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Make no sudden moves

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Make no sudden moves

We strongly recommend that you do not make sudden and drastic steps towards other people. If you are a manager, before firing is not a job, the employee, explain to him his mistakes and prepare to the idea of a job change. Thus you to notify its intentions not only of the man himself, but his power and patronage. Similarly, if you are friends with a girl (guy), then a sharp break with not only cause stress for this man, but with a high degree of probability, the reverse "arrival" negative developments in relation to you. This is very easy to do even at the level of energy - thrown by a man probably will feel towards you is not happy emotions. Most likely, it will send you a wave of negative emotional energy, and this is what is popularly called the "evil eye".

And well, if you have a strong intrinsic power (ie you're not worried about what happened) and this negative flow to you will not stick. This happens not always, so it beforehand somehow inform another party about your intentions. And then destroy your "light" image in the eyes before a loved one (demonstrate any negative its qualities - greed, cynicism - or naeshtes garlic, etc.). Then the gap will happen naturally, without negative consequences for both sides.

When you take any drastic and unexpected actions to someone else, then that's what happens. You, you with the usual arrogance, considering that person as an individual with hands, legs, head - that's all. This person does wrong with your point of view of things, and you are taking the necessary measures seem to you. In fact, everyone, even the bad (in your opinion) the person is associated with many invisible threads egregors - religion, family, work, hobbies (drinking, sex, etc.). All his actions are the result of the agreed (or not so) the action of this set egregores. Accordingly, each of egregores builds its own plan for how he will manage this person in the future.
When you are suddenly taking their action to interfere in these relationships, pulls or cuts off completely alone, make the "sag" other, etc. Thus, you irritate all egregores, which interacted with this person, because suddenly invaded and disrupted their plans. Most egregores, especially those who have lost contact with this man, with unconcealed displeasure, will you look for, how would they get enough troublesome intruder of their plans - that is, you. And the opportunity to make etou them quite large.

Most of you will easily recall instances of such a sharp break in relations with another person. And probably a little later in your life there were some problems that you are not connected with the rupture occurred. Now you have the opportunity to return to the memory of such events and try to understand them in terms of the above approach. Most likely, you'll find such links. Therefore, we kindly ask you not to forget the sixth principle in the organization of your relationship with others, regardless of what a relationship - personal, job, random, etc. Clearly, all these arguments apply to yourself. Do not make sudden moves and respect for oneself, because thus you will upset plans egregores for you.
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