Magical traditions of the New Year
We love the New Year. Carefully to prepare for it, trying to bring some kind of idyllic celebration. But what we know about how, when, as he appeared, this holiday? And what were its original tradition? Are all the signs are known to us?
New Year - is the oldest celebration of all the existing parties. In ancient Egypt, the new year was celebrated during the flood of the river Nile. This is about the end of September. Floods was important because only through him in the desert would grow grain. It was at this party at the boat, were placed statues of the god Amun, his wife and their son, and allowed the water. The boat sailed for a month, while the Egyptians were accompanied by the act of singing and dancing. We can say that we're a bit behind those nations, as celebrate nothing at all.
The ancient Romans before Christ began to celebrate the new year. They celebrated his first in March, at the beginning and then when Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar began to celebrate the first day of January. Interestingly, the month of January is named after the Roman god Janus (two-faced). One face of Janus was called, as it were back to the past, the second to the new, in the future. During the celebration people decorated the house and gave each other gifts and coins with the image of Janus. Slaves and their owners joined the tables in this holiday. There is even a legend that Julius Caesar gave one of his slave freedom only for the fact that he wished this year he lived longer than the previous year. Cunning have always been.
Ancient Babylon differed celebrating the fact that its king, on the celebration of leaving town. That's the same people having fun! But at the expiration of the idle days of the king and his retinue returned, and people began anew his work. So it turns out that every year, people began to live again.
The Celts celebrated the New Year at the end of October. They, too, was full of their customs. For some, they are our ancestors. For example, they decorated the house the mistletoe, which would expel evil spirits. They believed that New Year's Eve to the spirits of the dead are alive. We decorate our Christmas tree at home. About her explain later. As a gift from the Celts were jewels and gold. Husbands, gave the new year to their wives money on pins and all sorts of gadgets. True to 1810, this tradition has been lost, although the term "pin money" (money for the pins) is still used by us, and means "pocket money".
In ancient times a new year often associated with spring. This indicated the beginning of the rebirth of nature, the expectations of the new crop. Therefore, Russia celebrated the new year on March 1. In the 14 th century, the Moscow church decided to collect the new year is September 1, according to the Greek calendar. But already in 1699, Peter returned from a trip to Europe, issued an edict: henceforth the summer to run from January 1.
Girls cleaning your December 31, grounded carefully under the table. If you come across a cereal grain, it meant an early marriage. And what would the whole year were new clothes, January 1, wore the best and several times a day dressed. The second of January farmers committing ritual - Ward home. It is from this tradition is gone: if the man happened to something in the new year, same thing will happen to him all twelve months. And they believed that it is not necessary to do the hard and dirty work - otherwise the whole year would be a grave work without rest. And, contrary to our belief, they asserted: not repay - the whole year will pay off.
A special place in people's beliefs is a symbol of the new year - fir. Every year we decorate it my apartment, but do not know why. But the ancients believed that its thorny branches this tree is able to ward off all evil spirits, which is New Year's Eve is a particularly bold. If spruce is not set, then the devil gets into the house and the next year will not be able to drive it. There is a Christmas legend, spruce, hid the Virgin Mary during their flight into Egypt with the Christ, for which he received a reward, to be forever green. Esoterica argue that spruce helps get rid of debris accumulated energy in the house for a year. This tree absorbs bad energy and converts it into neutral. But once the tree begins to wither and crumble, it should be taken out of the apartment, or dead trees will be re-absorbed to produce the negative.
Slavs decorated their homes with branches of other trees, too. For example: pine branches with cones will bring peace and tranquility in the family; laurel ensure success in the sciences and arts, and the palm branch of victory will bring in important affairs.
No matter what animal year comes, must be present in the interior green. Let it be fruit on the table, or just green candles that are sure to ignite. They will also help to expel negative energy out of the house.
But the basic rules, which were of ancient Slavs:
Wear something new that would take place all year in new dress;
Throw away old things, that would clean house and soul of rubbish;
New Year's Day to have fun for the entire year was joyful;
Prepare for the festive table as much as possible treats and sweets for the entire year to live in abundance;
Do not borrow money for the new year, to distribute all the debts that would no longer be in debt.
And yet it seems fun tradition, supposedly to help celebrate all cherished desires. Before you sit down at a New Year's table should be written on a sheet of all your desires. When the chimes will begin to beat, burn the paper. Ashes to pour into a glass of champagne and drink. Managed to strike the last hour? And you have not caught up with diarrhea? Hooray! Your wishes coming true.
And yet, before going to bed do 12 small cards, each one wish. Put it all under my pillow. Morning woke up, remove the three cards at random. Written on them will, without fail come true!