Magic female intuition
On the women's intuition, we all ears buzz. And in general, probably something like this really exist - there must be something that replaces the logic! In fact, a woman in terms of perception of the world is a hybrid of a psychic, a sensitive radar and the lie detector. Of course, nothing miraculous and supernatural in this. Science has long explained everything and sort through. Just because we have a blind confidence in his own superiority sneeze at these explanations. Like, why only these bigheads not invent just to earn money. Because of this, and we get trapped with such beliefs.
I will not particularly investigate in detail the phenomenon of women's intuition, the ability to know everything in advance and everything to find an explanation. But briefly to say about this paranormal a must. At least to reduce the number of taps on the same rake among the male population. So magical intuition - it is nothing like sharpened ability to notice the smallest details and changes in behavior and appearance of others. Remember, in the cave it was necessary to monitor any nonsense and for the calf to the fact not a nuisance. In general, almost all female mammals are equipped with more delicate and sensitive mechanism of perception of reality. Whether it's different - she never would not understand why baby cry - of pain or hunger. Well, constant communication with other such bringing these capabilities to understand other people with poluvzglyada to perfection. We, men, nature has not given anything like this. We have that - I saw on the horizon, so the antelope ran after her. Do not go into the same thing it wants to antelope. And in the caves we have not sat up among the susceptible females. Bite, fertilized, asleep with half an ear and again - in the woods in search of Mammoth. What sorts delights? That's never learned to read thoughts and share them with others by telepathy.
A woman takes a lot more information than a man
How many male erogenous zones? In the most hopeful and then a half ... And women? I think so, give an hour or so men women ears, eyes and nose - he will go to the roof of the flow of information. For example, the eyes. Women have more cone cells of the eye and is much wider peripheral vision. She sees the sector at least 45 degrees on each side of the head. That is 45 up, 45 down and on the same left and right. Some effective peripheral vision reaches 180 degrees. Well, the truth, they see not as far as we are with his tunnel vision. They needed to see that in the cave is right under their noses, but on all sides, and we needed to look out for prey from a distance. In short, they see a wider, but the closer we are on, but ... "Well, looks like a" dalnorukost and blizoglazie ", but I think you misunderstood what I meant. That's about as near and far beam.
In this connection, incidentally, is connected one damn annoying thing. Every man is not a time getting any of his companions because he stares at passing strangers women. We're both looking? Stared in the legs or chest and turning his head after their owner. Field of view is narrow, so you have to desperately squint and turn your head, risking to break your neck. Such frills do not go unnoticed. Oh, and flies regularly. Women look at other men more often than we do at other women (this is also the scientists counted). But they do not get caught because they do not have any eyes squint or turn Golovenko. And so they see everything. Looks you in the eye itself zatsenivaet tall, slender brunette, gets out of his Ferrari. And here they duped us!
Further. Women's ears. Oh, it's generally a terrible body ... Even scarier than the eye. Women can hear better (though less understood, but that's another issue). They are perfectly distinguish sounds at high frequencies. It is understandable - their ears are "programmed" to then to hear a baby crying. So wonderful woman picks up all the small stuff like meowing kitten, dripping water from the tap in the kitchen and the women's laughter in the background when you talk to her on the phone, supposedly are at an important meeting.
But this is them little. They are still able to separate sounds, disassemble them into categories and draw conclusions about each of them. She can talk with you and great to hear the conversation of people standing at a distance. All this taken together allows a woman superski catch the slightest changes in the intonation of the interlocutor. She instantly understood what the speaker is experiencing emotions, and notices of change. That is very active in reading between the lines. In your "normal" to the question "how are you?" It is easy to read that at work you have a problem that the boss again, their orders filled up the whole thing, but put blame you, and you should now be worn as labeled rabbit in order to keep for their place ...
Now about the female nose. Here too, the guard is complete. And the smell, and taste, they feel a lot better than we do. True, with the taste at all of us more or less evenly distributed. We better define the salty and bitter. Hence our love for beer. Women cope with this task worse, so beer lovers among them less. But they better keep track of sweetness. Therefore, going crazy from chocolate. This distinction is also due to evolution. Unyuhivaet it all much higher. Up until that captures the presence of pheromones in the air and musky odor that is associated with a man. So they sniff out those who can give such offspring. So sick and weak - hello! It goes without saying that the report in this woman does not give. All these treats spinal cord or cerebellum, or whatever they have from the brains (just kidding) ...
Think about the sensitivity of the skin especially the spread is not needed. And so it is clear that it is almost ten times more sensitive than men. Studies have shown that the skin is very sensitive boy was not the most sensitive skin "thick-skinned" girls. With age, this difference is increasing. That's about the case with our senses. Sometimes it does seem that the man - it's an abortion at the level of gene ... Everything that we have accumulated in the course of evolution, is intended only for hunting and war. We are better oriented in space, able to think tactically, we are physically stronger, etc. it.p. That is somewhere in the forest we have more chances to survive and feel relatively well. But as far as interpersonal relationships and living in a small apartment, then here we have adapted a lot worse women.
It turns out that when we think that everything is in order, a woman with her intuition (and translated into normal language - with its higher level of perception of various signals) feels that something is wrong. For example, you have a new secretary and you only occasionally mentally undress her. No harm done, and maybe not even going. But a couple of times when you've seen undressing your wife, you had a dreamy expression on his face. The woman is immediately noticed and came to the conclusion (clear the stump, all exaggerating tenfold). The problem may not be in you, and it (the wife, not his secretary).