Magic crystal ball
Since time immemorial, man has sought to lift the veil of the future. This was done in different ways: someone mastered cartomancy someone reading on a hand, someone turned to oracles, etc. The most mysterious and complicated, but at the same time was a very effective method of predicting the future - Clairvoyance with crystal ball.
In ancient times, to peek into the future using vessels filled with water, later it was perfectly faceted balls of quartz and rock crystal. This prop was almost every magician and clairvoyant, with the ball could not only look to the future, but to see the past.
Many famous personalities past resorted to using a crystal ball - it's the famous Count Cagliostro, Michel Nostradamus, who literally read from the world events coming years, Partsels binding to ghosts and other otherworldly beings, talented and mysterious astrologer Mary Tudor - John Dee, and many others.
Most of us mistakenly believe that the gift of clairvoyance - is what is given by God, and did not learn this. This is not because "sixth sense" every person, although some have developed it is better to have than others. Clairvoyant can and should be developed, although it is not necessary to believe that anyone can buy a crystal ball and predict disasters and calamities, like Nostradamus! But learn to find answers, even if not on a global scale - can practically everyone!
For example, in the early twentieth century, clairvoyance became almost the most fashionable and popular profession. Of course, there were many charlatans, but on the other hand, all those who seriously want to develop a clairvoyant with a crystal ball, eventually, obtain the required information for themselves about the future.
The phenomenon of a crystal ball could not have been surprising, and as a consequence, this phenomenon interested scientists. Was carried out many experiments, which resulted in, the scientists found that the vision in the crystal ball really well projected on the pupil of the seer, as well as holographic images! As it does not sound fantastic, but many subjects were able to even stop the picture closer, or zoom in! Researchers concluded that the refracted rays inside the crystal ball effect on the person hypnotically, with some areas of the brain are disabled, while others are activated.
The man, looking at the ball is in a certain state of consciousness, and begins to perceive the special wave-length, simply put, he begins to perceive information from a single information field of the planet. The brain sends sensed images on the eyeballs, and then these images are projected onto a crystal ball, so that one begins to see "the ball" picture. Even the most inveterate skeptics, after these studies, a completely different way of prophecy began to perceive obtained using a crystal ball!
How to deal with the crystal ball
I think many people, after reading this article want to try your skills in clairvoyance. Most of the balls that are sold in stores are made, unfortunately, not made of rock crystal, or beryl, and the cost of such a ball will be quite expensive. But do not let that bother, and the glass bowl fits all, so that the glass had no inclusions, well, it is desirable that the ball was perfect faceting.
The size of the ball can vary from 11 to 25 cm should not buy the first got the ball, and that of which goes like "dark light", you have some time without being distracted by extraneous sounds and movements, to look at the ball. If you have the impression that it absorbs the light - this is a good ball, you can buy. In transparent balls has an amazing ability to absorb light bright room, and in the dark - to radiate it.
To be sure the ball does stand. Some balls are sold with a stand, but it is believed that if you do it yourself, you quickly establish contact with the ball. Stand should be sure to black, for this purpose use a rectangular wooden board with a groove in the middle. You can paint a plate with black paint or gouache. Some magicians advise on the perimeter of the boards to write the names of the four archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel), or to inflict symbolic images signs of the zodiac (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus).
With the ball you can not work sitting on the couch or floor, the ball should be placed on a table covered with black cloth, and ideally it should be velvet. Light should be subdued, this curtain curtains and light candles that have a perimeter table. You can also put behind him is not a bright lamp, it is important that when dealing with a crystal ball of light does not hit you in the face! Many psychics during the session is put into kuritelnitsu balls of incense, elderberry twigs, you can light the scented sticks, aroma, choose from your personal preferences.
Best time to start learning is the period of the full moon, the moon sharpens intuition, and this contributes to entering into an altered state of consciousness. You can not start a session, being excited, somewhat worried, upset, etc. You should relax and give away all thoughts to look at the ball. Session should not last more than an hour, looking at the ball, you need without straining, without trying to force the will to make him show any pictures.
If you can see in the haze of the ball - a big plus and means you're moving in the right direction. Gradually, through the haze you start to distinguish some shapes and pictures. Once that happens, you can mentally handle the ball, ask troubling questions. The question to be repeated to himself, until, until you start to see your interests.
Crystal Ball - a very sensitive magic tool, it can not only show the future, but also to accumulate negative energy and thoughts. Therefore, after each wash it under running water. Ball should not be on everyone's mind, for example, in a sideboard or shelf! It must be stored in tightly closed cabinet or in a box.
The most important thing you must remember when working with the ball - do not overdo it, exercise with a crystal ball is costly energy, so you should not exercise more than three times a week. If working with the ball, you feel unwell, you are sick or have watery eyes - you need to immediately stop the session. After finishing the conversation, ventilate the room and be sure to wash the ball under running water. Good luck to you!