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Magic system to attract love

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Magic system to attract love
If you are single and have no way to find your soul mate, if relations with the opposite sex did not add up, or barely started, for no apparent reason out, if you ever quarrel with your favorite - you have to resort to the sense of magic system, and dreams "Simoron. This system will help you not only to resolve problems in his personal life, but also to make the most daring desires a reality! The founder of this technique in 1988 became director of the Kiev Peter Burlan. This psychological technique was developed for a notorious young actors with whom he worked. At these sessions people are easily parted with their problems, open up and begin to live a full life. Hearing about the wonderful technique that helps get rid of complexes and fears quickly spread through the city, wishing to undergo training is increasing, and so "Simoron became one of the most popular psychological training.
Many people who heard about Simoron believe this technique is magic, others are not taken seriously, believing that it is complete nonsense and the people who attend these programs have survived from the mind. Still others do not believe. But what would not be people's attitude to Simoron fact remains - this method works! Why is technique called "Simoron" what exactly does this word mean? In fact, nothing mysterious or magical word in itself does not carry, it's just fiction, it appeared spontaneously. One technique involves playing dance and song in gibberish language. Peter once sang a song, a mantra - "Simoron. Title Burlanu liked, and he decided to call it so your training.

"Simoron" - a school for wizards, but yes it is! And let it not seem preposterous to you, we are creators of their destiny, and that means we are able to fulfill all of your most unexpected and daring desires. Basis simoronskogo exercise - be treated with humor to their problems. If difficulties are encountered with optimism and a smile, they will retreat. Do not be fooled that this psycho place in the form of games, important is the effect. And the effect is achieved by expanding the boundaries of our consciousness.

System "Simoron" will teach you to interact harmoniously with others. "Simoron" includes the wisdom of many ancient spiritual practices. Based on the teachings of "Simoron" can bring into your life good luck, favorable attitude of others, money, success, etc. But our paper is devoted to how Simoron to love. Ways to achieve the desired, can be very different, as you can in time develop its own methodology. In the meantime, in order to power a happy life began to work, try a few effective techniques. These techniques are directed primarily to the fact that you can share your positive energy and emotions with others and the universe.

Believe in miracles

In your mind should be firmly entrenched two magic words, which because of its energy will seamlessly appear good events in your life. These are the words: "allow" and "Cancel". Start your day with what is still in bed, mentally or aloud: "This happens three miracle!" Be sure to click fingers of both hands and with confidence, say: "let!"

And the second time to snap your fingers and say: "All obstacles to cancel!" Now wait for the changes and surprises. Do not forget in a dedicated notebook to record all unusual, what will happen to you during the day. Very often we attach too much importance to an unpleasant detail, but all that gives a positive, very quickly forgotten. You pushed someone in transport - all, half went awry, himself will buhtet to dinner and called the abuser's bad words. And then you smiled at his two-year open a sincere smile baby, although nice, but will be forgotten after a moment.

Starting to engage in this system, many question immediately arises: what exactly can be considered a miracle? I would advise in the early stages of training for the magic and wonder take everything positive things that happened to you during the day. You have a compliment, praised the bosses you've met an old friend, made a good purchase - everything is a miracle! It is important to realize that since the day when you wake up and uttered the magic words - your life began to change for the better!

Ritual for good luck

To attract good fortune into your life, we need a magic helper. Find it possible in a flower shop, you should buy vending violet in a pot. Choose a flower slowly, look at it carefully, wait for a while there, the flower should excite and cause positive emotions. This is not just a flower, it is the "tool" that will attract good fortune into your life. Need to put a flower in the room where you spend more time. Since it is not just a flower, and your helper need to pour it in a special way. Morning and evening for 27 days violets need to be watered, dripping from a pipette into the ground exactly 27 drops of water. To wilted flower is not it possible, then pour from watering cans. Pouring this unusual flower, aloud or silently chant: "I am the one who pours flower fun!" Now it's your new simoronskoe name, try to call them yourself as often as possible, especially when you feel negative. This ritual will help to neutralize all negative, which took place in your personal life. It will help clean the energy space for a new relationship or a positive impact on relationships with existing partners.

The energy of love

The energy of love for you is a representative of the male sex. Probably sounds strange, but true. Meeting every day on the street boys going to school, men hurrying to work, pensioners playing in the yard of a domino, the beloved actor on the screen, even that old man who every day begging in the subway, say the mind or ear recognition of love: "I I love this man ... this too ... and I love that very much! "If you saw a company of men, mentally confess them all in love! Do this for a week, so you'll attract the male energy. A week later, at the sight of another male person has been sentenced in another way: "This man loves me ... And he loves me ... And all those in love with me!"

The third week says: "I love this man and he loves me ... And then I also love, and he loves me ..." Perhaps this reversal may seem frivolous, but believe me, they change the level of the vibrations that emanate from you. They'll make your thoughts positive, and the universe will begin to receive the positive energy of your emotions and in response to send you something so you wait! Nobody will tell you exactly how fast you get what you want, maybe if you were lonely too long, you'll need more than one "flower of good luck." Many to achieve the desired lacking as it is trite elementary patience. Do not focus on results, focus on the process and the result does not take long to make, believe me! The most important thing to surround yourself with positive energies. Show vast universe, that you for love and happiness are ready to become a real witch!

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