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Magical rites enhance sexuality

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Magical rites enhance sexuality
For centuries, Daughters of Eve resorted to magic, to become attractive to the opposite sex. Even our great-great-great-grandmothers knew that men like a magnet to attract energy-heavy, sexy and confident in their own irresistible woman! To be exactly as women created special ceremonies to help recruit and accumulate the sexual energy. But keep in mind: to perform these rites should be at a certain time. The fact that the influence of the moon and other planets may be how to leverage the power of spells, and keep you. Because experienced wizards choose the moment for magical acts in accordance with the phase of the moon and the testimony of so-called "planetary hours." Below, we give the value of lunar phases and a table that specifies what time in a given day of the week protects each of us are important to the planets. From the notes to the table, you will learn how to use this information when making rituals.
Planetary Clock

H Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
5 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
9 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
13 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
14 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
15 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
16 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
17 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
18 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
19 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
20 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
21 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
22 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
23 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
24 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
Hour of the Sun. It is known that the sun symbolizes our identity. Therefore, in this period well-appointed meeting with a favorite: you can show off with the winning hand, and he will long remember this meeting. Spend a ceremony to attract good luck.

Hour of Mars. Mars - the most active planet. He will support you during all love charms to attract future husband.

Hour of Jupiter. Jupiter - the planet of kings. It is at this hour you will be able to become the queen of love. And all your magic acts to enhance sex appeal will be successful.

Hour of Mercury. At this time you can to talk and loved to learn about all his plans. After all, Mercury - the planet of communication.

Hour of Saturn. In the hour of Saturn you have the opportunity to get rid of troublesome fans and unnecessary links. Therefore, if you decide to break some kind of relationship, look at the table and select the time for this Saturn.

Hour of the Moon. The moon governs our subconscious. Therefore, in the moonlight hour to have a good meditation. At this time, are also effective at raising ceremonies female attractiveness. Periods of influence of the moon:

* New Moon (first quarter of the lunar month) in the magic is called dead time of the moon. During this period, the impact of our nocturnal companion is minimal, that is, count on her help is not necessary, and therefore pointless to conduct ceremonies.

* Rising Moon (the second quarter of the lunar month) in the magic light of the moon is the time. This is the best time for any endeavors. Whatever you're planning to change in your life, the first step toward the goal to commit to a growing moon. Thus, even an advertisement in a newspaper dating should apply in this period!

* Full Moon (the third quarter of the lunar month) - the most magical period, naming the time of the full moon, when the effect of night lights at maximum. Committed creative rituals, those who are called, no matter what was to attract and grow. Thus, in this period should be carried out rituals to enhance the attractiveness, to make talismans. Full Moon gives a spontaneous burst of energy, lends strength to any spells and other magical acts.

* Waning moon (last quarter of the lunar month). This time period is called the dark of the moon: now performed rituals to cleanse and get rid of negativity. Black magicians in this period make all the actions of a destructive nature: the lapels, cool and stuff.

Now that you know exactly what time should perform certain magical action, it's time to talk about how to use ancient magic to turn from a Cinderella into a princess, how to become "the most charming and attractive."

In the arsenal of white magic, Slavic, there are several wonderful rituals in which women come to the aid of Strength of Earth and Space. Such rites best work out away from the bustle of the city - where the air is clean and fresh, the club could not hide the sun but the water does not contain chlorine. In general, if there is a chance to go to the bosom of nature - do not neglect it. Moreover, some rites is simply impossible to hold in the city: Do not lay you in the nearest park bonfire! Yes, and hug a tree in a park in front of an astonished audience, too, is not the greatest pleasure ...

If you just can not escape from the metropolis, be reserved for rites of spring or other natural water from natural sources. You can also specially prepare his own hands melted water.

Besides water, you'll need wax and colored wax candles, aromatic oils and essences, silver and gold objects (this could be rings, chains, cutlery, etc.), flower petals (do not throw roses - collect, dried and stored, is the most valuable magic stuff!).

Magical rite "Bathing in the moonlight," will be used for the development of their female charms energy of the nearest planet to us. You'll need three-liter clean bank, silver spoon (coin or any other item made of silver), three lemons, three petals of roses (roses can be replaced by a handful of chamomile flowers drug or lime), rose oil (instead you can take another that you like, such as lemon, ylang-ylang and patchouli).

The rite should be conducted the day before the full moon. Early in the morning, pour into the jar clean water (spring water, wells, natural or melted) and put a silver spoon - so the water should be before noon, no less than six hours. Cut three slices of lemon, put it in a jar, add the rose petals and rose oil (if you're using dried herbs, be tired of their pre-boiled water and infuse for twenty minutes).

Now the banks must put on the windowsill so that it pierced the moonlight, and leave overnight. The next day, evening, a full moon, fill the bathtub with warm water and slowly pour into it "loaded" moonlight jar. Then he lay down in the bath, close your eyes and relax, imagining that swim in the lake of the moon light, imagine yourself with a sponge, absorbing the energy of the moon ... Can you imagine it in the form of silvery mist, thick balls of golden liquid, reminiscent of mercury - fantasize, to imagine that you are pleasant. Take a bath to at least 20 minutes, but if you want, you can prolong the procedure until half an hour. After the bath, wipe dry, drink orange juice or green tea with lemon.

Rite "Fire Love" will awaken a real woman.

To do this you need a conspiracy to ignite a furnace or fireplace, in extreme cases, can be decomposed into a forest fire. The rite should be carried out on the waxing moon. Take a photo of a sterile syringe, and sit before the fire and say: "Fire Ognevich, become my friend, brother, servant. Conjure with their blood, by his word, love her! ". Now, should the needle to pierce the ring finger of his left hand and sprinkle a few drops of fire of his blood.

Once you have a vested intermarried with the fire, bring to a flame photos and read the plot: "As the fire melts the iron, crushing stones, water floats, so let the foaming blood of the slaves of God (your name)! Let melt the heart of the iron, let heat up the bones of stone, let the ice melt the blood, albeit in the body will ignite a fiery passion! My word is my blood of my plot, sealed with fire! "

When the logs will burn down, take a pinch of ash, mix it with a drop of his blood, wrap in a piece of scarlet silk or thin red paper and put it into the lining of purses and cosmetic bags to keep it was before you. The rite may be repeated every month without ash and blood, just looking at pictures and reading the plot on the candle flame.

The magic of juniper. To enhance sexuality in Russia also used the drug, made from the bark of juniper. Four teaspoons of chopped bark soak overnight in a pint of pure spring water and put in a clear container on the windowsill so that the liquid penetrated the moonlight. Grasp the container with his hands three times and say: "I implore you, the water is clear, give me to drink of its kind. I conjure thee, moon, clear, satiate me with their charms. I conjure thee, bush of juniper, shared with me the power of passionate! Let happening volshba three nights, three days, and on the third day they shall all come true, do not force women to cool. My word hard, so be it. Amen.

In the morning pour the brew into an enamel bowl, bring to a boil, reduce heat and tomite under the cover of fifteen minutes. Take half a cup three times daily before meals.

Magic levzei. We need a root levzei (also known popularly maral root). 100 g of fresh root or 30 g of dried thoroughly chop, saying:

Blood of the earth and the salt of the earth, root force put on a firm potion created. My word hard, so be it. Amen!

Put the powder into a glass jar, pour 1 / 2 liters of vodka and put in a dark place for 45 days.

Drink a teaspoon of the drug three times daily before meals (the last time to drink no later than four hours before bedtime). This potion should be longer: 56 days. Getting on the growing moon and end up taking on the new moon. Then make a break for 28 days - and if necessary repeat the course.

We modern women have forgotten the great art of flirting. We have forgotten how to seduce, lost their taste for the love affair, which for centuries served as a source of delightful experiences for both men and women. Let us recall the rules of this fascinating game that fills the life with happiness!
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