Magical divination on Christmas Eve
Guessing from the category of sorcery and witchcraft have long been turned into a pre-holiday prank. It is not important whether or not we believe in what divination come true, but try to keep the tradition. Or maybe it is the most lucky lottery ticket that will solve all the financial difficulties, problems in personal life and problems at work. But as a rule, no one ever thinks about the fact that divination does not predict your destiny, but rather programs the future. Founder kosmogumanizma is an outstanding academician A. Ignatenko, who today will help us to understand the question that interests us and suggest what should be done to get the best results.
In principle, does not really matter what method of divination, we choose, to learn his fate, whether we are pouring the wax figures, to study divorce, remaining in the saucer on the coffee grounds to throw out the window or Sapozhok consider characters, in fact this is one ritual that should lead us to the cherished wishes come true. The most important aspect in all this is creating the right mood for divination, which will be carried out until the day of the ritual in his sleep.
Before going to bed, it is necessary to secure a comfortable and relaxing holiday. It is better if you go in the room in which there is no power appliances such as TVs and computers. All modern technology adversely affects our health and spiritual balance. This is due to radiation from the equipment in the on and off. Be sure to ventilate the room, turn on your favorite music, lie down, close your eyes and begin a magical ritual ...
Fire Pyramid
Mentally should pronounce: "I'm creating for myself the best program that contains the highest spirituality and magical energy browned. Then, without saying out loud, we repeat the word ball, and it appears that this item is in our brain. If you can not imagine you can just pronounce these actions. This ball is made up of ten colors: orange, gold, blue, red, white, purple, yellow, pink, blue and green. Well if you can build all the available colors in the order specified.
Mentally in the center of the ball put a tiny golden fiery pyramid, which draws information from space and gives it to us. In this construction are putting their inner thoughts, we want to see in a dream, whether the restriction of disguised or new promising work.
Now it remains for the small to mentally given us a program filled with the warmth. She begins to spread to the head, forehead, and then covers all the cells in our body, warming us with their warmth. With this magical feeling we dipped into a dream.
Good sign
Magic ball in the dream answer all the questions, and the more specific you can formulate your question, the more accurate the response. For example, wanting to know if you can locate a new, well-paying jobs in the coming year, Narrow down your question. Ask a better way: Do I Arrange for work in the firm "dreams come true" for the post of chief accountant with the minimum wage is one hundred thousand rubles? And get reliable information. In all questions where the money appear, you must specify the desired amount, only then will the answer be specific.
To get a good mark, you must tune in to all the good and the only magic program is executed. At the wrong conduct of the ritual no information will be coming, but you do not despair. The next evening embark on another attempt. You all certainly will and you will know your life prognosis for the new year.
Remember that it is Christmas Eve, when many people are trying to learn their fate by various fortune-telling, above the ground is going to an enormous amount of diverse information, which in this period, it is easy to obtain. Well, if the predictions you do not like, no one can forbid you to reprogram their own destiny. Go ahead, make progress and once not be sad.