Magic of Looking Glass
Mirror - an essential attribute of every person, you can not bring yourself in the morning in the proper form, not using a mirror, and the beautiful half of humanity in general can not imagine myself without this handy little things. Mirrors us everywhere - in the beautician in her compact, pocket, handbag, etc. No self-respecting woman will not leave the house without mirrors. In our time, the mirror is used not only in order to be able to bring myself up, mirrors adorn the interior, increasing or decreasing the optical area, there is a street, road mirrors, etc. Say what you like, but the life of modern man today is unthinkable without the mirrors.
We are so accustomed to this thing that few of us thinks about her magical abilities. Most of us know one omen - the mirror is broken, unfortunately. And also, we know one guessing - the narrowing of mummers. On this knowledge of the magical properties of mirrors, for most of us come to an end.
In fact, the scope of the mirrors in the magical area is enormous. Nostradamus, Cagliostro, Montague searched for the future in the depths of mirrors. Mediums often resorted to using mirrors in their divinations, in the reflections they have seen ghosts. It is also believed that the mirror can memorize all that it ever reflected. This "ability to mirror helps some psychics to solve crimes. In esoteric mirror symbolizes our world with a parallel. Our forefathers were afraid of his reflection, as it was thought that reflected the double can carry off a man in Wonderland. Of course, nowadays no one does not believe, but I do not think anyone will deny that the mirror conceals many mysteries.
On the magical properties of mirrors, we know from ancient myths, for it is with a mirror shield Perseus defeats Medusa, the Gorgon. In ancient Egypt, round mirrors were identified with the disk of the Sun and the Moon.
Even Plato, through the metaphor of the mirror described the learning process: "Take a mirror and Vod them in different directions - now you get the sun and all that is in heaven and earth, and you yourself, and other living things, as well as items plants and all that just mentioned. Yes, but it will be one in appearance only, and not truly mere things "..
In China there is a sign associated with the mirror. It is believed that the mirror casts out evil, because evil looking at myself in the mirror and seeing his deformity in terror. In Japan, a mirror - one of the imperial treasures, such as the throne, the sword and the Three Treasures - the symbols of the three virtues: Chi (knowledge), yu (courage) and gin (charity). In numerology, the mirror is associated with the number 8 - the number of abundance, friendship and wisdom. At all times people are treated to a mirror with respect and even awe. Proper handling of a mirror will help protect you and yourself and your home from the negative manifestations of mirror magic. The purpose of this article introduce you to the folk omens and customs associated with mirrors.
Omens and customs
Smash the mirror - This sign is known to all, but probably few know that you can avoid the negative consequences of a broken mirror. Fragments are colored with black paint and then buried.
Hang a mirror, if the house dead - This custom came to us from antiquity, it was believed that the soul of the deceased through the looking glass can penetrate into our world. Also, the mirror is a conductor between the weird worlds and our world, and together with the soul of the deceased in the home can pass dangerous astral beings.
You can not look into the broken mirror - take a look at a mirror, the person loses energy, it also bodes trouble.
You can not hang a mirror in the headboard - Mirror will confuse your mind, lose touch with reality, will make many mistakes in life.
Mirror in the bedroom - has now become very fashionable to hang a mirror over the bed or have a wardrobe so that it reflects the sleeping spouse. It can not be done because the relationship of the spouses can not interfere other sexual partners.
Mirror with no sharp corners - it is desirable to have all your mirrors are in frames, sharp corners of the mirror will break your energy and it is sure to affect physical health.
You can not look in the mirror together - you can not look in the mirror to two friends or friends of the same person will love and who will suffer.
If you had to return necessarily, going out, look in the mirror and if you're lucky. Mirrors should be kept clean and changed frequently as possible, because the old mirror - it is a storehouse of various energies, both positive and negative. If you have decided to purchase an antique mirror, be sure to ask about its history, who belonged to what family, etc. After all, if the mirror was surrounded by bad feelings and negative events - all the baggage you brought it safely to his home together with an old mirror.
Mirror in Feng Shui
Particular importance is attached to the mirror in Feng Shui, and without saying a word about it, our article on the mirrors will be incomplete. In Feng Shui is particularly important where exactly do you have a mirror. According to Feng Shui mirror has the following properties: it not only reflects, but also attracts and visually recreates the missing space and redistributes flow of Qi. In fact, the basic rule of using mirrors to Feng Shui - Place a mirror so that it reflects only good things!
If your apartment has a wealth of character - situated in front of them a mirror and the influence of this character will be doubled! Just hang a mirror in front of beautiful things, paintings, sculptures - all the things that pleases the eye and uplifting.
We often hang the mirror in the room and bathroom, and probably not many people know that Feng Shui mirror will be appropriate and in the kitchen! A mirror, positioned so as to reflect the table with a meal - double its number. Table filled with various meats, at all times, symbolizing prosperity, and this means that the mirror is not only double the amount of food on the table, but the amount of money coming into your family.
With a mirror in the living room, be sure to pay attention to what it represents, if the mirror is opposite the window and the window instead of the beautiful landscape dump or cesspool - drawing this picture, the mirror will bring her into your home!
Mirrors should not hang in front of the door - all the positive energy will flow into these doors have a mirror opposite the window can be used only if the window a beautiful landscape, manicured yard, beautiful buildings, etc. Remember, the mirrors should be shown only nice things and then these things will be twice as much in your home!