Magic of adultery
Faced with a loved one all of us are interested in one and the same question - how long a relationship? Should I marry this man, make him children, etc. When in love, it is very difficult to objectively assess the situation, and how to know whether it's your other half? Approach to solving this problem can be turned to the professional astrologer, based on individual horoscopes partners, check out their psychological and sexual compatibility. Moreover, astrology can shed light not only on how the relationship will be formed in a marriage and how it will be durable, but even the likelihood of betrayal on the part of both spouses.

For example, fish are sometimes so imbued with compassion for the neighbor, that may even be because of sympathy be with this person in bed, Gemini loves change, so the change simply to diversify their lives completely in their spirit, Leo loves to praise, if it is a seducer flatteringly, "the king of beasts" not to resist. No need to fear treachery on the part of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - are very loyal and stable partners, they can only change if they are really overwhelmed by feelings. Libra prudent, therefore flop to a more successful partner - they will not be much trouble and remorse of their torment will not. Of course, all this applies only to the typical representatives of their mark.
If one partner is present in the horoscope of a "square" or 90-degree angle between Venus and Mars - this points to the endless search for a partner, constant dissatisfaction with the relationship, this aspect of astrology is called "a great lover." The opposition between the Moon and Venus leads to unrequited love. Like those partners who do not like me, and those who like me do not like me .... And there are people who are simply in no hurry to change anything in my life and believe that happiness is, ultimately, find them by itself.
Where to look for a soul mate and how to survive separation?
Opinion that their fate can be met only once, wrong. Opportunity to meet with his second half of life a person is given multiple times. So do not be afraid of being alone and do not think that you missed your chance. The most important thing to know exactly when you can meet your love, and do not miss this opportunity. It is also important to understand that the people we meet along the way and the events that happen in our lives - are not accidental. Even relationships that ultimately end up breaking - are also another step towards your happiness. These meetings and partings are given to every order to teach something.
Often there are situations where a compromise can not be partners because the interests of the people do not match. And sadly, but the fault of one party's family is crumbling, even despite the fact that the second half desperately trying to salvage the situation. What to do in this case? What to do when it's time to leave, but you're not ready for this? Alternatively you can go to a psychologist who will help you make the right decision and look at the situation from another angle, perhaps the solution is, but you simply do not see it. You can refer to an astrologer, who is also on the shelves and rot your entire situation and explain where to find out and what to expect next. But there is another very important and effective way - love or sexual magic.
Magic of Love
Love magic is not the most difficult section of magic and yet before taking up magic rituals is to understand and learn the principles of love magic love spell. In magic, there is a spiritual world (the spirit), astral (energy or power) and the physical world (matter). The astral world is the mediator between the material world and spiritual world. Worlds do not exist in isolation, they are to some extent penetrate into each other. The astral world is filled with various astral bodies - are nature spirits, human thoughts, desires, dreams - astroid, lyarva (astral beings who are born by our feelings and passions). Astral world - a world of departed spirits, and souls of people who go to the astral plane temporarily, for example, during sleep.
To return the cooled sentiments and attract the attention of a partner, we will need help lyarva sensuality. They are created by our sexual fantasies and sexual desires. Lyarva excite sensuality, conjuring man various erotic images. To lyarva acted according to your wishes, you must use a few magic tricks, for example, it may be conspiracies, spells, omens. Paramount importance in any magical ritual is your imagination and will. To spell work, you must have the strength that will give you expressed will and you have to be on hand magic objects made by you or somewhere extracted may get you on the sorcerer. Thus, these items will be "saturated" with magical powers sorcerer and his will.
Usually love magic has two main areas. The first - a love spell, when a man or woman want to bewitch her lover and the second is a very common direction and demanded mostly women, when it is necessary to return the love (man left her for another, or simply a sense of family lost interest, etc.). Also love the magic involved in caring for children, husband and family. To achieve results in the application of these techniques, you must have strong will power and faith in our strength. I think that will help you some tips on how to properly prepare yourself before you do magical rituals.
Preparing for magic rituals:
1. Magical rites should be conducted only on an empty stomach at the same time, the longer you abstain from food, the better.
2. It is impossible to carry out magical ceremonies, if there is a small fraction of a doubt. You break your vibrations build magical chain, and the ritual will be inefficient or ineffective altogether. Only the self-confidence and the expected result would trigger all the magic mechanisms.
3. Before you do love magic visit on nature in a park in the woods on the lake, ignoring pressing problems, contact with nature will give you the vital energy needed to perform the magical manipulation.
4. During the two weeks before the start of sexual magic, and during her employment, abstain from sex, alcohol and smoking.
5. It is very important to engaging in amorous magic just to fulfill all requirements and bring them to the end. You can not change the sequence of actions or replace items used in rituals. Failure to follow these rules will lead to the loss of the effect of magic.