritual.
During the autumn leaves falling locate aspen, clasp her hands and shake the trunk of the tree, repeating the mantra three times: "How true that Judas hanged himself on the aspen, and how many leaves falling at my feet, so let the money I would have just as much and as far as true! " After that, go home and put in the hallway broom handle down, and metuschey upside down, while saying: I call my sound!
To make better use of magical rites wrong broom sweeps clean the floor you, and specially purchased for this purpose. Now on sale there are lots of decorative brooms, they are perfectly suited for these ceremonies, as a broom can make yourself. If the broom sticks to put a cross of two needles and put this broom for the front door - it will serve as a talisman for your home, and people with bad intentions do not step over your threshold.
There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
But if you hang a decorative broom on her bedroom door and put the garlic under your pillow - you will once and for all get rid of nightmares. Never even as a joke do not hit the broom, which sweeps the floors person to popular belief, if you hit a man with a broom, he would lean and dry, like a broom, and the child will not grow.
Mops and floor cloths
Not only a broom and broom have magical properties, mops, towels and floor cloths can also be used as amulets for the home. If you live in a country house to hang out at the backyard of the house doormat, to popular belief it will protect you and your home from black magic. Only after you hang this cloth, it can not be used for cleaning floors. If a swab has fallen, try not to cross it as a doormat is better to raise them, it is considered that transcend sexual mop and a rag to a disaster.
Dishcloth, kitchen cloths and sponges that you wash dishes and wipe furniture, can also be used as a magical utensils. Try doing any homework, using rags, sponges and towels to make the motion only in a clockwise direction, then those items that you wash, clean, clean - full of positive energy. Very useful after you wash the dishes and protrete kitchen towel to hang it outside in the rain, the magic ritual to attract good fortune into your home.
But if someone steals your towel, he will take with him and your luck, but disappointed not worth it - hang a new kitchen towel on the street when it starts to rain again and good luck to you smile! Like a broom and a broom, kitchen towel and rag not drive from one house to another. Together with them, you're taking the old dirt, and that's negative energy. Necessarily every year, get rid of old rags and towels, it is desirable not just throw them away, the best way to clean house from diseases, quarrels and insults - burning old rags.